Would Ron Paul have had a better chance in the primaries had he run as a DEMOCRAT?

Yes, we do reap what we sow. And, by continuously voting for those who violate the constitution, we get violations of the constitution. D-UH

Just so we're all on the same page: Does ANYONE here think that Dr. Paul will break 15%?


You might be able to vote for him in the primaries and it might be a good signal to send to the likely winner, but can't see him getting 10%. We're looking at Hillary vs Guiliani, and while he's better, not by a whole bunch.
Just so we're all on the same page: Does ANYONE here think that Dr. Paul will break 15%?

Probably not, but 2 months ago, someone asked if anyone thought he would break 5%, and no one thought he would. I don't think he will get the nomination, but I do think he will do better than the polls are showing right now.
Miboso and Musketeer - like the way you guys think - right on. But one of my points being, pro-gun is NOT nearly as unpopular with primary-voting Dems as we are led to believe by the party leaders; Ronald Reagan and small government is NOT nearly as unpopular with primary-voting Dems as we are led to believe - Bill Clinton ran on a platform of reducing the deficit, cutting the budget, and he DID it, and was an enormously popular guy among the Democrats (and still is). Don't confuse the whacko party leaders with rank and file American Ds.
We’re way too deep into dependency on and the internal affairs of others to stick our collective head in the sand.

For one to believe we can continue on our current foreign policy is truly
sticking your head in the sand. Trading, assisting and being neighbors
is very different then interfering and being a police force for the entire world,
where will the money come from in the future for us to defend the world.?
Even if he were to get elected, his Presidency wouldn't accomplish much because of the above reasons and that he would probably make a lot of folks angry by telling the truth. I also have a feeling that RP would try to end a lot of the "Pork" politics and that will never do in Washington.

If Paul's presidency resulted in not ONE piece of legislation being passed I think he would consider that a success! I think I would as well!

Look at rubber stamp Bush and the years he had a Rep Congress sending him one thing after another to sign. Sing to the toon of "Ain't No Mountain High Enough."

"Ain't No Spending High Enough!"
"Ain't No Dollar Low Enough!"

Seriously, with all the laws we have do we really need any more?
Someone kept posting awhile back that Dr. Paul said he wouldn't run if he lost the primary. Does anyone have a source for this?
If it is Rudy I would just vote Libertarian.

We jsut had a local election where the county supervisor was a Dem running for re-election and endorsed by five parties including the Reps.

Hillary vs. Rudy is really no different. At least with Hillary the base will be mobilized for the next congressional election (remember what happenned to Bill).
Yes after Iowa and NH, but that's immaterial. The polling is useless in primaries.

I have no idea who they polled in NH, but people here don't like him or his followers. Every time one of the "free state" nuts pulls something that gets in the paper, it's flooded with comments telling them to get out of the state.

I'd be surprised if he got a fraction of a percent here in the actual primary. The disciples who have been showing up to campaign for him here can't vote in the state.
I believe there's a strong possibility that gun rights couldn't recover from another Clinton presidency.

I think I heard that in 1992...

You do know the majority of the dems do not want to go near the 2A after the beating they got for the AWB? There are fringe nuts but most of them have gotten into office, replacing conservatives, by being conservative. Those they replaced were guys who were spending money like they were... democrats.

You want doom and gloom then come to NY and see what we have to deal with as a state. Gun rights in the nation under Clinton and Pelosi is in nowhere near the trouble we are in NY under Spitzer and Silver.
Wait a minute...you mean Ron Paul's not a Democrat?!? :eek:

Dang, and this whole time I thought he was just wandering into the wrong debate rooms.....:D
You do know the majority of the dems do not want to go near the 2A after the beating they got for the AWB?

Yes, they've learned their lesson and will be good little legislators from now on. You can trust 'em, right?

Thanks for the update on the political climate in NY. I guess as activists, we've been given the green light to hit the snooze button. ;)
I have not told anyone to snooze. Hillary or Rudy in the White House means we should redouble our efforts on the local front and with the Senate and House. We need to be in their face and let them know that just like int he past THEY will be held accoutnable for the legislation they pass.

I point out NY because there are things FAR WORSE than Hillary and the current Dems being in power. Somehow we still survive here and I even have a concealed carry permit!

Fight, be heard and don't give up but DON'T simply follow the likes of Rudy because he is not Hillary. Don't beleive he is any better than she is on the issue. If Rudy wins, with NRA backing, it only means those on the right (or pretending to be) have been told they can sell us out as needed because we will go nowhere else. It is like the NAACP and the DNC. The DNC KNOWS they will go nowhere else so they really don't have to do much for them. Those supporting the 2A can do the same to themselves by supporting anyone who is listed as a Republican.

Hurray, we won an election with Rudy and as a result will no longer be taken seriously by either Reps or Dems. Dems who actually are pro 2A, and there are some, know the NRA is solely a Rep mouthpiece and Reps know we will go nowhere else.
Wait a minute...you mean Ron Paul's not a Democrat?!?
Har har. :rolleyes:
Cuz everybody knows that conservatism is all about big government, deficit spending, gun control, sanctuary for illegals, state-sponsored abortion, reduction of personal freedom, and an imperialist foreign policy. ;)

I have no idea who they polled in NH, but people here don't like him or his followers.
And yet somehow NH has the highest Q4 percapita donation rate to the Paul campaign nationwide and over 800 volunteers statewide.
I daresay you're projecting your playerhation on your good neighbors in the "Live Free or Die" state.
Yes, they've learned their lesson and will be good little legislators from now on. You can trust 'em, right?

You want to really teach the Dems a lesson about how serious the 2A crowd is? Sink a Rudy campaign! We sink Rudy and refuse to support him in his run as a Republican and we tell those Dems in office that we are damn serious and are willing to fight to the death. If we show that we would sink a Republican against Hillary because of his 2A stance what does that mean for a Dem Congressman running for re-election against a Rep who is Pro 2A? It means he better take the issue off the table and be pro 2A! It also tells the Reps they BETTER listen to us and do what we say or they are on their own.