You Never Know How You Will React -

I really hate tweakers!

Glad you and yours are all OK. I really hope that the guys threat that he was going to kill you and your family made it into the police report.

I will say that my life has been threatened similarly, all I can say is; If I ever see this person again, I am going assume that he's here to make good on it, I take threats on my life very seriously. That in itself is not justification to use deadly force, but his mere presence will not be tolerated one bit.
After a bit - my thought was this.
They were so cranked up on meth and whatever else --
They may have not remember saying it or why - they had no reason.
Still - If an adult says it -- it serious.
Very serious.
LE seemed to take it very lightly :(
No follow up at all after they took my written report.
I was very disappointed.
Never a contact until after the court appearance and sentencing.
That by mail and a month after the fact :(
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They knew and meant what they said. If they happen to see you somewhere, or are in the area and recognize your house, drug-addled punks can decide to get even on a whim.
^ Well did you read what he encountered and what they said to him??

I don't know about you but it sounds to me like that situation could have turned even worse, really fast. If I were the OP, I would have felt much better if I had stuffed that BHP in my waist before going outside, even if it would have just stayed there and not been used.

OP, thank you so much for sharing this story. I am sure you won't make the same mistake again and you are helping others out there who might end up in your same situation. :)
Are you aware of changes ? A nearby county has had a 500% increase in crime in two years !! Drugs for the most part !:mad:
With the rare crime of passion or rage outstanding --

It seems all other violent crime in North Florida is drug related.
The huge majority of it.

Most home invasions are druggies robbing drug dealers.
Most violent robberies are to procure drug money.
I don't know about you but it sounds to me like that situation could have turned even worse, really fast. If I were the OP, I would have felt much better if I had stuffed that BHP in my waist before going outside, even if it would have just stayed there and not been used.
I flat out blame this forum for that.
With the never ending argument between the virtues of 9mm verses .45 -
I couldn't decide which one to take the BHP or 1911 :)
Took none instead of both :(

Seriously I did take one into the garage. Can't remember which one lol.
But they had run away by then after hearing "dad get your gun".
When they threatened to kill me and my family 25 minutes later in the driveway -
I was unarmed as I was expecting only the way past due deputies.
I didn't have a CWP then and felt uncomfortable meeting them armed.
First off. Glad it worked out for you.
Next is you say it won't ever happen again. Say something similar did happen or should probably be when it's happens again, how will you react the next time. What would you do different ?
Next is after the police took awhile - don't ever put yourself in that predicament again by #1 leaving the safety of your house and #2 being unarmed again. If the police were lost dispatch will call back and ask more details or have you turn on porch light or etc.... Stay inside your house armed until police knock.
And don't always think time with regards to pay someone back is always a good thing. Just saying. If something happened to you, family or house soon after yes everyone assumes meth heads retaliated and they're brung in for questioning but say 3 or 5 or more years go by and they something happens to same. Police or yourself or anybody else will say, them dang meth heads did exactly what they said they would do. All I'm saying is nothing is in stone about anything. Always be prepared and prepare your loved ones. And threats after a week or so from a meth head are probably just blowing smoke but again nothing is for certain.
Never said it couldn't happen again.
I will never assume that now.
A lot of lessons learned.
One shocker was it took 25 minutes for LE to get there after the 911 call.
I will never have faith in a 911 call again.
Or assume safety in a 'good neighborhood ".
Yep don't ever rely on anyone to make things right. Be prepared yourself and call 911 for they take over when they arrive. Whether that be 2 minutes or 2 hours. Take care of you and yours.
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Now I understand why my daughter asked for long arm!

So I gifted her a A5 with slug barrel.

Took her to a "open to public" club range and had her put two boxes of AA Super Sport (1300fps) shell thru it. SHE liked it, especially with some reduced recoil buckshot shells.

Also gives me a firearm for hunting.