Would you get involved PART 2 - Unedited!

The problem with the video is, we don't see her actually enter the store - so we don't know why she was acting the way she did. Either way, looked like she thought she was entitled to her Pizza first. "Victim" was on the phone, and made a comment to whomever he was talking to about her beligerant activity. (there IS volume with the clip if you turn it way up. He said something that pissed her off)

On the other video clip out there, it shows it from the VERY beginning. The guy on the phone was on what appeared to be last in line. He was chatting with his GF when the GM walked in and proceeded to cut in front of him. He mentions that "Looks like it will take longer now that someone has just cut in front of me..." (Or something to that effect) That's when she flies off the handle and gets rowdy. All because he had the "cojones" to make a remark about her actions. Like HE did something wrong?!? How dare he make a smart remark to her heiness?? Geeesh!
To answer the question, no. The new video would not have changed what happened at all. I still would have helped the guy reguardless. The fat bastard wasn't that big. He was powerful yes, but fat and slow. What the hell is there to be scared of? I am no professional fighter, nor any kind of bad ass guy at all, but I would have tried something damnit! I could have at the very least caught the guy off guard while he was focused on beating the guy, and got him with about a 2-3 step haymaker to the head. SOMETHING!

I realize this is all easy to say from the computer chair, but no matter the outcome, I still would have gotten involved. (without the gun)

Now, the only other thing that would have changed is if *I* had been the guy getting assaulted. Let me just clarify, that when that ignorant heffer had poked me in the face, that would have been assault on her part, and a serious threat, (coulda lost an eye) and she would have found herself on the floor real, real fast. Or IF I thought for any reason I couldn't take boyfriend when he appeared, it would have been easy and unexpected, to shove woman into boyfriend REAL HARD, and got the hell out of dodge.....

A good run is better than a bad stand any day.

You're right again. A good run is even better than a good stand. Having seen all, I would have tried to run before I had to kill or hurt someone or get hurt myself. But I once was in a similar situation. I was stunned by the aggression although I had been into martial Arts and no-nonsense-self-defense for 15 year back then. I took two punches. First one can happen, second one was avoidable (but - I was stunned). My training helped me move while being punched so the punches almost caused no harm. That stunned the bad guy, quite a bigger guy than me. He stopped (why doesn't this little creep fall or tumble :confused: ) and then the police came and arrested him.

The point I'm trying to make: He was probably talking to his wife, relaaaxed getting pizza. Even if he were a navy seal he most likely was in a leisure state of mind and facing a woman (still). Can't blame him that he didn't immediately run away or knock/shoot both bad people down.

PS: ZuluStyle for Zujitsu?
Does anyone know if the woman got sentenced to anything. It was clear that she assaulted two people. She spit on the clerk and poked the other guy in the face.
I suppose most are familiar with the Tyler, Texas incident now...(may have come up on this thread, have not looked)...but, getting involved can carry a high price...this citizen in Texas used his concealed carry to assist officers engaged with a man firing an AK47 at his wife and son on the court house steps...although making several hits, the CCW permit holder was killed in the exchange as the bad guy had a bullet proof vest and a flak jacket on...and the CCW shooter scored fin hits to chest, but none outside the vest/jacket coverage. He was a brave man...I applaud his courage and willingness...and he is a lesson for all of us.
trespass: Not familiar with that incident. Hmmm, I'll google for it. Just in case it is really old, do you have a link?
I applaud this man as well. This guy and Pat Tillman are people we should all appreciate, as they more than willingly take up the slack for those that are not willing to put their butts on the line to protect the wellbeing of us all.
creative solution

I know this could be a really stupid solution, or brilliant, Im sure you guys will let me know which.

Scream at the guy, "YO, here's 20 bucks if you stop hitting him"

Hey it might work with this guy. You could always recollect your 20 from the guy after you pick him up off the floor.
Another thing to consider........
If you start going toe to toe with gorillaman, expect Ghetto Mama to be all over you from behind. If you even start to come out ahead, you will be fighting two people who are out of control. Don't expect those other guys to jump to your aid either........
Disparity Of Force is something to be considered...after all, the attacker was a LOT bigger than the victim, so it is very possible that deadly force would have been appropriate...only after a blow had been landed. It did seem that the victim attempted to leave, and was pulled back by the attacker.

However, at 6'4" and 350lbs...I would have pulled my sap out of my back pocket and went to slapping the attacker's brains loose! I know... I've seen me do it!

Disparity Of Force wouldn't carry the same weight for someone my size.

Too bad the victim in all this couldn't have got a punch in...on BOTH of them.
XavierBreath wrote:

If you start going toe to toe with gorillaman, expect Ghetto Mama to be all over you from behind.

Not if said ghetto mamma was on floor, which is where she would have been after her little poke and slap to face, which would have made me at least semi-ready for the fat man.

Believe me, I do not advocate hitting women by ANY stretch. BUT, the minute someone physically assaults me, sex is no longer an issue. I am simply defending myself from an attacker at that point. This archaic man woman crap needs to go away IN SOME CASES. Some women use that as free reign to beat all over guys, and guy defends himself, and he's a brutal, woman beating beast.....and off to jail you go, just cuz yer a guy. I have seen it happen before....
I'm seeing this as a bystander, as the original poster intended in his title, Would You Get Involved? The title itself implies a bystander response for the incident.

Are you saying that, as a bystander, you would have also beat the woman to the floor for poking Cell phone guy? If so, expect gorilla guy to be all over your back. I don't think that's what you meant though, you just diverged the point of view unintentionally, I suspect.
I like to look at these situations from a legal standpoint - I am using Texas law in this situation.

This woman has assaulted you when she pokes you in the face. Although this is definitely assault, you have two choices here. You can hit a woman (doesn't look good no matter who she is) or retreat. The SMART move here is to obviously retreat. If the big guy blocks your exit, you are UNABLE to retreat - at this point you are out of options. You're cornered by two huge people and it's an easy call - warn them that blocking your retreat will force you to defend yourself and if they don't move pull your weapon. If one of them attempts to induce an attack, force is justified.

If you stand here like an idiot (I have to say it - that was dumb), things aren't going to get better for you. He has the option to retreat (so it seems), he should have taken it and gotten pizza down the street or heaven forbid make a sandwich. He's getting out of a few thousand in legal fees, a night in jail, and possibly taking someone's life. It's an easy call.

After watching this and thinking about it, as a bystander I would like to have OC spray. I would OC spray the guy to get him off of the little guy and pull the rag doll out of there. If pursued, I have an angry 300lb. man chasing after me after beating some poor sap senseless - I am attempting to retreat and he is not allowing me, force is justified.

I think that watching some guy get beat within an inch of his life is sickening.
There's absolutely nothing I could say about the incident that hasn't already been said, so I'll just say that sick as it made me, it was nothing compared to watching the "apology" GM made and the statement that people should "judge me for the person I am". I just about puked. Classic "oh hell, I'm in trouble so I better talk nice real quick, and maybe the bliss ninnies will actually buy it".