You ever buy a gun and were like why did I buy this gun!!!!


New member
Have you ever bought a really expensive gun and were like why did I buy that!!!! I bought an AR-10 (Daniels Defense Ambush 308) and it has no real world application. But I just had to have it because Hillary was gonna take away my right to buy one some day lol.

I already own a 300 win mag, a 30.06 and a 7.62 x 54r. Its not like I didnt have the 30 caliber covered. I could have bought 2 or 3 other guns and had more fun!!!!.

I guess I have buyers remorse. I dont even know if I will shoot it. Its been 9 months and its sat in the gun safe lol
Somewhere along the way I learned that things bought without a purpose are just toys.
Having finally outgrown the impulse for acquiring toys I no longer am tempted to buy stuff just to have them.
Impulses evaporate soon anyway.
Next time just sit down and breathe deeply until the notion goes away.
Lessons of life.
Yes, just recently in fact.

I bought a Remington Model 700 AAC-SD that I soon realized I have no use for.

It's too heavy to take hunting, and I'm not a long range shooter either, so I decided to rebarrel it into a nice 7mm08 Hunting rifle with a Shilen short chambered barrel and a better stock.

Will be sweet, but I made up most of my losses selling the threaded factory barrel to a buddy who has an SPS Tactical and I'll try selling the Hogue stock at some point and should end up ok on my Model 700 action purchase. :)
Shoot it.

Yeah you might have scratched and itch that wasn't really itchy but you're not giving the gun a fair shake without using it. Besides you scratched a really deep itch and everyone knows that a bought gun is considered a used gun and only worth 60% of value from some stores whether 100 shots or none are through it.
Ruger Charger ???

I guess I'll have to admit to one and that would be the Ruger Charger when it first came out. I'm not bashing it as I am a 10/22 fan. Got it all set up and had a bunch of fun at the range but eventually went back to shooting my 10/22 rifle. In short time, I just didn't shoot it and eventually sold it. ..... :confused:

Be Safe !!!
I bought an AR-10 (Daniels Defense Ambush 308) and it has no real world application

No, not really, since that's not a standard on which I measure the value of a gun.

However, I really like the reasoning behind your decision. :D

because Hillary was gonna take away my right to buy one
a 20 guage beretta

hunted with it once, missed alot because it was a right handed gun,didn't wantto shell out more on getting it fixed, sold it to another guy who also thought you needed a 20 gauge to hunt grouse in the north mountains (sort of a myth/stereotype)

tried to buy trap ammo for it once and realized why everybody has got a 12 gauge:D

Wouldn't mind the 20 in a combination rifle or drilling when times come thou
I refuse to answer on the grounds that I might incriminate myself. Although IF I had done such a thing, it is possible that it got traded for something else that I did have a use for or at least wanted more at the time.

I have an AR-10, and saiga .308. both are excellent hog guns, AR- 10 is also a much better weapon than 7.62x54r.

My comment below about the makerov 9x18 is because I don't like shooting it, it's uncomfortable on the hand and too heavy to conceal carry.
I just bought a Remington 870 HD. I don't really regret buying it , but it's not real fun to shoot either.

And I looked at a Daniel Defense V11 pro at the gun shop and now I want one of those!! Even though I have all my AR 15 needs more than covered.

It's a shame your rifle hasn't been fired yet. I'd take it out for a couple of sessions for you. And I won't even charge you.
Technically speaking, none of my firearms serve any purpose besides entertainment. Since I like guns, so far, they've all been entertaining.
I hunt, but not out of necessity. I can defend my home with lethal force, but have not had to nor do I expect to(nobody does, right?).
Having said all that, I've only purchased 1 firearm in my life and it definitely doesn't fall in the expensive category. I don't have the means to impulse buy expensive firearms.
An AK pistol. First shot it became obvious how impractical it was.

Luckily, someone else wanted it more than I did, and got my $$$'s back.
Expensive gun, singular?... Don't think so.

Expensive guns, plural? Yea, a bit.
I recently bought a crate of 1916 Spanish Mausers - some decent, some good only for parts. Individually, the rifles were cheap. As a group it was a nice chunk of change.
I look at them now, wondering what I was thinking.
It seemed like a good idea at the time....
There is just something about guns that makes a mature person lose control and buy when it's not really necessary. I feel like I've been a fool, myself. You have so much more to worry about with more guns...hahaha. I have realized now that the first pistol I ever bought is the only one I need and can afford to
I have had my fair share of expensive guns, but just earlier this week I was suddenly "currently winning this item" on Gunbroker and thought, "ohhh, s***... I just learned I wasn't as serious as I thought"... sometimes it feels really good to be outbid :o