Would You Have Acted Differently?

Only change would be to draw down on him, explain what the next 2 steps will cost him, and give him the option to retreat. The cost would have been a double tap only because thats how I have trained for such event and there is no time to assess between shots.
I agree threegun, unless it is Obvious I don't need to shoot two than I am. If I can shoot one it see what happens, fine. Leaving this thread - if the perp has a gun, automatic two shots and until threat no longer exists.
I was taught 1 attacker shoot COM twice, more than 1 hit them each once as fast as possible and then deal with the threats accordingly. I would try to follow that method but who know what I would do with the heat on.
Polynikes said:

"Just to add to the discussion, my CCW instructor at the time advised saying something to the effect of "STOP, You're threatening me!" thereby solidifying you as the victim and conveying your need to defend yourself to anyone who might be a witness. "

This ^

My ccw instructor taught our class the same thing.
Glad you made it out ok. I hope I would handle the situation just as well.
The CCW Instructor I had was also the firearms instructor for a local sheriffs department.

One of the students asked him

He said it would be Halt..bang! If you felt threatened enough to draw your gun dont second guess yourself.
I think you did the right thing Trex1310, What I would have done was as soon as I exited the car the firearm will be pointing right at him and issuing commands. In this way, I would have given him a choice of either walking home or going home::eek::eek::eek: as well as knowing I meant business.

But it is easy said than done because I have not been comfronted with this kind of situation since carrying.
Verbal commands to your threat is a must. You got to tell them to something like other posters said. "Stop right now you are making me feel threatened, I will use force". If the BG continues after that then you need to take necessary action.
When you pose questions like " Did I act accordingly " it's really hard to give a accurate response. We could debate and twist the scenario a thousand times over but the simple fact of the matter is...we weren't there, you were.

In my opinion you did good. But it's hard to analyze scenarios like this. There are so many variables here.

Was the attacker a big guy? Did he look hopped up? Are you disabled? Adrenaline pumping, noises in the background..who knows.

If you were in fear for your life then you made the right decision. Does not matter if it was a 5 inch pipe or a butter knife. You have every right to protect yourself from bodily harm!

So, IMHO...You did good.
1. Noticing the truck following you -- good. Situational awareness is crucial.

2. Getting out of your vehicle ---- good. Vehicle doors are poor bullet stoppers.

3. Placing shot COM -- good. Shot placement is crucial.

4. Saying that the shot literally knocked the BG off his feet ---- highly unlikely. If a handgun round knocked the BG off his feet, it would have knocked you off your feet, an equal distance, in the opposite direction.

5. Bottom Line --- You survived, so you did well.
Interesting thread. Very, very few people, like I mean none really, who had actually had to shoot another human being talk about it here on the forum. Most any of them is likely to say is that they were involved in a lethal incident and they do not want to talk about it. Very few come here seeking out the opinions of the masses.

I also was wondering about that one shot that literally knocked him off the feet. Not how I understand fired shots to behave at those distances from a handgun.

I'm noticing the acronym "BG" in reference to the perp. Can anyone tell me what this means? Could you please PM me if it's not appropriate language for the forum.
BG= "Bad Guy".

No criticism from me. Glad you came out with your life intact.

As far as a verbal warning to the BG, my instructor taught "Stop! Drop the weapon!" We were also taught double tap. I commend your discipline in stopping at one shot when you ascertained the threat was neutralized.
In that situation I think I would have done the same thing.
My vehicle being totally blocked on, by foot would be the only possible means of escape I would not want to be locked in my car when someone came at me armed with god knows what.

Glad you came out alive and well
If you smell an Ambush, do you still walk down that trail...

If you feel your being followed while driving, do you pull down a Dead End..

You failed to act on your first instinct, being followed. If i felt i was being follow, i don't want leave myself with no escape.



Firearms Group
gunsite, my thoughts exactly. Getting yourself trapped was the first big mistake. The second mistake was assuming that your vehicle was in fact trapped. Provided conditions were normal, I am pretty sure a pickup truck is capable of moving another vehicle out of the way...even without a running start. I would have exited my vehicle only as a last resort. Because as a civilian, its usually better to run than to stand and fight.