Would you shoot it?

In minor items such as this option of shoot/no-shoot, it's merely common courtesy and politeness to give consideration to other folks' enjoyment. I see no profit in creating enemies.
In minor items such as this option of shoot/no-shoot, it's merely common courtesy and politeness to give consideration to other folks' enjoyment. I see no profit in creating enemies.

There are lot of things that people do that they enjoy that are illegal and yet mostly harmless. Feeding deer is illegal for a reason. This thread has a number of examples as to why it should be so.
Feeding deer is illegal for a reason.


Why do you insist on saying " feeding deer is illegal" as if it is illegal in every state. It isn't.
There are many states in which feeding and baiting are perfectly legal. And planting food plots for the wildlife is not only legal but encouraged by the government in the form of property tax rebates, gifted seed/fertilizer and in some cases loaned equipment to plant such.

I've killed enough deer in my lifetime, that I don't feel the need to kill every one I see anymore. Last week was our deer shotgun season. Opening day(a week ago last Monday) I let a smallish ten point walk that stopped broadside no more then 40 yds from me. The following Friday I let a decent nine(probably a 120-130) walk no more than 30 yds from me. I let them walk cause I enjoyed watching them, they were in their prime and excellent specimens with much breeding left to do to replenish the herd.

I hope both these bucks make it till they are past their prime. Then if I see them again, game on.

The elderly couple I bought this place from had to move from here due to their health. Since this place is fairly remote, they moved in town closer to the hospital. Their whole life out here was invested in watching the wildlife. I stayed in contact with them after they moved and the thing they missed most was watching the deer come up out of the woods into the yard in the evening. They came out a couple times in the evening after they moved to visit and sit with the wife and I to watch the deer. They quit coming out and when I asked them why, the Mrs. replied with tears in her eyes that they miss this place and the wildlife so badly it was just too hard on them and that they don't see this wildlife in town.

Sooo...you wonder why I wouldn't shoot that deer the OP is talking about?

Maybe there's an elderly couple in that town same as there was here that doesn't get much enjoyment out of life anymore but watching this 'town pet deer'.

Who am I to end that little bit of enjoyment they have left in life?
Actually, there are very few states where feeding deer is illegal.

State by state baiting and feeding laws

Also seemed in those states where the feeding of deer is illegal, when one looked at numbers of deer licenses sold compared to the population of the state, that deer hunters were a very small minority in those states. Also in many of the states where baiting is illegal, recreational feeding is still legal.
I don't like wildlife roaming about in my little town/community.

freaking old ladies feeding the deers:mad::mad:

by tradition and law I guess we don't hunt the village side of the big road so naturally all deer hide in the village and our green/wooded area.

so one day I was feed up and called the authorities, they are a traffic danger, they eat in gardens, **** on our lawns, make dogs go crazy because there are tracks everywhere.

turns out the municipallity have a semi professional hunter and he could decide an extra protective hunt, so I got to help him, as there are houses and apartments very nearby naturally safe shooting angles are scarce, we built a really high tower in the middle of the green, got a couple that way but not enough. sweet shooting a 223 with a can thou

shotgun hunting followed but only bagged one, and people complained about the sounds:mad:
Husqvarna, that's a not-uncommon problem. During a drouth year in central Texas, the bedroom community of Rollingwood, adjacent to Austin, had an influx of whitetail deer. Forget about growing flowers; yum-yums for Bambi. :)

The local attitudes were about a 50/50 split between, "Oh, aren't they cute?" and, "(Bleeping) rats with hooves!"