your handgun as impact weapon

It's been interesting to see some posters refer to this topic in the context of a beating, or a "pistol whipping", a "face slap", etc., what is sometimes required is a move that regains the element of surprise. A boxer uses the left jab in order to set up the right, a strike with the muzzle can have the effect of repelling an unwanted advance, moving the individual out of your line, or as stated before, regaining "tactical" ground or the surprise factor. A situation that turns from lethal force required to less than lethal force required seems to me an example of when such a strike might gain either time or distance needed to extricate one from danger.
The most respected officer I ever worked with said the "SLAP" was the most effective weapon he had. I watched him many times SLAP someone and it came to a halt. He said it inflicted pain and no marks and always got their attention. At times he'd SLAP someone and at the same time do his restraint and cuffem. Few resisted. Also any witness would swear he "only slapped him."
It was hard for a lawyer to put a bad spin on a slap, but if you hit someone with a gun I know all the buzzwords the lawyers and even the witnesses will come up with. Been there and done THAT.
Not to make this any longer than it has to be but I have indeed used the butt of my gun and the barrel end as in impact weapon against 3 quasi armed street toughs after they broke into my car and a bunch of others. When I say quasi armed two of them had sharpened screwdrivers and why I wasn't stabbed is beyond me. The only thing that happened was that I ended up partially ejecting my mag. after which the person that was on my right, his head made a great way to reinsert the mag. I ended up after all was said and done and they were arrested the front sight of my pistol had a small piece of scalp with a tiny bit of hair on it. The pistol in question was a Star FireStar w/Starvel finish in .40cal. The third one I ended up punching right in the snot locker with a very hard and fast reverse punch. You had to be there. This happened on Dec. 19th 1993 when I live in the hood. I still have the CR# somewhere. What gets me though is that I bet when all was said and done there had to be more than a dozen neighbors watching including the one who called me to tell me that 3 people were breaking into my car. A couple of things I learned from this is that if your going to go go all the way don't hesitate, do it now! The next thing is to have a good holster that allows one to reholster the weapon easily. The third thing is be totally commited to what you are about to do. Don't question yourself in the least. When you are commited make no bones about it and use any and all means at your disposal. The ages of these 3 gents was 24, 19, and 14. The 14 yr old was the actual leader or so I was told by the police. He ran a crew about 5 blocks from where I lived. The police said that he and his crew were trying to strong arm a dry cleaner around the corner. Who would have believed that. The big thing that helped me outside of adrenalin is that all 3 were stadium jackets with hoods. They twisted up nicely. Anyways keep'em sharp!