Will Hillary be our next president?

Will Hillary be the next president

  • YES

    Votes: 33 31.1%
  • NO

    Votes: 73 68.9%

  • Total voters
Thanks every one

If the GUN NUTS (me too) here feel that the chances are slim for the "HITTLER KRINKON" to make it into the big office I feel a little better.
I am lucky enough to work around a good number of women and they are all ages, from +20 to +60 and I have been surprised at the number that would NOT vote for her but at the same time most said they did and would vote for slick willy again.
Lets all hope and PRAY that the B from New York (no offence to NY"ers) decides to come out and tell every one that she will do away with illegal aliens (make every one in the world an American and give them all free collage a free home and free food as long as they don’t work) and at the same time rise the taxes of every one making under $100,000 by 50%.
That might make her a little harder to sell to the normal stupid American.
Personally I think that that is what she will do if she becomes pres only a little less percentage, or more.

God Bless America,
Its amazing how well she works even with the incompetent twits that run her. Some one here said that Hittlery could be the reason for the next civil war in America.
Would that be so bad?
We could talk about the year 2010, when all the lawyers were dumped into the ocean with a rock tied to there feet after the civil war was over.
When a child molester got a bullet instead of time off for good behavior.
When if you didn’t work and sat on your but, that was what you got to eat, your but.
Where illegal aliens were just that "illegal" meaning one way ticket to Ellis Island. If you could swim back, good for you if not,,, go home.
Where the working class was just that the working class and not the used and abused by congress.
I love America and wouldn’t want to be any other place, but right now we are broke. I don’t mean money broke, we are leadership broken.
We don’t have leadership we have talking heads with very little intelligence.
Its time America wakes up and gets ride of them, not by civil war, but by voting them out.
If you don’t vote you have no right to complain, none at all.
If you don’t vote, your are part of the problem. Don’t say you don’t have time. Don’t say anything other than “Yes I will VOTE”.
That way we can make sure Hittlery will go back to NY and Get a JOB.
The problem I have is that it's a close vote. It shouldn't be even remotely close. We should have a country strong and sound enough to vote her losing something like 20-80--a total rejection of her and the ideas that spawn her kind. We are in need of that kind of a revolution. Not just to tell her no, but to tell her F*** NO AND DON'T COME BACK. DON'T EVEN TRY.
I believe the Democratic Socailists Party will win and our Right To Bear Arms could be in jeopardy. But my Grand Daddy would turn over in his grave if I voted anything but Democratic.