Y2K Reports

We'll it's 12:25 here in Kokomo Indiana, America's heartland.

I have Electric Power (Lights to those of you west of the Mississippi), I have good phone connectivity (44,000bps, that's as good as it gets on omokoK), I have gas (Yes I have gas too, but I'm talking about the stove)

The police scanner isn't as busy as I expected. A lot of 10-55's (DUI).

Is everyone ready to admit that some people made a lot of money by scaring the unknowing..??..

I don't know who should feel the most guilt, those who promoted the hype or those who fell for it.

I expect that firearm prices will start to fall. And I'm ready to buy.
I'm on the East Coast also. Just had New Years. Everything is A-OK here so far! Not a single problem.
A monitoring system in a nuclear power plant in Japan went off-line shortly after midnight. Impact: none.

A computer system in a power company in Wisconsin went from Dec 31,1999, to Feb 14, 2000 at GMT midnight. Impact: none.
Well everything is fine down here in Cincinnati. Sure am glad things seem OK. Happy New Year folks.

BTW, RAE aka Hal, hows that Kimber doing?

The Kimber is doing fine! Any time you want to try it again, or the Hi Power just give a shout. Seems I'v got all this Y2K stash of ammo to shoot up ;)
Oh no! My computer thinks it's 1200h, Friday, January 4th, 1980! Whatever shall I do!

On second thought, why do I care what year a beige box thinks it is anyway? Maybe I'll even get around to manually changing the date some time before Y3K. Of course if I haven't gotten a new system by then, I might be just a bit perturbed...
Power, Water, Gas, and the puter all A-OK! However my auto-magic electronic gate to the enter the compound has gone breasts-up. Go figure!
Other than every red-neck with a SKS and a bottle of Jack Daniels going for the past 45 minutes all's as it should be.


If everyone thought like me, I'd be a damn fool to think any different!
Well it's year 2000 here in Texas. The power is still on. I don't know about the rest. Everything is probably fine. Like we have always said, many of the problems won't be discovered until Monday morning when people go back to work.

January 1, 2000, 0031 hours!

All is well in San Antonio, Texas, U.S. of A.

Peace and prosperity to all TFLers and their loved ones.

A moment of respect to honor those who began the American Dream and kept it alive. May we keep that Dream alive for our children and children's children.
New Years has arrived in West Tennessee. I hear alot of loud banging and screaming. Fireworks and parties! My computer and the power grid are still operating and all seems well.
Damn, I'm glad the BS is finally over.
All is quiet in the cornfields of Nebraska.
Lights on, water on, phone on.
Only problem I've heard of is that some of the automatic weather reporting systems in Iowa are not working.
Well, thats Iowa...

Happy New Year TFL family!
Howdy, Boys. Anyone else going to be looking for sales of generators in the next few weeks? I figure that a lot of people that bought them for Y2K will be letting them go since they did not need them. Since we lose power enough during the year, I'll go shopping.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Its official if not yet finalized. Y2K is really Y2KIDDING!

There have been no problems in the corporate sector from any of the companies out there that use my companies stuff. (Over 75% of the Internet actually) There still my be some wackos - that threat was clear. But they have yet to do anything either.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend in peace!

If anything happens... I will report it.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Well its 12:01... the phones (grumble) still work but the fire alarm just went off... AAAAHHH ., No worries.. 'They' tell me its just a 'test'
We'll see....

Gun control isnt about guns, Its about control.
15 minutes of yelling and fireworks in Colorado Springs... and that was the extent of the disturbance. My 'puter ticked over just fine, the lights and heat are on, and the phone works.

(insert HUGE sigh of relief)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Man, back to the same'ol ,same'ol. Life would have bee a bitch without the lightning.
2000 kinda strange,ain't it? must go to work.
Happy New year guys and peace to you all.
Lots of "shots fired" reports from Chicago PD over the scanner. Otherwise no problems so far in Illinois. Power is on, natural gas still available, phone is still on. As others have said, though, it's still early. Next week should tell the story. Good luck everyone, and watch for the sheep selling their supplies.
Now what am I to do with the 4000lbs. of freez dried food I bought for the low, low price of $6000.00!!!

I really feel a bit of a pang of pity for all those who got conned or suckered into extremes this New Years.

As far as I am concerned, I am going to have alot of fun shooting all that ammo I bought, for that just in case Y2K nightmare.

Happy New Year and God Bless us all...

"By His stripes we are healed..."
