As for protecting home and family,go to ground with weapon and cell phone and stay put in a defensive area.,crooks always look to get the drop on people who are totally unprepared. Any crook attempting an home invasion and hears a pump shotgun being racked and keeps coming is either on drugs or just plain insane,either way it is not a good situation. as for the police, they usually show up when the shooting is over one way or the other. Their cars say "to serve and protect" around my neck of the woods? they should say is "pick up the pieces". No disrespect but its the truth, i have been close to this situation involving a g-son would owed a drug dealer $$$ and messed with my family, so please do not blow no sunshine up my backside. In a crisis situation you will do what you have to in order to win and survive and you WILL go thru a huge investigation with your local law enforcement to the point they will make you feel like the crook., not fun. Have a very good lawyer along with your gun or ball bat for that matter. Gang Bangers come in tribes, and G-sons dont always tell g-pa the truth?