Will Hillary be our next president?

Will Hillary be the next president

  • YES

    Votes: 33 31.1%
  • NO

    Votes: 73 68.9%

  • Total voters
Yes, I am confident she will win if she makes it though the nomination process. That remains to be seen. At this time I do not see any of the Republican candidates as being able to run against her well oiled machine. She will steam roll all of them in the general election. The reason is that most Americans really do not see her as a threat to our way of life, as most conservatives see her. It looks from the polls that Americans want to again slap the Republicans for the perceived mess on the WOT, and at home. The general population has swallowed hook line and sinker the media's daily negative reporting on America. Which guarantees a big Democrat win in 2008.
Some of you sound so negative that Hillary or Rudy the Rino are the only two that can win. In such a case, we'd be in serious trouble either way.

I think that there are a couple pro-gun candidates that would have a shot at beating Hillary if they get through the nomination. I think the nomination will be a harder win than the main election.

There are so many people (even some liberals) that don't trust Hillary, that I don't think she is an automatic win. I would NOT be surprised if she won, but I'm saying its NOT a 100 percent guarantee.
She might be elected, and a combination of spending while infringing upon everyones rights may very well bring about a second civil war, especially considering how much most of the military hates her.

She won't get the nomination.

First, as has been mentioned up-thread, being the early front-runner is usually a bad thing in the Democratic primary process. The Republicans have tended to pick their nominees before the first vote is cast, and the "establishment" candidate usually wins. This year will be different, because the two Republican establishments (Christian conservatives and "money" Republicans) can't agree on anything. But on the Dem side, this is typically not how it goes.

Second, other than her own campaign people, the pundits and commentators who have been pushing hardest on the "inevitable Hillary" theme have all been Republicans. Don't think that the Democratic base doesn't see that. If Sean Hannity and Frank Lunz say we should do something, most Dem primary voters are going to do something else on that basis alone.

Third, the war. The overwhelming majority of Democratic primary voters think the war in Iraq was a monumentally stupid thing to do. And they thought that before it started. So the question is, "If I thought this was dumb, and I was right, why should I vote for someone who was too stupid to see it then, and still doesn't see it now?" It's a question she can't answer, and it will kill her candidacy.

Fourth, the absolutely rabid, visceral hatred that a lot of Republicans have for her. We know this, and we know that Hillary would bring out the Republican vote like nobody else running. Not only would that hurt her chances of winning the election, but it would kill the Democrats in important down-ballot races in swing areas like VA and the mountain West. You want your opponent's base to be depressed and dispirited, not angry and energized.

So, for all who worry about a Hillary v Guiliani race, take heart. I don't either one will be the nominee.

Will most americans vote for her? Possibly. Will she end up being the president? Nope. Giuliani is the establishment's hand picked candidate. The fact that he quickly (almost magically) rose to leader status within the party is proof that the establishment has near total control over the national republican party. How else could a candidate whom most of the grass roots despise almost instantly gain the lead without even trying? How can any honest person explain HOW he was propelled to being the lead candidate among republicans, unless you dare discuss the establishment's behind the scenes support? The citizens, the majority MEMBERS of the republican party did not draft this man. They did not choose this man. Giuliani was shoved down their throats by the party elite, and now, many republicans are mindlessly supporting him ONLY because they believe "he is the only one who can win."

However, since bush has done incredible damage to the republican party (by hijacking and perverting it's once good principles), there just MIGHT be enough votes out there to put Hillary in the white house, maybe even enough to counteract some seriously suspicious things that happened in several key states as the votes were being counted (and which will probably happen again).
I am gonna say no.... Although a lot of people around here don't like Bush..They say that is the man and not the party... And they said
I am scared of her

Noone seems to trust her (Gee...wonder why?).... And the fact that OBama was a muslim sorta has turned some people off....

I think a lot of locals will vote for anyone besides Obama and Hillary.
I have to say no. One most only look at how Bill Clinton got the nomination to see that front runners don't tend to do very well at the end for the Democrats. I'm betting on Richardson or Edwards. I hope it's Richardson, but it will probably be an Edwards for P/ Richardson as VP ticket for the dems. Don't quote me on that.
I tend to think that the Democrat party's '08 "Dream Ticket" will be Hitlery Klinton for president and Obama for vice president. If that happens, look for the majority of Americans to scurry over to WHOEVER the Republicans nominate.

Here's the problem. Hitlery wants to run for the presidency. Trouble is she knows, for a fact, that if she's saddled with Obama in an election race that they do NOT have a realistic chance of winning. Between her and Obama there is SOOO much baggage that there isn't a train locomotive poweful enough to move it all. So that means that she has either GOT to accept Obama as her election partner or snub him and not offer the vice presidency to him. If she snubs him and gives the nod to Edwards or Kerry, then her own party will eat her alive for a variety of reasons: like being a racist, anti-Muslim and so on. About the only thing left for Hitlery to do is hope or arrange that Obama dies in "some sort of (shades of Ron Brown's airplane) accident" or that he pulls a Ft. Marcy Park "suicide" like Vince Foster did. Snub or die. Hmmm. Which one do you think Hitlery will go for? I'm betting that there will soon be another "mysterious death" around the Clintons pretty soon involving Obama. Care to bet?
Wow. Starts with "Hitlery Klinton" (get it? Hitler, Hillary...and the K's are always so much funnier!) and ends with the insinuation that she's actually going to kill Obama rather than have to deal with the decision of whether or not to give him the VP slot.

Just wow.

It's like at the bottom of the political discussion barrel there's another barrel, with a separate bottom altogether.
One of things I learned about CEO's when I worked white collar is that there are leaders, and then again there are people who simply like the trappings of power.

Hillary just likes to be the commanding queen bee.

As a leader, you don't get everything you desire or proffer before congress.

Yikes, Hillary seethes when criticized or denied the implementation of her divine visions on how to rule the American people.

And let's face it, just as Ted Kennedy is dismissed as being an unnecessary apendage, Hillary is going to learn soon enough that the word "Clinton" is simply the punchline to sophomoric fat girl jokes.

In watching some of the vintage episodes of Jay Leno during the writers' strike I'm amazed at how many disrespectful jokes where made about Slick Willie even when he was still President.

I think Hillary will get a taste of that same treatment and go ballistic. After all, she's the queen, governing with a divine right.
I voted yes to the question in your opening post. The Democratic primaries are wide open despite what the polls say, so I don't have any confidence in the prediction that she will be the Dem nominee. I do predict, however, that our next president will almost certainly be a Democrat.

Ditto - if the Dems can come up with a fiscally conservative winner, then that person would be a shoe-in.

The country is sick and tired of the same old war-mongering policies of the Rs, and sick and tired of paying so much dad gummed money in TAXES, and not having enough money to go around, and working their tails off for virtually nothing. Hillary wants to raise taxes (repeal the Bush tax cuts) - that a RAISING of our taxes, no matter how you slice it. Obama wants to raise them even more than Hillary. So if the Dems could just nominate someone who would reign in government spending, and hold taxes steady, if not cutting them, and also have the anti-war stance behind them, they'd get into office in a landslide. The Rs are absolutely stupid for not getting behind a candidate who could win fairly easily (Ron Paul), and the Ds are absolutely stupid for not getting behind someone who WON'T raise our taxes, and is solidly anti-war, and could win VERY easily (?? - Richardson??).

The major parties just can't see the forest for the trees. The FORESTS that control the election in swing states are 1. Economy / Taxes (the economy stinks for the average person and taxes are TOO HIGH). and 2. The War in Iraq - bleeding our children's and grandchildren's financial futures dry to fund the ill-advised Iraq war, and literally bleeding our sons and daughters to death on the battlefield, for nothing worthwhile that can possible come from staying in Iraq.

To tweak the 92 Clinton slogan a bit: IT'S THE ECONOMY AND THE WAR, STUPID! You line up a candidate which has both of those issues on their side, and bolster them through the primaries, then it's smooth sailing. Doesn't look like either party is going to do that however. What Clinton and Obama and other Ds fail to understand is that the REASON we can't afford any #$%#$%@%@#$, @#%%ing, #@%#@#ing health insurance is that taxes are WAY TOO #$%#$%#$ing high. We don't need taxes to be raised MORE - we need them CUT, so we can go out and BUY health insurance. The REASON S-chip is a bad idea is that the STATES should tax and spend (legislate) in this area, in their discretion, not the federal government. Last thing on earth we need is a layer of Washington bueaurocrats taking a cut before sending the $$ BACK to us in the states, when it never should have been taken from us to begin with. That leaves us LESS money to fund healthcare for kids, not more! Idiots.

The answer to the poll question is "I don't know, but jeebus I hope not"; this was not among the choices, so I didn't vote. It IS possible, but a real stretch to think she can overcome her very high negatives in the polls. So probably NOT. Obama would be much more likely to be elected in the general than Hillary, regardless of how you may feel about him.
Since many of you believe a Dem is inevitable, are there any pro-gun dems running for president???

Anyone remember the D4A sector of the Democrats? Democrats for the second admendment.... are there still actually any democrats on our side?

I would have no problem voting for a pro-gun democrat, provided that they are pro-liberty as well. Is there such a beast?
I would have no problem voting for a pro-gun democrat, provided that they are pro-liberty as well. Is there such a beast?

I don't know about pro-gun, but I believe there are quite a few that are at the least not anti-gun. You'll generally find them from semi-rural/conservative states. However, I'm not sure what you mean by "pro-liberty." If you're talking about general fiscal conservatism/libertarianism not so much; most of the more socialistic tendancies are ingrained into the Democratic platform and party; if somebody's fiscally conservative, pro-gun, etc. there's little reason they wouldn't just run on the Republican ticket and little chance they'd receive the nomination on the Democratic.

EDIT: Speaking of Democratic politicians in general here, not presidential. I went ahead and added the bottom when I realize that's what you were talking about above as well.

Since many of you believe a Dem is inevitable, are there any pro-gun dems running for president???

Unless I'm mistaken, Richardson is at least not virulently anti-gun, and I believe he has received some endorsements from the NRA. I know I remember him supporting background checks, but how many of the candidates on either side don't? Anyway, if you had to have a Democrat and gun rights are your primary issue, he'd probably be your guy. Much better than the rest, at least...and better than at least some of the Republican field as well.

I'll not bother looking, because it's irrelevant (due to his being stark raving mad) but I'd not be surprised to find that Mike Gravel is also pro-gun. I'd not be surprised to find he's anti-gun, either, but I'd say pro-gun is more likely.

The rest of the Democratic field, is to my knowledge, pretty virulently anti-gun (regardless of their pandering to "sportsmen and hunters").
America is definitely dumb enough to vote for her. Most women will probably (no offense to any here) vote for her just because she is a woman. I had a pretty conservative woman, whom I trusted as very reasonable and knowing, back in HS tell me she would vote if Eliz. Dole had run just because of that reason. Yes, America is dumb enough.
If she can win the nomination I think she has a good shot at POTUS. The public has been bombarded with bad news from Iraq for years by the MSM and they're sick of the war. The war combined with the usual Congressional waste of taxpayer money has also cost the Republican party a lot of their fiscal conservative street cred too. The economy is also weighing on people's minds, and a lot of those people who have or provided the financing for ARMs, option ARMs, interest only ARMs, and any other ARM I forgot to mention aren't interested in the whole taking personal responsibility for your economic well-being thing right now. So I don't find it inconceivable that the voters would decide to change the management group since the grass always seems greener on the other side.

Assuming Hillary was elected POTUS, I think she wouldn't be very successful. Most of her political career has been following her husband around feeding on his leftovers. When she did go out on her own she ran for office in NY, where she could count on a majority of Democratic voters to begin with, most of whom live in dense urban areas with very liberal politics. So the one time she ran for major political office it was a total gimme. Pretty much all she had to do to get a majority in NY state to vote for her was say "I'm a Democrat, I hate Bush, and I'm married to Bill Cllinton, thank you very much for voting for me."

Since I'm not a New Yorker I may just be spouting an ill-informed opinion of Hillary's Senate race. She can probably get the little sliver of a majority that gets her into office, but the 49.999999% that didn't vote for her will still have representatives in Congress, and they'll make every millimeter of the next four years as tough as they can.
A great Sea Story.....

I took computer programming classes 96-97 at Computer Learning Center in Alexandria. Had a classmate who said he was the drummer for the Old Guard, or whatever the ceremonial unit at Arlington Cemetery was .

He had an active duty Army ID card. This kid swore that Hillary refused to shake the hand of the unit's NCO saying that she did not "shake hands with men in uniform".

I don't know. Never saw the kid play his drum in dress blues, he could have been a coffee pot commando from the pentagon 'round there. But I believed him.

She scares me. If she wins I might call Alec Baldwin and ask him if I can have that ocean liner ticket he never used after he promised he would.