You just can't win...


Staff Alumnus
Rant deleted. Sorry if I singed anyone's feathers :)

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited March 23, 1999).]
There, there, lad, I'm with you.

Rant deleted in the same spirit. No apologies asked or given.

Time for a cold one, to a better day tomorrow, I'll hoist one to yer health at McKeever's Pub in McLean, VA, this evening

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited March 23, 1999).]
Coinneach, I agree wholeheartedly - I won't get into my personal beliefs here, but if and when we meet (hell, we're only an hour or so apart - let's go to the range sometime!) I think we'd get along great. I have become a single-issue voter, as much as that sometimes goes against the grain of my character in some other ways. My true right to protest is gone when my means to protect myself from tyranny is gone. I now vote, every single election. I'll protest vote only when it doesn't hurt a Second Amendment supporter who stands a reasonable chance of winning.
You, sir, are a gentleman and scholar. You get the TFL Member of the Month Award....our sincere thanks.

For those of you scratching your heads, it seems Coinneach posted an intelligent statement of his position regarding politicians who support a specific side of "that sensitive issue". I emailed him and asked him to rethink his post. He responded by deleting his comments in their entirety.

I regret this as the general point was well taken. However, I truly appreciate his cooperation. Thanks again, Coinneach. I don't know about singing feathers, but I was definitely reaching for the Tums! :) :)

Me too. I seem to miss the really radical stuff - like, I mean, what was that gnarly bit about Rob being naked and jumping over a fence or something? Boy, am I disappointed.
Damn! I missed it too!

Coinneach, maybe you should email a copy of the original rant to those who ask to see it. If I ask for it and it ruffles my feathers, that's my problem!

Also, if anyone knows the story of the naked fence-leaping, I was truly chagrined to find that deleted. Email me, please.
Oh, Jeff! An opening like that just boggles the mind!!!! (Betcha they lock this one soon. chuckle, chuckle, and a chortle, too!)
Damn, us new guys always miss the tasty stuff. Whats this talk of nakedness? I can see the cursor movin` toward the LOCK TOPIC myself. :)
OK, for them what asked, I've posted the rant <a href="">here</a>. Realize, though, that I pulled no punches in it, so it's likely to offend ;).

"An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil
is not overcome by fleeing from it." -- Col. Jeff Cooper
OK- Answers to all questions.

We have no intention of locking this thread...I see it as good clean fun.

Rob jumping naked over the fence happened before he got married...seems there was an angry husband in the picture :).

Coinneach...*brilliant* compromise. Thanks again.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited March 24, 1999).]
Well, a large portion of the population (not on TFL, just in general) seems to suffer from sub-micronic epidermal syndrome :).

"An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil
is not overcome by fleeing from it." -- Col. Jeff Cooper
Coinneach - I'm glad you reposted your "rantings" even if in a round about way. I see absolutely nothing wrong with what you say. However, I wouldn't describe them that way since ranting usually doesn't have any serious thought process behind it.
Coinneach: You have a supporter in me. That certainly was no rant. Indeed, I wonder if it couldn't actually be addressed in some way...
Coinneach, read your musings, then visited your site. No ruffles here at all! You're a thinking human being and you have the right to your thoughts and opinions. If someone doesn't like them, well, you know. While I don't agree with everything you may believe in, we have the same basic core beliefs, part of which is shared at TFL. If we ever met to go shooting, I'd promise not to try to nail sandals to your feet if you don't try to shave my head. Write on.


Detroit Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Scoiety
If we’re only having good clean fun, then we lowly members aren’t doing our job
right! Although by explaining Rob’s plight, you could be accused of putting
out fires with gasoline. :)

Good thing the offended husband was not into guns as much as you, huh?
Hmmm, hope the fence wasn’t razor wire. Gadzooks!

Okay! We got it! It is NOT pronounced “Coin-each”. For Heaven’s sake, end the
suspense and tell us (using phonetics we poor ignorant sub-micronic epidermal
syndrome sufferers can understand) how to properly pronounce your name or we’ll
call ya, “Kenny” when we take your name in vain. (Dennis immediately dons
ankle-length helmet.)
Whew. Poor Ignorant Sub-micronic Epidermal Syndrome Sufferers shall henceforth
be Acronymed (noun serving as verb) to PISESSers. Guess how THAT’s
pronounced, heh, heh.

(I’m becoming too easily entertained. I really MUST get out more....)
Hmmm, hope the fence wasn’t razor wire.

Pardon me whilst I cringe on Rob's behalf.

For Heaven’s sake, end the
suspense and tell us how to properly pronounce your name or we’ll call ya, “Kenny” when we take your name in vain.

Sigh. That's what everyone calls me anyway. One of our local bands has the infamous "They killed Kenny!" line from South Park in their sampler/sequencer, and they cue it every freakin' time I go to their shows.

Just drop the I and the E from "Coinneach" to achieve a reasonable facsimile of the original pronunciation.

As an aside, I'd like to thank everyone who emailed me and signed my guestbook in response to this thread. You folks are about the most literate, intelligent people I've ever encountered, online or in meatspace, regardless of opinion.

(wiping the excrement from my nose...)

"Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est." --Lucius Annaeus Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD)