Okay, I'm not going to get into a huge political discussion here, because the President Bush Haters are just like the anti gun people. No matter what you tell them, or how much you try to reason with them, they never see the light. They need something or someone to focus their hate on, and once they pick a target you might as well forget it.
I mean come on. While the President is responsible, as the head of our country, he is not the sole person responsible for the current problems in the US. This country has been going to hell for so long that its almost hard to remember anything else. People speak of the president like he's some guy who raped their sister. Its personal hate, and its not only stupid, but it shows really low intelligence on the part of those people. Oh how soon people forget how horrible other recent leaders have been. I mean how many of us have ever, ever been handed our 40 acres and a mule so to speak, by ANY administration. Get real people. This country is in sad shape
because of all these years of sissy, liberal, wishy-washyness that everyone has been buying into. No one will stand up for anything anymore, for fear of
hurting someones feelings. Let people do whatever they want or you'll offend them. And if you do DARE, I mean DARE to say something, your some horrible monster.
The FACT of the matter is, a guy like Sadaam needed to go away, period.
No matter what the reason, or the circumstances, the guy HAD TO GO.
What he was doing to those people was WRONG. It was HORRIBLE. I'd much rather die in war than be tortured out of hand by a power mad idiot for ANYTHING! But of course, it wasn't america's problem....its not OUR families being tortured and mistreated. When are people going to realize that it WAS WRONG what he was doing, and SOMEONE had to STAND UP FOR INNOCENT PEOPLE, reguardless of the reasons, or the COST. Why is that so hard to see? What if America had felt that way when the Jews were being slaughtered? Is Hitler really so different than Sadaam? What would have happened if we wouldn't have helped then? Oh, but all that is so easily forgotten. What makes this country so great, IS the freedom, in every form. But what KEEPS us great is the fact that we as a country are not afraid to do what needs to be done, no matter the cost. And before you all start flaming, I have more than a few family members over in the sand right this second, and I support and am DAMN PROUD of every one of them, and the country they serve........