Wrong person to carjack

Given the recent reports of police shooting unarmed black people, this story is a rather remarkable good outcome. Not so much remarkable for its outcome, but remarkable that it has not hit the national media. You know, "60 Minutes" and "20 Minutes" (the show that did the hatchet-job story "IfI Only Had a Gun" a few years ago).

Yeah it's nice to see the police didn't roll up and blast away at the guy holding the gun without knowing what's going on. I wonder if we could get a copy of the audio tapes of the 911 call. Did the gun owner tell the police what he was wearing and explain that he was armed. Did he call or did someone else? This could have been reported as a man with a gun, or even worse as a black man pointing a gun at someone.

I think (hope) most police would react as these officers did.

I understand all the comments about whether or not the driver should have held the carjacker or not. Technically the carjacker could attempt to have the driver charged with unlawful detention/attempted kidnapping in some states. Still I think if I were in the same situation I would still do the same thing, at least up to point of getting the carjacker out of my car and away from me. If he decides to walk or run away I guess I would have to let him, but how many criminals are going to have the guts to test whether you let them, when you have a gun pointed at them.
As a CC owner the guy did exactley what he should have, as soon as the cops came he put his gun on the ground to show that he was not the threat, and the cops were thankfull for that.
I noticed at the end of the video, after the police had arrived and the guy put the gun down, the office came up and shook his hand...

He said something to the gun owner and the guy picked his gun back up and followed the cop. I was really surprised to see the cop turn his back on an armed stranger.

The way the cop responded to him made me wonder if this guy was known to the police for some reason, maybe an auxiliary? Which would make the whole thing about holding a carjacker at gunpoint a very different discussion, right?
There are at least four very good reasons to not attempt to detain anyone at gunpoint:
He may get the better of you while you are detaining him; that happens
You may be ambushed by an accomplice while your attention is focussed on him
There is the risk of an untintentional discharge
Should he decide to depart, there is nothing you can really do about it (you do not want to get into a scuffle when you have a gun), and if he has spent any time in prison, he will most probably know that.

I would add the police shooting you.