Your Most Expensive And Least Expensive Every Day Carry PISTOL.

My least expensive is a Feg PA-63. Lately, I've carried a near pristine S&W M1917 a few times but that'll end when I hang up my coat for the warm weather or get over the joy that comes from actually owning one. By then, it'll be sweltering and I'll be back with the P3AT in my pocket. I usually go with what works and the Feg and the P3AT will do the job.

I must admit that it is a kinda cool feeling, though, having a .45 ACP N-frame on hand. It is one heavy sucker.
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most expensive EDC M&P 340CT, least expensive Charter Bulldog.
Most expensive gun ever carried Kimber CDP least Cobra Derringer.
Well, I only have three "everyday carry pistols". The Springfield Professional would be the most expensive and the S&W 432PD would be the least...
I only have 3 carry guns in my rotation.

Most: S&W SW1911PD Commander w/factory laser grips

Middle: HK P2000SK

Least: Ruger LCP
Mine are #1 my S&W 340PD BUG with Crimson Trace Grips followed by
#2 my Sig 226 Carry Gun with Crimson Trace Grips
Least expensive was a High Standard double action 22Mag double barrel derringer for 45.00 that I carried as a BUG years ago.
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Most expensive:
Either my Kimber UCII with a bunch of work done, or my S&W M-25-5 in .45LC with a bunch of work done. Each is valued around $1000.

Least expensive:
My Kahr PM9, P45 or S&W M-25-2 in .45acp; each is valued around $500.

I have absolute faith in each. Which one accompanies me each day is a function of Texas weather and resulting choice of clothing.
My every day pistols are a PF-9 and a P-3AT, depending on how I have to dress for that days temperatures. Both cost just slightly more than $200 when I bought them. Money was not the issue with either - size and weight were my main concerns.
My most expensive everyday carry gun is my 1911 Sig C3 which I carry most days in the winter. In the summer, I rotate a bit more but often carry a Bersa .380 and it would be my least expensive.