Would Ron Paul have had a better chance in the primaries had he run as a DEMOCRAT?

Cuz everybody knows that conservatism is all about big government, deficit spending, gun control, sanctuary for illegals, state-sponsored abortion, reduction of personal freedom, and an imperialist foreign policy.

You forgot hugely expensive blanket presciption drug programs for all whether they need it fromt he gov't or not!
You want to really teach the Dems a lesson about how serious the 2A crowd is? Sink a Rudy campaign! We sink Rudy and refuse to support him in his run as a Republican and we tell those Dems in office that we are damn serious and are willing to fight to the death. If we show that we would sink a Republican against Hillary because of his 2A stance what does that mean for a Dem Congressman running for re-election against a Rep who is Pro 2A? It means he better take the issue off the table and be pro 2A! It also tells the Reps they BETTER listen to us and do what we say or they are on their own.

Not the worst idea ever. I'll say this...sometimes at night I dream of a world where firearms rights are like sex offender laws: politicians from both sides are racing to support them harder.
Someone kept posting awhile back that Dr. Paul said he wouldn't run if he lost the primary. Does anyone have a source for this?

He said it to me personally, back in February.
Ha ha ha! Ron Paul could never run as a believable democrat......he believes in our U.S. Constitution, something democrats see as an enormous thorn in their sides. :barf:
1) Ron Paul won't win, but he should
2) Democrats will hate him because they're too busy praising Hillary
3) Republicans will hate him because they're too busy in their basement making "plans" for Iran and praising Rudy

We're screwed either way.