Would this mean cival war?

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Not likely that the American people will o.k. the kind of Constitutional Amendments that would be required for general gun confiscation. Pleeeaaase! Don't use Europeans as an example!
just in case, my thoughts:

It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

Emiliano Zapata Salazar

We all know that it's never going to happen..

While I agree with some of your points to believe or say "it's never going
to happen" is somewhat naive as I have learned living 65+ years never
say never. With continued population growth and lowering of education
America is changing fast so the idea of total loss of gun ownership
is very possible and in time "may" be demanded by the public.
With what...a sharp stick? I'll be one of those they have to kill, I ain't turning in jack @%#&!!

This is an example of the internet dick-waving I was referring too. Everyone is a hero bad ass til the ATF shows up. They will happily kill your wife and children in front of you, rape your dog, and burn down your house, while you defend your guns. Personally, I am not going to allow my kids to be murdered in front of me because I want to be a hero.

You will be killed, also. The government and media will spin you as a lunatic domestic terrorist. There will be a few isolated incidents of this throughout the country as a few of your fellow Rambos are killed off and their reputations destroyed.

A few months later, the NRA will file an injunction, and the confiscations will be stopped. I will be alive, and can restart my gun collection. You will be dead, and buried next to your family.
This is an example of the internet dick-waving I was referring too. Everyone is a hero bad ass til the ATF shows up. They will happily kill your wife and children in front of you, rape your dog, and burn down your house, while you defend your guns.
No dick-waving here, and if you think I'm defending my guns...you're WRONG! I'm defending my right to defend myself, and not have the govt. shove their ideals up my rear.

Give your freedoms away one by one if you want to...just don't tell me to do the same. Guns 1st, what next...right to vote? Right to speak against or protest? Where do you finally draw the line?

Everyone is a hero bad ass til the ATF shows up. They will happily kill your wife and children in front of you, rape your dog, and burn down your house,
Don't you think it's already too late when government agents are doing this? A very unlikey scenerio. And while you're waiting to restart your gun collection, and the criminals still have their guns...who's going to protect you and your family, the government ATF??? Don't make me laugh.
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So why bother postulating over and over about something that's not going to happen, and participating in threads where teenagers pretend that they're all badasses ready to kill? It serves no useful purpose whatsoever and it would serve the forum well if these mental masturbation threads were shut down whenever one of the usual suspects starts one.

StaggerLee, we must be related:D Good points and glad to have another voice of reason on here. I just have to laugh at most of this stuff but you are right about the anti's using this junk to feed their own stupid fires.
All it takes to effectively mount a guerilla campaign is a single unregistered working firearm and a modest ammunition supply, stored in a safe place.

Pick the low hanging fruit. The 1-2 man enforcement teams, for example. Now, you've got half a dozen guns and 6 dead enemies. You can arm a small squad.

Move to larger fruit. And so on.

I'd probably turn over the stuff in my house if a troop of F-troop goons showed up. I can't say I'd let the issue rest after that, though. A couple of old Mosins or thuddy-thuddies can go a long ways towards righting the situation.
You will be killed, also. The government and media will spin you as a lunatic domestic terrorist. There will be a few isolated incidents of this throughout the country as a few of your fellow Rambos are killed off and their reputations destroyed.

A few months later, the NRA will file an injunction, and the confiscations will be stopped. I will be alive, and can restart my gun collection. You will be dead, and buried next to your family.

More reasonable thought. I might post this in my other thread about tryanny.

These internet Rambos would really be funny if they wern't so sad.
I'm not going to say that revolution is an impossibility, but lets step out of the fantasy-land chest-thumping for a minute and think about some facts. The first one would be the FACT that the overall majority of the US population is a bunch of high tech, lazy, comfort-spoiled ninnies who wouldn't know how to function without a cell phone. OK--a bit of a dramatization? Walk around in any major city and just LOOK for yourself. The amount of people who could last more than a week without a well-stocked refrigerator and AC is shrinking. How well does anyone think any kind of a revolution could hold up when so much of the country can't even see beyond their own TV and can't get through their day without it?

And before it comes up, NO--I doubt most common people could rise to the occasion. Most are too far removed from having to function in anything less than the modern conveniences we currently have. Take those away and they'd give in to anything to have them back--including selling what's being referred to as freedom--or what's left of it.
These internet Rambos would really be funny if they wern't so sad.

The question, of course, is "who's more pathetic, the internet Rambos or the ninnies who think we're going to have our firearms confiscated?" :eek:
Pick the low hanging fruit. The 1-2 man enforcement teams, for example. Now, you've got half a dozen guns and 6 dead enemies. You can arm a small squad.

The question, of course, is "who's more pathetic, the internet Rambos or the ninnies who think we're going to have our firearms confiscated?"

Man, I cannot wait for school to start up again. :rolleyes:
Sometimes they post pictures of themselves, Now that is something
Agreed, and at 54, I'm far from a rambo wannabe, nor do I think I'm some billybob badass. Some just like to throw those titles around to anyone who doesn't agree with them. I care about keeping what rights we still have, not silently watching them being taken 1 by1.
The question, of course, is "who's more pathetic, the internet Rambos or the ninnies who think we're going to have our firearms confiscated?"

And then the question becomes "Which is more probable? A) The internet Rambos get to put their money where their mouth is? or B) The same Californian Sytle of gun restrictions makes its way across the country, then slowly strangles out firearms all together until one day there's a pathetic little fizzle and pop in congress--oops, no more guns, by popular demand.

I care about keeping what rights we still have, not silently watching them being taken 1 by1.
Now there's a rational statement---unlike fantasizing about the Revolutionary War--take 2. The idea of using guns to create a war zone in order to show why we are capable of keeping guns in a peaceful society is not exactly a well thought-out mind-set in my book.
The first post on an some Internet venue about guns was

45 vs. 9mm.

The second was

Glock vs 1911

and the third was

Shall we fight when they come to take all our guns away (which was predicted to happen with six months of that post)

I think this started right after Al Gore invented the Internet. It continued when Bush started to use the Google. We are probably safe as McCain doesn't use the Internets.
Why does.....

The picture of everyone barricading the windows, and battening down the hatches to gun down the feds the image that comes to mind when this issue is brought up.

The "Fight" For lack of a better word for our right as responcible civilians to own firearms begins not when the ATF storms the house for you, but rather when the rights are taken away bit by bit. So when you see an injustice, right it. Fight against the rediculous laws that hurt responsible gun owners and do nothing to the gang bangers who shoot each other.

"What will you do when they come to take your guns"...The answer to this question isn't
A-Hand them over
nor B-Fight to the death
The answer is what you have done, are doing, and will do to preserve the heritage and right for respincible citizens to own firearms. I guess what im saying is this "fight" is less deadly than allot of us picture it to be. Instead of shooting....I see voting. For all of those who are too lazy to vote, but explain to others online about how they will fight to the death...these people deserve whatever comes to them.
The answer is what you have done, are doing, and will do to preserve the heritage and right for respincible citizens to own firearms. I guess what im saying is this "fight" is less deadly than allot of us picture it to be. Instead of shooting....I see voting. For all of those who are too lazy to vote, but explain to others online about how they will fight to the death...these people deserve whatever comes to them.

Finally! Now there's common sense in action. In the society we have, and under our current form of government, everyone has a say. We can lose our gun rights if enough other people decide that it's time, but that can only happen if we who value our gun rights :
1. Don't act like tools and make the average citizen want to ban them all, (And that includes bragging about how you'll kill everyone who tries to take your guns away.) and:
2. Vote and vote responsibly. That means working to elect the most pro-gun people in the primaries, working on behalf of pro-gun candidates and giving them money, and turning out on election day to support the best candidate that has a chance of winning. That means not pissing a vote away on Ron Paul, Bob Barr, or some other guy who has no chance at all. Electing our leaders decides our country's future and it has to be done with some smarts involved. You can't win a chess match if you're hell-bent on just playing checkers with the pieces.
The answer is what you have done, are doing, and will do to preserve the heritage and right for respincible citizens to own firearms. I guess what im saying is this "fight" is less deadly than allot of us picture it to be. Instead of shooting....I see voting. For all of those who are too lazy to vote, but explain to others online about how they will fight to the death...these people deserve whatever comes to them.
The problem is that the current situation illustrates for many that their vote doesn't work. I can vote all I want in CA but nothing CHANGES. The powers in office do as they please regardless of the what I or anyone like me wants. Now what?
Well, if they come for the guns I have a secret plan!

edit: I just saw post #38, who the heck told you my plan.:mad: Back to the drawing board.
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