Now that I think about it, I have been practicing for a transition from auto to revolver for IDPA, and I need to rethink this slower reload point. While getting ready to make the switch, I have been practicing a little home-made drill to bone up on my reloads. It consists of 3 targets with 2 feet of seperation, 7 yards away. Starting from the ready position with the gun in leather, I draw on the buzzer, double tap each target from right to left, reload, double tap each target from left to right, reload, double tap each target from right to left again. Thats 18 rounds, 2 reloads for those of you in Dade County. My 'all a zone' times hover right around or just under 15 seconds from the buzzer to the last shot. I didn't think that was all that fast untill I tried the same experimint with a 1911 for comparison. Loading 6 rounds in 3 magazines, I tried the same drill. 18 rounds, 2 reloads. My a-zone times were still right around 15 seconds. If I loaded the 1911 mags to full capacity, but only fired 6 rounds before reloading, my total time droped to around 14 seconds since I didnt have to manipulate the slide stop. but what I have learned by this little drill, is that reloading a revolver with carry style speed loader takes aproximatly the same amount of time as reloading a slide locked auto.
BTW, I call this drill "House of the Dead" after the famous Sega arcade game where you shoot undead zombies with the little plastic light pistols. BANG BANG.......BABG BANG....thought that one was dead the first time...Uh oh here he comes again..BANG BANG.
BTW, I call this drill "House of the Dead" after the famous Sega arcade game where you shoot undead zombies with the little plastic light pistols. BANG BANG.......BABG BANG....thought that one was dead the first time...Uh oh here he comes again..BANG BANG.
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