Will Many Here be Voting for Ron Paul or Bob Barr?

"Are these people wasting their vote, in your opinion?"


"They all say that they are guided by their conscious, and voting on principle."

I believe them, by in large.
In the Republican primary I voted for Ron Paul because he was the viable candidate most aligned with my views on RKBA and the Constitution in general, as well as libertarian concepts of lesser government. Everybody is viable in the primaries.

He lost. He is no longer running for President.

In November I will vote for John McCain because now he is the candidate most aligned with my views on RKBA and the Constitution, of the remaining viable candidates. There are some years where a third party candidate is viable; 1984 certainly was. This is not such a year. It's McCain or Obama in November if neither of them drops out or dies before then. McCain and Palin are far preferable to Obama and Biden.

Your mileage may vary, but this is the reality I see.
I must say I'm shocked and dismayed at how few people actually read past the first few lines of my post... :eek:
So...How many of you voting for Bob Barr or Ron Paul will be voting for Libertarian candidates in your LOCAL elections? Or running yourselves?

I prefer to build a house starting at the base...not the roof.
Bob Barr was my congressman for 8 years.

He is a true American who respects the Constitution, and believes in this country. He does MORE than pay lip service to his constituents, and actually tries to do what THEY want done! He is a strict Constitionalist, and would be a great president! He would appoint Supreme Court nominees who would interpret the Constitution, rather than change it to make it conform to their way of thinking. He also doesn't believe in getting America involved in the affairs of others, with out a vital interest in the national security of our country! I will be voting for him this election, as I just can't abide McCain, and especially not Obama! If some one thinks my vote will be wasted, so be it, as MY conscience will be clear. Best of all Bob is one of the best supporters of the 2nd amendment in history.
If in running a marathon, you decide from the beginning to come in dead last even though you have the ability to come in first if you desire, you are making a wasted effort.

It's a two party system, folks. Even Ron Paul was smart enough to know that. It's why he put an "R" next to his name in the primaries instead of an "L".

A Barr vote or a Paul write-in is an exercise in ego massage. And a statement of anger.

No, not anger at politicians. Anger at other Americans who are too "stubborn" or "sheeple-like" to realize they should be libertarians. Americans who sometimes expect their government to do stuff...even if it might not be expressely allowed for in the wording of the Constitution.

I don't go to the polls to make a statement. That's what editorial pages and political forums are for. I go to elect the guy who has a chance of winning who most agrees with me out of the two.

This year, that's McCain.
For all the Bob Barr and Ron Paul voters, when Obama reinstates the assault weapon ban or other anti-2nd amendment measures, blame your conscience. I'm voting for the guy far less likely to do so. Voting for Barr or Paul is fantasy.
Citizen Carrier said:
I don't go to the polls to make a statement. That's what editorial pages and political forums are for. I go to elect the guy who has a chance of winning who most agrees with me out of the two.

This year, that's McCain.

Eloquently put and I agree completely in this case.
This election is very close. Voting for a third party candidate puts Barak Obama in the White House.
Make a social statement if you must, but be prepared to LIVE with the consequences of your vote.
NO, because a McCain/Palin win is the only weapon we have against a housecleaning of the Supreme Court and SOCIALISM.
Stevens is 88 [damn].

Scalia is 72.

Kennedy is 72.

Souter is 68.

Ginsburg is 75.

Breyer is 70.

Does anybody honestly feel this is the year to submit a protest vote?

Some of those guys have obviously been waiting for a Democrat President so they could retire.

I liked D.C. v. Keller. It would be a shame if that was the last time we saw a constructionist interpretation of the Constitution in our lifetimes...

But you can vote Barr if it just about your feelings.
A vote for McCain is not a vote for Obama. It is a vote to support the Republican party and it's decision to pander to small groups and blow off the requests of the party at large. If you vote for McCain despite the fact that almost no republicans like him, yourself included, the party will never ever go back to being truly conservative. Has everyone forgotten that the root word of Republican is REPUBLIC. The Republican party is taking as much power from states, AND INDIVIDUALS, as the democratic party. Maybe it is inevitable that the US will have nanny cams and no private ownership of firearms like England. At least if Republicans don't stop supporting a party that left their interests behind decades ago.

This is the fourth election I have been cognoscente of, I can not honestly say any of them were a good year to put out a protest vote. I can clearly remember that argument being used in every election. At some point Republicans are going to have to suck it up and make that protest vote or kiss this country, all the sacrifices made in building it, and all that it stands for goodbye. 4 years with Obama is better than the next 40 with McCain, and you all know it.
If no Republicans like him...just who was it that handed him all those primaries?

Ah, the old "We Have to Destroy the GOP so it can be Reborn Anew" argument.

You guys have any idea what kind of permanent, irreversible damage can be done in just two years of waiting for the GOP to be reborn while the Dems control both houses of Congress and the White House?

Sure, reform the party all we can. Get it back to what it was in 1994.

Do we have to lose and banish ourselves to obscurity while we do that though?

Do we have to watch as our healthcare is nationalized, our guns restricted and our Supreme Court loaded up with 45-year-old radical leftists who will stay in for 30 years?

I don't think so.

You only have influence over the politicians you elect with your vote.
johnwilliamson062, I hate to break it to you but the party at large is who gave McCain the nomination. There was an election, he won.

I could almost understand you perspective before the VP pick and could certainly agree with it should we have seen a pick for VP like Rudy with a less Marxist opponent. That is not the case now though.

Ron Paul is the one saying try to change the party from within. Sarah Palin is the single greatest chance of that happening since Bush went left on spending, entitlements and borders. I think she is the greatest hope for the Conservative movement since Reagan, she has that much potential.

You can stand outside and throw rocks all you want or you can come on in and elect a ticket which works solidly towards what it is you want, CONSERVATIVE LEADERSHIP. No, McCain is not everything you want now. Politics has NEVER been about electing someone who has everything you want. Politics is always at some level about compromise. If you study this nation's founding and early presidents that should be plainly understood. You have a choice of McCain, Obama or Obama by default. Choosing McCain will not get you everything you want now but it will do a hell of a job of getting what you want much closer for the immediate future in the form of Sarah Palin.

Alternatively you can go thrid party and say how right you were when Obama wins. Palin will fade off to be another has been VP candidate who never made it and you can claim part of the credit for that.
So who on the right COULD McCain have selected that would have appeased the fanatical right

I guess we differ because I don't find low taxes, small government, pro-2nd amendment positions as fanatical. If you do, maybe you are further left than you realize.

As for Palin, she is a good candidate. Too bad she is not leading the ticket.
FireMax, you did not answer the question you quoted though?

I guess we differ because I don't find low taxes, small government, pro-2nd amendment positions as fanatical. If you do, maybe you are further left than you realize.

McCain is solid on the 2A, at least in the 90th percentile on the issue. On the other two he is certainly better than Obama and by a sizable margin.

Sorry, but you self appointed morally outraged outcasts who refuse to oppose Obama even with Palin on the ticket are being clearly revealed to be more in love with shouting how right you are than in actually doing something productive. You are the right's version of the extremist leftists who voted for Nader.

Oh, and I think those things are incredibly important so I am choosing to do something EFFECTIVE in supporting McCain / Palin in order to bring them about!
Can`t deny what Musketeer is saying, a vote for other than a Dem or Rep is surely a vote for the side you LEAST believe in. Does the Mccain/Palin ticket preach 100% every belief I have, nope. I been voting for the last 35 yrs and haven`t had one set of candidates I`ve 100% agreed with, thats just wishful thinking. The candidates that agree more with my line of thought gets my vote. Period!