Will Hillary be our next president?

Will Hillary be the next president

  • YES

    Votes: 33 31.1%
  • NO

    Votes: 73 68.9%

  • Total voters


New member
I am not asking if you will or won’t vote for her. I am asking if you think America is dumb enough to make her our next president?
I think the wheels are coming off her wagon. Democrats don't nominate front runners like Repubs tend to do. I wouldn't bet on Obama either. Edwards or Richardson.
While I do not think she will make it, I think it could likely be very close if Conservatives do not do a good job of getting people out to vote, or allow the "we hate bush" movement to build up too heavy.
I am asking if you think America is dumb enough to make her our next president?

Yes, unfortunately. I've lost quite a bit of faith in the general public in the past few years. It's blatenly obvious to me in my life's experiences that it's the case. Makes me sick. It would really make me ill if she or any person similar to her actually gets the vote...
Too many scandals in the past tied to Hillary were not followed by the media because of Teflon Slick Willy and his popularity with them. If he is not in the spotlight I think the scandals will stick like chewing gum on a Communist red high heeled shoe. Before election time.
Hillary ???

I will definetly not vote for Hillary Clinton. If she win then the "Illuminati" selected her to protect their money and their interest that's all.
You must know how the "Illuminati" in the world controll the elections not the people. Regardless how hard the people try to elect the good one but the main point is the Illuminati select the one they want then we lose.
Search and Read about Illuminati before vote.
The two parties select candidate then we elect what they select but not what we select.
I really concern about the 2nd Admenmends not the candidate.
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Depends on who gets the Republican nomination.

My fear is that it will be Rudy the Rino vs. Hillary.

In such a case, we lose either way.

My gut instinct is that she will win only if the opponent is weak. The scary thing is that MOST of the opponents are weak.

Yes, I think America is dumb enough to chose her.
I'll vote for her if she gets the Democratic nomination.
I'd prefer Al Gore but that isn't going to happen.

All of the Democratic candidates have serious problems. Even little Mr. ideological purity Kucinich shot his foot off last week. But compared to the other side its no contest.

Senator Clinton currently has a double digit lead over her closed rival. While that could turn around in time, Obama has made some mistakes over Social Security, Gay Rights, and Healthcare that make him less popular amongst the base than. That's one of the hazards of claiming to be purer than Caesar's wife.

So Obama's negatives with the base are perhaps growing faster the Clinton's popularity with the general public is waning.
(Just a note, Clinton is not very popular with leftist or activist Democrats)

Edwards is floundering at the moment. The other major candidates have co-opted his health care plan and he doesn't seem to be able to stand up to the press as well as Clinton has. He's also hamstrung himself to a point by accepting government matching funds.
It is possible that Edwards could become a compromise candidate. His populist appeal could catch fire. Most of his negatives are manufacture and he might be able to over come those.

The rest of the field doesn't stand a chance.
Biden: combines an ability to say amazingly incisive and then amazingly stoopid things.
Dowd: Has made some big moves lately by proposing some very popular legislation. Not enough though.
Richardson: His association with the Clinton administration hasn't help and he's just not very charismatic.
Kucinich looks to become the Harold Stassen of the Democratic party. When he suggested that he'd have Ron Paul as VP, he lost a bunch of his loyal followers.
Gravel: I don't think we need to go there.

As it stands now the nomination is Hillary Clinton's to lose.

I voted yes to the question in your opening post. The Democratic primaries are wide open despite what the polls say, so I don't have any confidence in the prediction that she will be the Dem nominee. I do predict, however, that our next president will almost certainly be a Democrat.
I think the democrat voters will come to their senses and realize she is more part of the problem than the solution and that she also carries a lot of baggage that could doom their party in the general election.
At one point, I figured that they might as well hold Hillary's "coronation" without going to the trouble of having an election....but that was what I thought when Al Gore and John Kerry were the nominees.

The American people have shown their disdain for the do-nothing $$$$ grabbers in Washington, and on both sides of the aisle. Hillary's "plans" will certainly be scrutinized whenever she discloses them, and I'll bet that the average voter will realize that we just can't afford to have her in the White House. She can't continue to dodge the tough questions, and no matter how long her answers are, it's not going to cut it if she doesn't give out true facts. Oh, and I think that Bill will become sort of a detractor to her campaign.
Hillary is a Pathetic excuse for a human being, let alone as President of the United States. I would vote for Obama before voting for her, if the election came down to that event.

I think there's a very good chance you might be. And I don't mean be a few points, but by a clear, deciding victory.

Having said that, I also believe that she will be the worst President in history.

Here are my beliefs.

The moment she takes office, Willie is back in D.C. All of his old haunts, friends and weaknesses will be re-visited, and this time he has the entire day to party. In this sphere, the old concept of "Clinton fatigue" will hit again.

She also inherits the war. With her adversary relationship wit the military (and her lack of knowledge) nothing she tries or believes is going to work. If the war gets worse, as I think it might, she's going to be the President remembered as killing more kids.

She intends to spend like a drunken sailor--and my apologies to actual drunken sailors for my connection to Hillary. In case you've taken residence in a dank cave for the past year, we are in a recession. I don't see fuel prices dropping much, and I don't Hillary has made any friends in the business world. I expect a real seige-mentality from coroporations like Halliburton and oil.

She's a woman. Any faux pas will be documented. If she shows cleavage it's a top news story. If she gets aggressive on an issue she's PMS'ing. If she makes a military fumble, she's worrying her pretty little head.

Finally, I don't think she's qualified, at any level. She's an attorney for pete's sake and made some colossal errors in her own forte' of expertise.

Part of me wants to give her four years just to watch her drop the ball.
The news did want her-Im not sure about lately but they will swing support back on the (D) nominee-whoever. Remember Peanut Carter.
She's a woman. Any faux pas will be documented. If she shows cleavage it's a top news story. If she gets aggressive on an issue she's PMS'ing. If she makes a military fumble, she's worrying her pretty little head.

I agree with most of the rest of what you said, but this is something that honestly I think we just need to get out of the way. I don't know if Clinton is the optimal woman to do so; if she winds up being a horrible president (which would not surprise me) it will make it that much harder for the next few decades for another woman to get a shot.

Really, I think the only way we aren't screwed on this front (assuming that we consider excluding women from the presidency isn't desirable) is if she doesn't get the nomination. If she gets the nomination and wins, I have full confidence that she will be a lackluster president, possibly a one-term president as well. At which point we won't see another female president for quite some time. If she gets it and loses, I don't think either party will be nominating another woman for quite some time, for fear that it played some vital role in her loss.

Which is why for a while I was really hopeful that she just wouldn't run. Not so much naive as self-deceptive.
I don't care that Hillary is a woman.

My biggest issue is that she is a power hungry socialist that doesn't believe in personal freedoms, IMO.

I would likely vote for a woman if her stances agreed with mine.

Condoleezza Rice might be an example of a woman I'd vote for (if she ever ran in the future), but I don't know her stance on guns?
If Hilly can't even control Billy how is she going to lead the country? She is definitely the flea riding his big dog act. I don't think she has any following except for what Billy's coattails provide. She is very poisonous to know in person, I've read. YMMV