You just can't win...


Thanks for the welcome! It's nice to be recognized every now and then. Actually, ipecac is the name of my boat, but it works well for an online identity since no one else ever choses it. ;)

"The only good bureaucrat is one with pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it's goodbye to the Bill of Rights." H.L. Mencken
Coinneach read your site, don't agree with everything 100%, but as mentioned before everyone is entitled to their own 2 cents worth. But anyway nice site.
On cats, I don't like or dislike them,it's my 3 dogs that can't stand them, after living next door to 3 cats you would think that my 3 dogs would learn that the cats are not fazed at all by all that snarling and barking....
Now rats and snakes, I'll shoot in a heart beat!!!!

Justice for one,Justice for all.
I know this it totally off the subject, but I gotta say it.

you are not alone in killing snakes on sight, so don't take this personal. Snakes are a vital part of the eco-system. Most are completely harmless and even the poisonous ones would much rather flee than mess with a human. The vast majority of snake bites are the result of failure by humans to watch where they step of more often human foolishness for messing with the snake when they should have left them alone. In all my years of roaming the woods, I have run into my share of snakes and have never yet found it nessesary to kill one. No, I'm not really a snake lover. I just hate to see an animal killed out of an irrational fear. Snakes seem to trigger a natural fear reflex in humans and many people's first reaction is "KILL IT!". However the snakes role in the eco-system is just as important as any other harmless animal. So watch where you step and if you run across a snake, watch, study or admire if you like, but leave him in peace.

Sorry about the off topic rant.

When in the outdoors remember that you are a guest in the animals home, have the courtesy to be a pleasant visitor.
Coinneach: Gee, Guy, don't beat around the bush! Tell folks what you REALLY think!

I almost hate to say it, but I just didn't really find myself offended. A few minor disagreements, but so what?

One minor--to me--quibble: I agree with you about cats, insofar as pets--and dogs. However, I've passed up some fairly nice deer in order to dispose of feral cats. And I'll kill all I can of a pack of feral dogs. A datum from Outdoor Life: A Wisconsin study estimated that feral cats each kill about 100 songbirds per year. Game biologists estimated a feral housecat population in Wisconsin of One Million! Even if they're off by a factor of ten, it's way too many!

Anyway, welcome!