Will women support Palin?

Palin believes that contraception is the same as abortion. That isn't a popular stance amongst women and it is laughable to think it would be anything but offensive to the average female supporter of Hillary Clinton.

Palin cut funding to programs intended to help pregnant teens. That's pretty much anathema to the women that supported Hillary Clinton.

Of course it all depends on the media. If they simply do their job and report Palin's positions on the issues then Palin won't be attractive to the average woman. If they play the Payton Place game, some women might give Palin a sympathy vote.

Palin's speech came across to many people as snarky and "Heatherish. That isn't something that most women are going to admire.

Perhaps you guys could ask women who supported Hillary for their opinion.
pax, thanks for those links. I never made it to any forums - I always got sidetracked along the way, linking to blogs and so on and so forth.
Palin's speech came across to many people as snarky and "Heatherish. That isn't something that most women are going to admire.

The only people who might agree with you are left wingers. The middle of the road, non-political women I have spoken to have had favorable things to say about Palin. Palin has resurrected McCain and she will probably excite the conservative base enough to defeat Obama easily. That is why democrats are striking out at Palin with everything they have (about all they have is hatred and disgusting words). Their attacks only strengthen Palin.

I see a democrat party which has been knocked on its heels by the Palin choice for VP. Truly, it seems to me that Obama and his faithful fans thought that he was the "annoited One". I can only imagine their seething rage at mccain for taking away what they feel is their right. LOL.
Perhaps you guys could ask women who supported Hillary for their opinion.

I think it is more complicated than that. I think there is a large pool of un-decided women voters. Before Palin, I think some women were almost default votes for Obama, but now that has changed...at least for them. The next month will be telling for sure.

On her conservative Christian views. If Palin does not act like a preacher from the pulpit, then it will not be a huge issue. Women that put pro-choice as number one will probably not vote for her anyway.
Many women probably will, regardless of Palin's appearance. Listen to her speech again; she sounds like a regular person, rather than a smooth talker (car salesman/lawyer), which has great appeal for both women and men voters. Which is what democrats realize, which is why they are attacking her so much. Which, by the way, is not going unnoticed by women; the more democrats attack her, the better it is for McCain and Palin. ;)

I've spoken to a few women who won't vote for her, primarily because she isn't pro-abortion. But those women were going to vote for Obama anyway. Obama's a staunch supporter of murdering unborn children, and hard-core liberal democrats are going to vote to Obama no matter what.

But some of the middle-of-the-road women I've spoken to think that it's impressive that another woman has made it so far, and they seem to like Palin's style. So I think that many of the undecided, middle-wing, not-so-involved-in-politics women will vote for her. Which is why the neo-libs are so upset about Palin. :D
Good links Pax.

I think it will all boil down to middle America and their values.
For me it is as simple as that.
You have the far left and the far right.
Most of the time, this is who you hear on TV and radio with little attention paid to "us" or "we?" in the middle.
In reading comments from "average" people, when getting my haircut at the local shop---men and women, in talking to people that I work with, students on Franklin Street at Chapel Hill, friends, family and neighbors,etc., it seems that Sara Palin has made a huge impact on voters and I have talked with people that say they will now vote McCain.
While some women may have their reasons for not liking Palin, I think just as many or more do like her and will support her.

Geeze, Dipper, I was trying to say what you said, only you said it a lot better. Thanks for showing me up!!! :D
There are informed and uninformed people all over the map. I work with a woman who has a big problem with her because she's "never heard of her". This same woman, mind you, can name any celebrities children and some of their birthdays. Ignorance is a choice and there are many who are happy as hogs in the mud to stay cocooned in their homes, happy with their shiny appliances. We all know people like this, right?

That said, the vast majority of women I know very well; my wife, my mom, my mother-in-law, my grandmother, friend's wives, intelligent female co-workers, these women are ALL for Sarah Palin because she is a lot like them, is well spoken and flat out, she is the Anti-Hillary.
It's funny, all the Feminist organizations are so left wing especially when it comes to abortion, that they won't support Palin. They would also prefer more of a career woman over a "hockey mom", and of course she is too pretty. I think she will get support from many female voters though.
My wife was grudgingly going to vote for McCain. With Palin on the ticket she's enthusiatically voting for the McCain/Palin ticket.
I haven't even read this whole thread, but isn't the topic a bit of insulting groupthink?

I suppose there may be Gynocrats who just want to see a woman, any woman, in office, any office, and will base their vote on Palin because she's a woman. I HOPE those individuals are a tiny minority.
I haven't even read this whole thread, but isn't the topic a bit of insulting groupthink?

Or at least the thread topic does not pose a very enlightening question.

Some women will vote for McCain/Palin, some will vote for Obama/Biden.
The people I know who were wanting to vote Hillary, are not going to vote republican b/c Palin is on ticket. Palin and Hillary have such different views on important issues..to think that the Hillary supporters will switch over just b/c she is a woman really undermines womens judgement and intellenence..I think Palin has energized the conservatives, but she may lose some of the moderates and independants..with her strong ties to the AIP she may even lose some of the conservative base the more people find out about it. Her integrity is still in question with the whole troopergate thing..she has alot of other stuff that is going to hit the mainstream soon and depending on how things get played out, it may not be a question of can she get hillary voters, but can she keep the voters that they had prior to her becoming a part of the ticket.
Guess it's time to chime in.

Desiree was never going to vote for Obama..or McCain.

But now, if it's even possible, she is even LESS likely to vote for McCain.

And no, Desiree is not a feminazi. If she were even close to one...I wouldn't be with her.
Playboypenguin: (and not for the same reason a lot of you pervs would want to :D ).
Sometimes being a prev has its advantages. :D

My wife wouldn’t have voted for Hillary or Obama on a bet and was lukewarm on McCain. Adding Palin to the mix has generated a good deal of excitement. These are my feelings as well.
IMO, there will be, hopefully, only a small amount of women voting for her simply cause she`s a woman. That mindset would conform to the same as voting for Obama simply cause he`s considered black. Sad but there are people out their with those mindsets.