Your Carry Gun Ever Been Spotted?

Yep, I was at the dog park years ago and was sitting there talking to a very pleasant young lady who turned out to be a veternarian (spelling is wrong and I'm too lazy to look it up right now).

We were having a discussion on canine health issues when she reached over and tapped the butt of my S&W revolver, which I was pocket carrying. It was slipping out of shorts.

I simply pushed it back into my pocket and smiled.

She smiled back, opened her fanny pack, and showed me the Walther PPK she was carrying.

Turns out she started carrying when someone tried to rob the pharmacy at the vet clinic where she was working.

I tried to get a date... and she shot me down. :(
Not to my knowledge, no one has ever said anything if I had but here in Ohio there is no law against printing and open carry is legal but can be troublesome because the police have to investigate any incoming call for "man with a gun" or so I'm told..
We also have to notify a LEO if we are stopped for LE reasons..Whether in a car or not..

Wife and I have been carrying since 2004 when Ohio carry law went into effect..

the only one that ever spotted it was the 5 year old son of my cousin. I think its because his head is at that same level. He asked me if it was a gun and I handed him an Oreo cookie from the table and he forgot about it with out needing an answer from me.
Nope as far as I know no ones ever spotter either my PPS or S&W 640. Both are carried appendix iwb. Jeans and a t-shirt. And flip-flops! :cool:
Sure, mine's been seen. I carried for some years before concealed carry became the latest "thing", so I'm sure some saw it on my hip while carrying openly.

No one ever seemed to care here in Az.

While carrying concealed? Nope. Or, not when anyone said anything.

I don't think anyone has noticed. I have not gotten any comments. I used to carry an XD9 in a IWB and my wife wouldn't really know until she either sat in the girlfriend seat of the truck or went to hug me. Now with the pocket auto I carry I think the odds of someone spotting it are slim to none. Even if they do see a bulge I am pretty sure they will just think it is a phone ore wallet.
I had my Charter Arms .38 in a leather belt holster, covered by a T-shirt. I went to a movie and after sitting in my seat for a few minutes before the movie started, an usher came up to me. I can't remember if it was a guy or gal but they asked me what I had under my shirt. I really didn't think it was obvious but someone surely did.
I think this has happened to me more than once over the years but while I was in public, hugging and/or picking up my daughters when they were young, they would comment out-loud about me wearing my "gun". Strange looks from the public when that happened.
Once or twice.

I'm a 155 lbs guy (not very big) so my Glock 23 prints when I wear a tighter fitting shirt. This girl who works at Wawa once turned to her coworker and said "that guy in the white shirt has a gun".

Unlike a lot of people, I don't really care that much if people know I'm carrying.

In fact, during the colder months, I'll sometimes open carry and simply throw a coat over it. People have definitely noticed. One guy, coincidentally at the same Wawa, gave me the bulging eyes look and walked out. Funny stuff.
I just thought of another time I may have been "made". My wife and I went to a Target store to get something. When I got out of the car I didn't realize that my shirt had rode up exposing the lower part of my holster and Glock 22.

As I was pulling my shirt down, some lady gave me the wide eyed look and quickly walked into the store. I assume she saw it but she didn't care enough to tell store security or call the cops. I carry legally but that would have been a hassle regardless.
Here in the Worker's Paradise of Massachusetts, inadvertently exposing your CCW, or even printing, is considered a serious offense and can (and has) led to revocation of license and confiscation of the firearm, even though there's no specific law against it. That latter constitutional detail doesn't matter, of course, in a state where our 2nd Amendment right has been redefined as a privilege and licenses are issued at the sole discretion of your local CLEO, who doesn't even have to give a reason for denial and who can cancel the license at any time for any reason.

And before you ask . . . yes, I know. I'm here because of aging parents, recently deceased, and job considerations. I'm in the process of retiring to New Hampshire, where CC licensing is no problem and open carry requires no license at all.
Coming from someone who is RELATIVELY new to carrying (compared to most of you), and who has talked about it recently with a lot of people who are 100% new:

I think a lot of people who may see your gun automatically assume you are undercover law enforcement, or some sort of government agent. You have to remember, most people's ideas about guns come from TV, and how often are civilians shown with guns on TV? How many times is the hero of the show carrying but not wearing a uniform? Think about Dexter, Fringe, CSI, etc.

I know before I was "in the know," whenever I saw someone with a handgun and no uniform, I assumed they were a police detective. I now know that OC is illegal here, so if they were OC'ing they would have to be law enforcement, but again, I'm informed now. Most people aren't.
The only people that can tell I'm carrying are my family. My wife knows what my pocket holster for my P238 looks like, and knows that if my left pocket bulges, it's not my wallet. The rest of my family knows I carry and after asking if I'm carrying enough times and getting an affirmative, they just assume now. Even when I was carrying a shoulder rig and 40 rounds of ammo, they still had to hug me to find out.
Once upon a time in Walmart

I was carrying a full size m&p 40 in a serpa holster at 2 o'clock while cashing out at walmart and the guy in line behind me said "Hey brother, are you gonna use that thing?"

I don't know for sure that he was talking about my gun, but I can't think of anything else he would have asked me that about? I played it off as though he was talking about my shopping cart...

That's the closest I've been to being made. I've been carrying now for about 2 1/2- 3 years. As said many times on this thread, I find most people to be generally oblivious. The people that seem to worry about this the most are the ones that carry.
This is not about for or against open carry, just anecdotal information. Almost every new cop out there fresh from the academy want others to know they are cops. When they check out at a grocery store, they flip out their new badge wallet, prominently display their bright and shiny new badge. They may even "accidently" show their off-duty weapon in the same instances. Just as that, some concealed carriers "accidently" show their weapons just so others can see that they are carrying for what ever reason. With experience, the newness wears off and the "accidents" don't happen so frequently.
I've been tagged twice. Both by LEOs. One is a friend from college who is an avid gun nut and armorer. The other was the wife's cousin who's local SWAT and he and I were bent over the front end of a Camaro we were trying to fix and both of us had our guns exposed. Him with his Glock 27 and me with my Glock 19.