You Never Know How You Will React -

Jim, you don't happen to live around Ponte Vedra do you? Sadly enough, I get a lot of the "it'll never happen in a nice neighborhood like this one" when talking guns with my Ponte Vedra friends.

Glad everything worked out alright. Meth Heads are not known to be the first predictable group so I am glad things turned out the way they did for you. Did the event and your reaction give you a reason to think about why you own guns and what to use them for?
I live West of you in what used to be Switzerland.
Both our areas have seen some increase in violent crime lately - although relative.
And yea - let someone tell you they are gonna kill yourfamily --
Firearms are not just for fun anymore -
Truth is I got complacent up here.
I was never on alert in my home.
I was traveling however -
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My girlfriend lives in that area in the big neighborhood that might as well be a small township -- you know the one that I'm talking about.

She was woken up one morning at about 4:30 to loud pops. SWAT members had arrived at somebody's house with a warrant and he boarded up most of the windows so they were popping tear gas grenades in. Other things that have happened within a half mile radius of her including a "suicide" of 7 bullets to the chest (you figure that one out), a double murder, a friend of hers who fought off a rapist on the way to visit her at work etc. It's a very nice area but crime is deceptively high. Apparently heroin is common too, largely with the kids who have access to lots of money and are in a rebellious phase.

Familiar ranting aside, that's the reason I hate the "nice neighborhood" mentality. Crime happens for many reasons, and poverty is only some of them.

Looking at it again, do you think pursuing them was the right idea, even if you had had your guns? Theory tells me that, in that situation, I would get my son to a safe area (at least in a bedroom behind a locked door) and wait with guns ready for the police to get there. Even with a gun, I think it makes the most sense not to confront.

Not that I'm above getting caught in the moment and doing something similar, I'm just curious what you think now.
I never pursued them nor would I.

Jimmy's friends were in the garage with them so I had to go out.
They were running out when I got there armed.

I stayed in the house with the kids for 20 minutes.
When the cops never showed in that time I thought they were lost looking for my house.

That's when I went out in my driveway looking for them.
--- and the meth heads came back and threatened me.

And yea if you read the news - both our areas now have problems.

My little wee idealic home town of Vernon, CT had violent crime in the 60s when I was a kid.

It is everywhere.

Oh, now I have a clearer understanding of what happened.

Anyways, police time can be abysmal. Just another reason to stay armed and ready. Everybody turned out fine in this case, so no reason to beat yourself up over anything that did or didn't happen. Just another learning experience for all of us.
There seemed to be a strong element of you didn't believe that it could happen to you in your story.
One of my primary goals in trying to cultivate a useful mindset is trying to eradicate all traces of the "I can't believe it could happen/is happening to me." attitude that I see echoed on news interviews so frequently.

I figure that being able to short circuit the delay and other issues associated with that attitude will be a tremendous advantage in any violent or potentially violent encounter.

I don't try to walk around EXPECTING bad things to happen at any minute, but I DO try to constantly keep my mind open to the possibility that something bad might happen.
Yep you never say that don't happen around here . I am surounded by moutains and farm land and have had meth heads or drunks out looking for somthing to steal give me a problem before on a couple of occasions . One bunch loaded up a neibors lawn mower and I saw enough to call the police and a officer asked me why I didn't mark that truck with some bullet holes . I told him I would be in more trouble than the thieves . At the time he said there would be questions but we would help you with them . I don't think that would have went to well .
My Son had that Dad will fix it attitude, till he moved into the USA from Canada, at age 26.

I live 1000m as the crow fly's from his house now. He is 54 YOA, and his new (4 years) Wife has given him 2 wee monsters! The most beautiful children, Girl 3, boy, 20 months.

Guess who gets to baby sit a lot? Christopher sits in his cot, when Baby sitting at my Sons House, going down for his afternoon two hour nap, and I sit in a rocking chair, reading. He goes in a zone! Watches me, after a while, flops down with his wee blue blanket, and goes to sleep.

You wonder what their little brain is mulling over?

My Wife of 21 years, is not his Mum, but goes by Grammy, me I am Poppa.

I just know that anyone tries to hurt one of these angels! The results would not be good for them.
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Don't feel bad. I might have reacted the same way if your son is used to goofing off. I'm pretty sure that you could tell in his tone of voice and he demeanor that he was serious though. It is a good thing that you had your guns handy.

I do not leave any guns readily accessible in the house since I have young children. I have a quick access gun safe in one closet and a shotgun high up in another closet.

I strongly suggest you invest in a camera system and an alarm since the meth heads know where you live. If you haven't taught your son to shoot and he is mature enough to handle it, make sure to teach him. Lord knows we have enough crazies in Florida!
The whole of our mind set, that tends to think "That can not happen here" is proved so wrong when you read of these incident's.

I think we all have to reevaluate what we consider is safe, or not safe. As most here know, I spent 5 years in Liverpool UK, (A large sea port) 1960 to 1965, as a part time Bouncer, 7pm till 11pm, Thursday Fri. Sat. Needed the cash, young family, Wife was a stay at home Mum.

The skill set that develops, in this environment, tends to lend it's self to instant, aggressive action.
That has stayed with me, for all of my life (Now 78yoa)

But Florida to me, is a very laid back non violent place to live. I know, despite story's of this nature.

So you would think that complacently would set in? But it never has, heads up, be diligent is with me, always. My Wife of 21 years has benefitted by me, and my attitude (She calls me a Liverpool hooligan!) and sees things, that apparently, friends Wives do not see.

Now living in the Land of the Free, the Gunshine State, and carrying every day (and night) we all must realize that, if it has happened anywhere, it can happen here!
About 33 years ago when I was a teenager I came home late from a party. No one at home was awake and I sat down inside on a bench that was surrounded by bay windows that had an AC unit in one of them. I turned on the television, the late night creature feature show was on and showing a zombie movie.

It had been a fun party, and I was buzzed. So when I first noticed the glowing ember of a cigarette in the window next to me I assumed that it was mine... and then I realized that I wasn't smoking. And then I saw the window frame above the AC unit next to me moving.

Long story short I ended up grabbing a baseball bat, turning on the back porch light, and running out to confront a guy who was so wasted that despite my threats he kept coming at me. And here I was, a wasted teenager who had been watching a zombie movie when it all started.

So I ran inside, locked the door, and flew upstairs into my parent's bedroom. My father was dead asleep. He reacted first to the beer and whatnot on my breath. I had to pull him out of bed, and he was mad at me. But he called the cops.

They showed up ten or fifteen minutes later. I spent that time getting my butt handed to me. But when I took them to the AC unit from the yard they found the pry bar the guy was using, and the deep footprints that he left while leveraging his weight to open the window.

I love my dad. But I'm still mad that he reacted in anger towards me instead of listening to me.
I sincerely hope every day that " It never happens here."
However, the certain knowledge that it can is the reason I choose to be armed. IMO being unable to protect yourself, family, and friends from a potentially lethal encounter is utterly irresponsible and unacceptable.
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Well, in 10 minutes or so, I am off out for a big container of Noodles, from Pie Wii? $9.00, add some roasted peppers, meal for two!

Done this every couple of weeks for a couple of years! Never any problems, so I should leave my Glock 19 at home, yes? NO!! If SXXX is going to happen, it will wait till your EDC is sitting on the bedside table!

And you are walking out of a store, plastic bag in one hand, car key (plastic block!) in the other. Little bit of safety built in!

A young male, who seemed to be near an other vehicle, turned with a knife in his hand, "Give me the keys Pop!"
Jim567 wrote:

I have been wanting to tell this story for some time, its bizarre.

It was a Friday night. .....

The two with a public defender plead to " burglary of an UNOCCUPIED dwelling ".

The one with a private attorney got clean off. The prosecutor never contacted me!!!

I was plenty upset. No one ever told me they were going to kill my family before.

All I could do was visit the various law enforcement who lived in the neighborhood and ask them to be aware.



I'm not trying to fear monger! BUT Just saying

Based on their actions and words -

I get a feeling that there's a good chance it NOT over!
Lol. RS I could strangle you :)
No sooner did I send the above post my dog goes ballistic at the front door!
It's good to have a dog again :)
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