I voted for the G32, but I could just have well voted the G19. Both for the following reasons:
1. Capacity to weight ratio: excellent.
2. Carry-a-bility: that grip-handle is long enough for the three-fingers, but not so long that it make the firearm difficult to conceal or that the handle bangs up against the car seat.
3. Price: reasonable.
4. Availability of hoslters: SERPA / CompTac: both readily available and resonable price.
I voted for the G32, but I could just have well voted the G19. Both for the following reasons:
1. Capacity to weight ratio: excellent.
2. Carry-a-bility: that grip-handle is long enough for the three-fingers, but not so long that it make the firearm difficult to conceal or that the handle bangs up against the car seat.
3. Price: reasonable.
4. Availability of hoslters: SERPA / CompTac: both readily available and resonable price.