Wife's near draw experience

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Friend....What if these goons go after your family next? You still gonna feel the same way? Dont think so. Harsh??? All I'm asking is for her to call the darn police. Thats harsh???
Beat me to it aarond

That was a little....blunt. It is ultimately her decision to report it or not.

And no amount of browbeating is going to change that.
A little blunt? Very blunt, and disrespectful to Polynikes and his wife. She did a great job doing what she did. Maybe she should've called the police, but I understand why she didn't. Your feelings could've been expressed a lot more different, moosehead. A lot more respectful towards his wife.
Ok, lets see....next we see on the news a lady is beatin and her kids kidnapped from lets say a Target parking lot....what are you guys going to think then? Hmmmm, maybe this could have all been avoided had a citizen just picked up the phone and called the police. Its not browbeating, it called doing the right thing! Need to stop thinking about ourselves folks.
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Call the cops and say what?

"A woman was walking toward me and a guy yelled out "Yo, she's not one to *explicative* with."

What is that? Felony use of bad grammar?
If I'm high, then most of TFL must be, and you must be the only supposed "drug-free" person on here. I understand your concern and your views. But the point is, there are ways to inform people of your views without yelling and ranting and more or less calling Mrs. Polynikes an idiot. And like Stressfire said, its ultimately her decision to make, and no one can change that. It's one thing to express your opinion, but it doesn't need to be done in a bashing and rude manner like was done. And also, where did you ever come up with the "thinking about ourselves" thing? I haven't seen a single post on here that would even make me begin to think that the members of this forum that have posted on this thread are "thinking about themselves". Ill get off my soap box now, before I get kicked off TFL. Sorry to the mods, but this really ticked me off.

Edit: I'm not trying to say she shouldnt've called the police. I believe she should have, but its her decision to make, and no one else can make it for her.
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Call the cops and say what?

"A woman was walking toward me and a guy yelled out "Yo, she's not one to *explicative* with."

What is that? Felony use of bad grammar?


Are you saying that you think this incident was actually a misunderstanding and shouldn't be reported to the police?
Really? lets see, she knew they type of car....maybe the color, possibly the licence number....anything that help the cops. I cant believe I am trying to convince you guys to call the cops??? What kind of forum is this?

Imagine how many crimes could have been prevented if folks would just pick up the phone and take a couple minutes out of thier busy schedules and call the police? Really......what is there to loose?

BTW, when you dont call the police in what would help others because "we" dont want to....that is not thinking of others, but thinking only of ourselvs.
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Are you saying that you think this incident was actually a misunderstanding and shouldn't be reported to the police?

Far from it. I think she did great. What I'm pointing out to the new "gentleman" on the forum is that there isn't much to report.
What I'm pointing out to the new "gentleman" on the forum is that there isn't much to report.

Suspicious activity such as the OP described is of interest to LE and definitely worth reporting.
My cousin once was "browbeaten" by her husband into calling the police about a strange guy who had shown up at their rural home, driving a floral delivery van, and claiming to be lost. He wanted to use her phone to call the customer for directions; this was pre-cell phone days.

She was going to let him in, when her German Shepherd reacted very unfavorably to the guy. The guy chose to leave. My cousin called her husband, who said "Call the police right now."

She did, although she thought they wouldn't be interested.

A while later, several police cars showed up. Turned out that a guy claiming to be a lost floral delivery driver, with a van, had raped four or five women who had let them inside to use the phones in their rural homes.

So Moosehead24, although he could be less blunt and antagonistic, makes a very good point.
Moosehead, let me be equally blunt, and I'm sure this response is going to offend the sensibilities of some here. I'm not looking to derail this thread with an argument. When I make a decision to carry a weapon, it's not because I see myself as a protector of the citizenry as a whole. It's to protect me and mine. Simply because I have shouldered that responsibility, I'm not volunteering to protect everyone else that comes my way. They have to decide for themselves what their own safety and security is worth. Selfish? Maybe, but I don't buy into the whole "sheepdog" mentality. My family is the only flock I worry about.

Would I report it? Sure. I'd want the scum off the street just so I never have to run into them again. The decision is not mine to make, it belongs to my wife, but no matter what she decides, that's the end of the incident as far as she is concerned. If someone else becomes a victim, it's the fault of the criminal alone.
" Would I report it? Sure. I'd want the scum off the street just so I never have to run into them again. The decision is not mine to make, it belongs to my wife, but no matter what she decides, that's the end of the incident as far as she is concerned. If someone else becomes a victim, it's the fault of the criminal alone. "

Not reporting is wrong.

By reporting, it establishes a pattern of the BG and if enough bits of information are provided by different people a future crime might be stopped. Or even her being in a different car and the BG unknowingly taking a run at her a second time.

TV news reports run stories where people have reported a attempted crime to police. The news reports are was to let people to be on the look out. It also gets information out there about the BG, sometimes this leads to someone turning them in.

I'm thinking there is some other reason why she does not want to report the incident. Perhaps it didn't go down as described, or she knew the people and fears reprisal, or acted more aggressively. Some sort of "code" not to snitch on someone coming a crime? Or?

You are really not in a position to objectively view the overall picture because you are too close to the situation.

If she still does not report the incident, I would hope she tells the next victim face to face that the same BG approached her but felt it unnecessary to report it.
polynikes wrote:
If someone else becomes a victim, it's the fault of the criminal alone.

WANT A LCR 22LR replied:
If she still does not report the incident, I would hope she tells the next victim face to face that the same BG approached her but felt it unnecessary to report it.

Well said, WANT A LCR 22. Pretty had to argue against that.
If she still does not report the incident, I would hope she tells the next victim face to face that the same BG approached her but felt it unnecessary to report it.

The only person to blame for a crime is the person who perpetrated it. Sorry, I'm not buying any explanantions to the contrary.
Polynikes, you can deny any moral obligation to your community if you like, but please bear in mind that is exactly what you are doing. Leaving others to fall victim, when you might be able to help prevent it, is not a trait I can respect, and would be a trait that would cause me to de-select somebody as a friend.

Bottom line: Your wife could, through a phone call and an interview, provide your local LEOs with information that could be used to prevent a crime by this same pair, or make it easier to identify them should something else happen. Her choice not to try to do so does not paint a flattering picture, and while you are trying to be the supportive husband - which is admirable - you pretending that it's a decision that involves her and her alone is not admirable in the least.

Edit: Had you said your wife was so traumatized by the event that she couldn't talk about it (often the case with rape victims, for instance), that might be different. You've basically said she doesn't want the hassle, and thinks the police wouldn't do anything with the information. That's just sad.
"The only person to blame for a crime is the person who perpetrated it. Sorry, I'm not buying any explanantions to the contrary."

Oh, I'm not laying blame, . . .I just want her to tell the next victim " I could have called the police and possibly saved you from harm, but my husband agreed that once I returned to my safe and warm house, I bore no responsibility to warn others and can't be convinced to the contrary. "

I guess if I suggested you call the police , relayed the BG interaction then ask if you should report the incident, that would be too obvious. . .

Is there a person that you or wife have the highest respect for? What is their take on this situation?
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