Would this mean cival war?

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New member
After reading another thread with some very well thought out and articulate posts and having conversation with some of my co-workers I pose a question.

If, or should I say when,the presidental election goes hollywood and we are subject to all manner of anti B.S. and if the government called for the turning in of all citizen weapons. Would you? Do you think that there would be an uprising? Would the American public simply turn them in and walk away?
There wouldn't be any uprising, there wouldn't have to be. I'd say the outcome might be unique.

BTW, I would actually turn in a cheap, homemade SMG (you know, one of those smoothebore pieces of crap) as a joke.
If the call is just one to turn in guns, there won't be any uprising but combine that with $10 dollar gas, massive foreclosures, food shortages combined with outrageous prices that no one can afford; those conditions will tell what the character is for the citizens of the US. If we roll over and accept it, we would deserve everything they put on our backs and $10 dollars gas is what we'll have if Iran is attacked by the US or Israel. Already Ford and GM are talking about bankruptcy; what else would anyone have to lose?
No there will be no uprising if and when gun confiscation occurs. There will be a lot of internet chest-beating, and dick-waving, but when the ATF is at your door with 50 ninjas and a tank, most people are going to turn in their guns and live to fight another day.
If they were going to pay me what my firearms are worth, I might think about it. If they just want me to turn them in for nothing not a chance.

Anyway in light of the recent SCOTUS ruling I do not see an all out ban coming in my life time.
No there will be no uprising if and when gun confiscation occurs. There will be a lot of internet chest-beating, and dick-waving, but when the ATF is at your door with 50 ninjas and a tank, most people are going to turn in their guns and live to fight another day.

I concur. I'm sure our English brothers and sisters talked of the same thing. To say "I won't give them up." is one thing, facing 50 ninjas is another. Don't forget, most people are sheeple. Do I think that some people will resist? Certainly, but they won't be the majority.
If you turn in your guns at that time...who really thinks that you would be released? So they turned people loose in LA when they did that down there, who says it has to be the same next time?

I guess it's good to be optimistic but I wouldnt count on it.
most people are going to turn in their guns and live to fight another day.
With what...a sharp stick? I'll be one of those they have to kill, I ain't turning in jack @%#&!!

Have we learned nothing from seeing the results of other countries turning theirs in?
Most people will only fight when life becomes so bad nothing else matters at some point we will reach that place hopefully years down the road but we are moving along at a pretty good pace.
Have we learned nothing from seeing the results of other countries turning theirs in?

Good point. Just look how fast citizens of other countries have uprisings when their government trys to screw them. We would do well to learn from that.

Yeah, so ya might die. But if you have nothing worth dieing for then maybe you have nothing worth living for either.
A civil war or civil disobedience ...


Perhaps the leap to a civil war over mass gun confiscation would suit some, but in realistic and more probable terms there are better first steps. Many times in history, civilian populations have turned to non-violent mass civil disobedience to effect government policy change.

A few examples come to mind; Gandhi & The British Empire, our American civil rights laws, Vietnam & anti-war activism and the list goes on. I'm sure others could also add to it without much effort. My point is, non-violent movements do change governments, it simply requires the will of the subjugated majority to prevail over time. Violence usually only prolongs the time, treasure and mass misery for all participants.

Committed and determined civil disobedience is an acceptable and honorable way to effect ... dare I say it ... "change".

I'm beginning to dislike that word.

On the other hand, Dead-enders always provide more sport.

but when the ATF is at your door with 50 ninjas and a tank,
They screwed up Waco, Ruby Ridge,ect....and they're going to take on every armed citizen in the USA? Not hardly.

That said, I don't see any gun grabbing any time soon...if ever, but I for one won't be cooperating with unjust laws. We stood up when the King of England had his hand in our wallets...and people died. Was it worth it? I think some things are worth dying for...my freedom to defend my self and family is one of those. JMO
Personally the people I have spoken to always say "I'll die first". I don't think that that is going to be the majority. There will be some standoffs, some battles, some deaths, but the majority will comply. Not because they are sheeple, but because they still have jobs and families to take care of, children to raise. I would expect a fair number will hold out a piece or two but by and large most will cave in. If combined with the worsening of other social problems the try to confiscate that may be another story. To me that means they have a pretty good idea they're screwed and would want to disarm us to prevent an upcoming uprising. The old thought that we will never be invaded because there will be a rifle behind every tree is a moot point now as most likley it would be nukes rather than invading military. Personally again I don't know. My children are grown, but, I don't know if I could/would make that stand.
Consider that if you do comply you'll be open to whatever criminals or government will want to do to you next. It doesn't have to necessarily be surrender or die at the time for it to be surrender and die later. If nothing else you'll be in the same boat as the British who are sacrificial lambs now; as to whether it'll be another Auchwitz...well, you won't be able to have any say in the matter, will you?
What's the point of threads like this?

We all know that it's never going to happen...and if you don't know that, you probably shouldn't be allowed outside unattended. These threads are just an excuse for a few internet commandos to talk about how they'll kill others and die heroically and they serve no purpose other than to make this forum look stupid. Most of us regulars understand that the majority of the posters who keep saying that crap still live with their parents and don't even own a gun that doesn't say "Airsoft" on it someplace, but people who just happen upon this forum or people looking for dirt on the decent gun owners see that crap may well leave thinking that we're all unhinged and immature.

So why bother postulating over and over about something that's not going to happen, and participating in threads where teenagers pretend that they're all badasses ready to kill? It serves no useful purpose whatsoever and it would serve the forum well if these mental masturbation threads were shut down whenever one of the usual suspects starts one.
I don't see a full-blown revolution happening just on government actions alone. Pockets of civil disobedience, protest marches, and isolated violence/rioting, YES. But a revolution? Nope--that's going to need something in the way of a major catastrophy as a catalyst. The fact is thar 200 years ago, the world was a much different place than it is now. The vast majority of the population has become reliant, if not completely dependant, upon technology and modern conveniences. Actual revolution would collapse nearly everything that most people need as a basic life-support system. Try to imagine cities of hundreds-of-thousands of people trying to survive for just one week if the government did one thing--turned off the electricity. It would be like Katrina ten-fold, but without the flooding. All the government would have to do to win is let things fester for a few weeks, then step in and say "recognize us as your government and we'll make everything right again--the power will come back on, you'll have clean running water again, and life will get back to normal..." Most of those still alive would not only agree completely, but then turn against anyone who truly wanted to fight--no matter what the cause might be or how just its purpose.

Face it--200 years ago the US was populated by people who knew how to live from the land and endure hardships that the majority of the current population couldn't even begin to understand or even imagine, much less enter into by choice. If the lights don't come on when they flip the switch, most people wouldn't know what to do--there won't be any fight without something else starting it first.
I just can't see the people of LE going along with a gun confiscation.
Especially gun people, think about who the people are that make up SWAT and other similar teams. A Waco is one thing, but when the ATF tries to call in the Army to take Grandpa's shotgun, I don't think it is going to fly.

Despite those who don't agree, I believe an order of confiscation would lead to open insurrection.
I also believe that politicians have recognized that gun control is a losing issue and they want to win and stay in office.
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