Would you shoot it?


New member
This seems to be the towns family pet. It seems to know Texas law and when hunting season starts. It mainly feeds withing the city limits and on the side roads.
Nah, there's more important things than getting a buck. When we have deer and antelope that get used to being in town around people, they wouldn't be much fun to hunt anyway - half tame. If I was out of money and hungry it would be a different story of course.
Had a buddy in Alaska years back that made a game of trying to shoot the tail off a buffalo...........he never succeeded, but knocking a rack off that buck would be a contemporary attempt..............by the way, that fella was from Texas, too!

But, on point. No way in hell I'd shoot that buck.....I've an eight that dines on my peas that is safe as long as he stays home........kinda as much challenge as shooting a barnyard rooster you know!
Under legal circumstances, I'll turn him into meat.

There used to be a herd of Mule Deer that roamed my neighborhood in Utah. For a few weeks straight, I kept running into them at the same time each day, on a little piece of city land, right up against a collector street. If it had been legal to bow hunt in that area, the kids coming home on the school bus would have had a cervid anatomy lesson. ;)

Under those circumstances, it isn't about a 'trophy'. And, it isn't about a 'hunt'. It's about putting EASY meat in my freezer. If there's a nice rack that comes with it, that's just a bonus. I can sell the rack, carve it up, grind it up for bone meal, or any number of other things...
I don't see any issues shooting it if it is legal and you need meat. The "Town Pet" thing means nothing in my opinion, it is a wild animal not a pet.
Reminds me of one that was in a fenced wooded area of a USAFB. It was a pet and people would feed it through the fence all the time. Someone finally shot & killed it. It made the news and alot of people were very mad about it. Including the AFB that said they would press federal charges when they caught them.
If its a pet... Leave it alone!
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Animals like that usually end up becoming pests. At best he will end up being hit by a car and doing thousands of dollars worth of damage. At worst the driver or passengers will be injured or killed in the accident. People who "allow" these animals to become pets are to blame.

People do this all the time in bear country and police or game officials are usually called in to kill the animal before it hurts someone. Rutting bucks are MORE likely to attack humans than a bear.

Shooting this animal (legally) before he causes problems will be doing everyone a favor.
To shoot or not to shoot would seem to depend upon how much the love of your neighbors you need.
I recall a story from a number of years ago where there was a "pet" young deer in the area. Everyone thought it was cute to bait it and encourage it to hang around. Then that "pet" grew up, went into rut, and attacked a guy in his yard. His son (about age 9, IIRC) ran and got his little bow and arrows out of the garage and put a bunch of target arrows through the deer until it weakened enough that his father could get away.

Then the neighborhood treated the family so badly and threatened them for killing the deer that they ended up having to move.

Deer are not pets. If it were legal, I'd have no issue taking the buck. I used to have permission to hunt in a suburban area where archery was legal, the deer were not tame but more tolerant of people....and the bucks got big because I was the only one hunting there. :)
Someone will !!!

Reminds me of one that was in a fenced wooded area of a USAFB. It was a pet and people would feed it through the fence all the time. Someone finally shot & killed it.
More than once, this has been the case in many similar situations. Happens all the time. In our area, there was a nice "Piebald" Whitetail in a protected county park. Families would drive into the park, just to get a look at him. He was absolutely beautiful and that made him a target. Same thing on albinos. ... ;)

I personally would not shoot him and when someone does, legally, so be it. ... ;)

Be Safe !!!
Not in "my" code !!!

Is the only reason you decide not to do something because it is against the law ?
Hardly; I also will not shoot squirrels in our back yards, even though my Mother-in-Law wants me to because they tear up her flower beds. However, I do like eating squirrels. .... ;)

Be Safe !!!
Wasn't really directed at you Pahoo.

I know. I had six deer in my little food plot field behind the house about an hour ago. I really should shoot a couple of them but I just can't do it.