Will women support Palin?

I think this year is going to be wallet voting. My income is about the same. My rent went up 30% in two years. Gas went from 230 a gallon to 5 dollars, and now it's a 3.79 at Costco, in Kali. When it costs you 50% more to fill your car every week, it's like a festering sore being opened, over and over, it makes you REALLY angry at the Congress that allows this to happen.
Government fees, taxes, the state of Kali telling me what I can drive, food costs, all are closing in. Palin gives me hope of less tax, something I don't have with the demos, and, I've had 8 years of Bush spending money like a drunken sailor, so, I didn't have much hope on either side. Palin gives me some hope, and, I am voting for Palin/McCain.
I think this year is going to be wallet voting. My income is about the same. My rent went up 30% in two years. Gas went from 230 a gallon to 5 dollars, and now it's a 3.79 at Costco, in Kali. When it costs you 50% more to fill your car every week, it's like a festering sore being opened, over and over, it makes you REALLY angry at the Congress that allows this to happen


How did our government, President Bush or congress affect this??
Should they affect the things you listed??
Do you want them to have the power to and if they do, where would you like that power to stop??
Just at rent, food and gas??
What about our free market system and capitalism --- are you ready to trash it??

Government fees, taxes, the state of Kali telling me what I can drive, food costs, all are closing in

You need to leave never never land and go to a better state---I wouldn't even visit that state if the plane fair and stay were free.

I suppose there may be Gynocrats who just want to see a woman, any woman, in office, any office........

I believe that you just described a very large percentage of the Hillary Clinton supporters.
"Will women support Palin?"

The question, from a political perspective, is really, "will undecided and politically unaffiliated women support Palin?"

I believe that if Gov. Palin weathers the political storms of the upcoming months that many of them will. Whether or not that "many" equates to a significant voter block will be seen. (Someone on the tube recently cited that approximately 60% of undecided and unaffiliated voters this election cycle are women. I have no idea as to the accuracy of that statement.)
If its any indicator my dear sweet elderly mother didn't bitch about the Republicans when I called her this week, the first time I recall since Ike was president. ;)

How did our government, President Bush or congress affect this??
Should they affect the things you listed??
Do you want them to have the power to and if they do, where would you like that power to stop??
Just at rent, food and gas??
What about our free market system and capitalism --- are you ready to trash it??

Oil is a monopoly. There is NO free oil market.
Don't you find it rather strange, that in her speech Palin said she had a hard time figuring out what to do with the excessive profits Alaskans got as tax checks, thanks to the high oil prices?????? If prices were tied to the cost of oil, then the profits would have been the SAME, not inflated, as they were during this last artificial price jump(s).

There was NO oil shortage. It was a bit of monopoly price fixing, that gave Bush's buddies a windfall profit, or, you haven't noticed the oil companies saying they are having record profits? Haven't you noticed these little 'fake shortage' oil price hikes, and then they go away, after we all pay double what the gas should cost?

By law, congress should have the AG's office all over this.
At the very least, a federal law, banning the tax of oil, or gasoline, by states or federal government would seriously reduce the inflated cost of gas.
Yes, I have the exact opposite position of Pelosi, the Demos, and that Drunken sailor Bush. LESS taxes, not more.
And yes, I think the government needs to start repealing taxes, getting rid of government agencies, and quit giving foreign dictators billions of dollars. Those are the kinds of actions Congress should be taking.

And what is this: Bush is giving a billion dollars to Georgia?????:confused: Why not give it to OUR Georgia, or Louisiana, or any number of areas that have been hard hit lately?

Bush is not supposed to have such power. It's supposed to require congress to vote on this. So, yes, I think Congress should do their job, and quit giving the executive branch latitude it was not intended to have.

My rent hike is due to people having to move out of houses that are being foreclosed, and, again, what the market will bare, if you'll excuse a pun. It's also due to the 100% hike in energy costs PG^E has been charging.
They used the Enron fraud to jack their prices, when, in fact, they helped create the Enron fraud, by having plants down for 'maintenance" at the same time Enron had bought pipe time, and, did not use that time to supply gas, creating between the two of them, an artificial excuse to shut down grids, and fake high energy prices.:mad:

PGandE is another monopoly, that should be either split, or, some of that tax money put into solar panels, so the average home owner can tell PG&E to pay them...
Don't you find it rather strange, that in her speech Palin said she had a hard time figuring out what to do with the excessive profits Alaskans got as tax checks, thanks to the high oil prices?????? If prices were tied to the cost of oil, then the profits would have been the SAME, not inflated, as they were during this last artificial price jump(s).

Not exactly. The cost to produce has not gone. The commodity cost has gone up. The commodity markets determine what the spot price will be. The oil companies sell crude contracts on the spot and futures markets.

My rent hike is due to people having to move out of houses that are being foreclosed, and, again, what the market will bare, if you'll excuse a pun.

Then shouldn't the housing stock available to the rental market go up or stay the same. It's not like empty houses are being torn down.
Apartment owners, just like oil companies, now have a commodity that is in demand, lower rent dwellings. Since more people are now looking for cheaper apartments, vs. houses, apartments can charge near house prices, and, that's exactly what my landlord is doing. They went up to 1640. Down the street, I can, and will, soon rent a 3 bedroom condo for 1750...

If pricing for oil is on a percentage, and, the price of crude is up, then so is both the percentage, and, amount of profit.

If just the cost of the product to produce goes up, and, the margin is determined by a dollar amount of profit, i.e.
we want 1.00 profit on every gallon of gas we sell, then the profit to Alaska companies would not be higher.

I am aware that the contracts for oil can be affected by people buying oil contracts, and, holding them. In fact, if a bunch of very rich folks bought all the avaliable oil contracts, they could do just what happened to Kali, thanks to Enron: create a non-existent oil shortage, by holding on to it, and not allowing much onto the market.

It starts to look like perhaps we need to rethink how oil is made avaliable to our refineries, or, take steps to avoid potential stock market manipulations in this area.
If its any indicator my dear sweet elderly mother didn't bitch about the Republicans when I called her this week, the first time I recall since Ike was president.
THAT, my friend, is better than any massaged poll they can come up with! :)

Good points.

Oil is a monopoly. There is NO free oil market.
Don't you find it rather strange, that in her speech Palin said she had a hard time figuring out what to do with the excessive profits Alaskans got as tax checks, thanks to the high oil prices?????? If prices were tied to the cost of oil, then the profits would have been the SAME, not inflated, as they were during this last artificial price jump(s).

It's the nature of the oil industry--yes, they do have a monopoly of sorts, but there are a very limited number of oil companies out there.
Taxes on gasoline is on a percent bases, the higher the cost, the more taxes collected. Did Palin raise taxes to get those excessive profits? NO, profits were increased because of the "percent" taxation.
The prices are not tied to the price of oil solely---markets and speculators drive up the price of oil. Wealthy people play the commodities markets and drive it up. People make money because they HAVE money to speculate.
If you want the government to step in and stop trading/speculating in the commodities market, again, where would you stop? Just with oil??
I have NO problems with a decrease in gasoline taxes---NONE.
Is either party going to do THAT?? THE DEMS?
I won't hold my breath.

There was NO oil shortage. It was a bit of monopoly price fixing, that gave Bush's buddies a windfall profit, or, you haven't noticed the oil companies saying they are having record profits? Haven't you noticed these little 'fake shortage' oil price hikes, and then they go away, after we all pay double what the gas should cost?

See above.

At the very least, a federal law, banning the tax of oil, or gasoline, by states or federal government would seriously reduce the inflated cost of gas.

AGREED, and WHAT/WHICH party is going to do that??
Either one? NOPE.
Something else to consider--we, Americans are using less fuel---know what states are saying now?
There loosing money on taxes because less fuel is being used so bridges and roads are suffering and going to suffer.
WHO is going to cut taxes on fuel??

And what is this: Bush is giving a billion dollars to Georgia????? Why not give it to OUR Georgia, or Louisiana, or any number of areas that have been hard hit lately?

Agreed, my feelings too---but, it is a strategic area for us---is it important??
Reasonable people may differ.

My rent hike is due to people having to move out of houses that are being foreclosed,

Who's fault is that??

It's also due to the 100% hike in energy costs PG^E has been charging.
They used the Enron fraud to jack their prices, when, in fact, they helped create the Enron fraud, by having plants down for 'maintenance" at the same time Enron had bought pipe time, and, did not use that time to supply gas, creating between the two of them, an artificial excuse to shut down grids, and fake high energy prices.

IF there is fraud there, it should be looked into---I agree, the government SHOULD investigate and prosecute fraud--THAT IS part of their job.

PGandE is another monopoly, that should be either split, or, some of that tax money put into solar panels, so the average home owner can tell PG&E to pay them..

Put your own panels in and pay for them--my friend did years ago and he is very happy he did.
Not the governments job to supply you with panels--I think solar panels and other cost saving things are great and should be used.

See Socrates I am with you 100% on the taxation issue---that IS part of what our government does---Fixing market prices, talking about taking profits, making commodities trading illegal or have government interferance in the free market isn't America---that stuff happens in countries you and I wouldn't want to live in.
Yell all you want about taxes and how are money is spent---I'm right beside you---but I'll never welcome our government interference in our free market.
They can't run the Post Office.

I held my breath and went to http://www.hillaryclintonforum.net/discussion/forumdisplay.php?f=8 and dug around as long as Oxygen would allow. They all seem to be mostly Pro Palin and anti Obam from wha I have seen. I think Obama is Done. Lord,, I hope so. Please take Obama from this lovely planet and take him into your loving arms,,,,asap

click on the polls.. Keep in mind, this is a democrat hillary Communist website
Dont even bother registering, i tried. DAMN i cant get in to raise hell. I even tried to contribute. ( yeah right!!)
THAT, my friend, is better than any massaged poll they can come up with!
Well, in all honesty just because she didn't complain doesn't mean she necessarily favors her. Her words were that she thinks Sarah is "common", which is the least negative I can recall since she said that Ike was an exception because he'd had been loyal to FDR during the war. :o

I just can't get over that with a 9% approval rating, our congressman are still in place...it amazes me...
just found out, even the NAZI barbara Streisand has jumped Obamas ship to PALIN.

"Avid Hillary Clinton supporter Barbra Streisand seems to have happily jumped ships and showed up to meet Michelle for the first time. The songstress was reportedly listed as a VIP, which means she must have donated a minimum $28,500 to the presidential nominee.

By the end of the evening, the first lady hopeful was obviously a little tired of playing host and decided to wander around the swanky soiree barefoot, we're told.
from Fox News http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,417262,00.html