You just can't win...









Well, I guess I fit 4 out of 8, and am undecided on 1.

Does that make me atypical? :D (Now I gotta put my feathers back in place...NOT!) ;)


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

> Just drop the I and the E from "Coinneach" to achieve a reasonable facsimile of the original pronunciation. <

As in Harry ..., Jr.?
Accent on the second syllable, but otherwise, that's close enough.

"Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est." --Lucius Annaeus Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD)
Yup, I'm a Christian, that you aren't doesn't bother me. Jesus wasn't a Christian either.

I'm Independant leaning very heavally to Libertarian

Anti-Abortion Yes I am. Lets secure the Constitution first then we can argue over that.

I have a Cat and a Dog.

Most Politicans are abhorent to me, pro or anti gun, you take what you can get.

All new parties have to start at the local level. Then they can build a base to move up.

Me either. If we vote against each other then we both lose the most important fight.

My friend you didn't even get my feathers warm.
I read all the stuff, including the "rant". Now will someone kindly tell me what in hell religion, race, sex, or views on anything else has to do with our views on guns. Sure, reasonable people will often have to make choices in voting. It is the politicians who have narrow little minds and feel they have to march in lockstep to some left or right wing philosophy and hate everyone who disagrees with them.

Why should intelligent people behave like politicians?

[This message has been edited by Jim Keenan (edited March 24, 1999).]
Jim, you've just summed up the main problem with representative democracy. The people we elect to represent us only do so in a few areas.

My point was that I can't support someone who represents one of my interests, and stands for the diametric opposite of my other interests, and that pro-gun politicritters tend to be that way.

"Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est." --Lucius Annaeus Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD)
Coinneach, is that the best you can do? I spend most of my online time (before I discovered this place and bladeforums, anyway) debating neo-nazis, white nationalists, white separatists, Identity Christians, Creators, revisionists, ad nauseum. Hell, you're practically brother material.

I'm also not Christian, consider myself agnostic, but I am pro-life. So I know what you're talking about to a certain extent, because everyone who disagrees with me tends to start by telling me not to believe everything I read in the Bible :) and I tend to get funny looks from other lifers when they find out I don't want to come to their prayer sessions.
I've been meaning to ask someone about that cat-shooting thing too. I don't really like cats that much, but if you shoot somebody's pet that puts you pretty low on the ladder as far as I'm concerned. If I were an anti, no one who admitted to shooting cats off porches could change my mind.
Gwinny -

Sorry, bud, I'm not much of a debater. Loudly proclaiming my opinions without regard for others is my forte :).

"Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est." --Lucius Annaeus Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD)
You guys think your in a bind.

I am Christian, but I am also pro-lifeand believe in evolution.
I'm registered United We Stand (Its a politcal statement about the need for a 3rd party)
I am a dog person, but understand the need for cats and hate to see things die needlessly. plus, I'm pro-gun and chinese
do you know how hard it is to find people that I agree with me on most even half of my positions?
most christians by training are anti-abortion creationists. Most chinese people don't run for office (except matt fong he had the chinese and the gun part right). and most dog people don't understand that cats have feelings too.
The only good thing about my believes that on of my hobbies to to make people mad and argue with them. this makes it a lot easier
On cats...they are not family, but people's treatment of them is a good lithmus test for how they might treat me. No wonder I dislike the Kitten Stompers Club aka...just a sec, some guys in black at the door..blam!

:) :) ;)
What an amazing, intriguing mish-mash of diverse (pardon the lib-speak), schizoid humanity an other interesting life forms we have assembled here. All this tolerance and stuff is kind of heartening. I was cruising another gun site where TFL was dissed as 'too PC'. HA! Nothing wrong with a little civility mixed in with the discord. I'd buy a round for the house if this were IRL, with a wish to everyone's good health, good fortune, free thoughts and free speech, may ye all ride hard and shoot straight. m2
Mike in VA: Chat on another site related that TFL was "...too PC..."? You gotta be s*&$$!?g me!! Who's running it, Attila the Hun?
FWIW, I regularly cruise,, and here. I was able to search Guns and the only reference to TFL/thefiringline was some posts I put there regarding FOUP, so I guess it musta been at Shooters about a week or so ago. There are a lot of nice & knowledgeable folks there, but it is loosely moderated and very prone to flame wars (a cyber protologist could do well -). It wasn't much of a gibe, and if you consider the source (don't recall the handle, but was underwhelmed by the blather coefficient), it was no biggie. M2

Reading your post and following the thread I went to your "Rant Page". Yes... you HAVE singed MY feathers and I am EXTREMLY OFFENDED

Col Cooper put it so eliquently and I've added to it. Here it is, NO HOLDS BARRED PLAIN & SIMPLE....

There is a tendency to refer to shooters as "gunnies" or "gunners". We would like to point out that the term "gunnie" implies the rank of Gunnery Sergeant and the term "gunner" implies the rank of Warrent Officer (in a Combat Arms Occupation Field), United States Marine Corps. We are all shooters, but few can aspire to the title of Gunnie and fewer still to Gunner!

With the other stuff... I HEAR YA. ;)

OH... and whats wrong with South Park?

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by David Schmidbauer (edited March 25, 1999).]

I cry your pardon :). But then, whaddaya expect from a Zoomie?

Re South Park: Nothing, except that people think they're being clever by comparing me to Kenny. Sheesh.

"Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."
(The sword does not kill; it is a tool in the hands of the killer.)
--Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD)
I originally checked this thread right after the original rant was deleated and thought that was the end of it. Boy, was I wrong! I just came back to it. Seems I've missed all the fun.

I read your stuff and no, it wouldn't have offended me. While our views aren't in total aggrement, there's not enough difference to worry about. Feel free to express your views, if somebody doesn't like it they'll let you know. ;)

BTW: I'm a dog person. Truth is that cats don't like me! No, I don't shoot them, but I do practice the occasional drop kick. ;)
I'm right with on your rant all the way up to where you say you can't "waste" your vote on people who can't win. I wonder how many said that about Jesse Ventura? That's why Libertarians and Reform party folks don't win, because so many look at it as wasting their vote. I can't think of a bigger waste than to vote for somebody who doesn't really represent your views at all, but is willing to act the part during the campaign, ie, the Republicans. I find it easier to sleep at night knowing I voted my conscience and not for the lesser of two evils; then again, I think that the only reason they let us vote any more is because the gov't knows it doesn't make any difference.

Let's hope I'm wrong.

"The only good bureaucrat is one with pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it's goodbye to the Bill of Rights."
Gee, I hope the folks have welcomed you to The Firing Line (known among
the “in” crowd as TFL). Eventually maybe we can go to a first name basis
and call you “Syrup”. My medical friend AC (activated charcoal) is a good
working guy but has a gritty demeanor and absolutely horrible taste,
especially in his other choice of friends. His rather base friend, Sorbitol,
goes through most folks like grease through a goose. And he’s just a little
I sure hope you will like TFL. There are lots of us in the medical field (to
some extent or another) and I don’t think you will make anybody here
Here’s hoping we never have to meet professionally (I’m an EMT).

Read your rant and visited your site. I agree with about half of what you say.

When I was young and dumb, I detested politics and politicians in general. I didn't even see the need to vote. Now that I am older and wiser, I have come to realize that the personal freedom (and wealth) we all enjoy in this country is somewhat unique on this planet. We owe a lot of that to the very people we so harshly criticize. The "politicians", both past and present. Don't get me wrong, I still think politics and politicians (in general) suck.

For you cat lovers, go back and read the posts in the handgun section under "Fire Arms Follies". I think you will find the posts are nothing more than a couple of incidents where cats became victims of really bad decisions and/or stupid behavior. Even though I detest the little hairballs, I would never advocate the indiscriminate killing of someone's pet under any circumstance. However, when I recall the look on my training officer's face when he blew the dispatcher's cat through the window with his .41 magnum, I can not help but to chuckle just a little bit.
I posted the item about the Sheriff's deputy shooting the cat off a porch. I did not do it and would not have done so. If I offended any one with the story, I am sorry. I like cats and had one for most of his 20 year life. Before I retired from police work I had to destroy many more dogs than I did cats and I hated to have to do it, either animal.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum