why so many guns?

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When you become a firearms enthusiast, you cross over into an exciting world of politics, history, technology, design, self-reliance, sportsmanship, and a test of your own mettle as a human being. Accordingly, one gun is not enough. You will soon find yourself buying more, doing more reading and research about firearms, learning their history and value, then and now, debating with others and loving every minute of it. I dare say becoming a firearms enthusiast is an intellectual endeavor in this regard. It is a solidly edifying and wholesome pastime, perhaps even livelihood if you are lucky.

[This message has been edited by Trevor (edited August 24, 1999).]
Grenadier I feel that you asked a loaded question ! But at least you asked and now know a lot more...and also that GUNZ do not equal CRIME !
Here is Australia we have just had all semi auto rifles and shotguns banned, as have all pump-action shotguns of all types and calibres. Please visit our web-site to see how crime has actually increased since, it is ssaa.org.au and is full of info for a researcher or student.
I actively shoot ISU(intertnational target pistol shooting). I have 8 pistols as our PA and APSUA shoot eight separate matches. Could one type competitively shoot all?
The answer is negative.
We have one of the most restrictive pistol laws in the world and...yes you guessed it, the most commonly used firearm in crime is...a handgun !
Best wishes for your studies from downunder.

***Big Bunny***
Hey, Grenadier! Howdy and welcome!

Most folks who are not going to flop down and die upon retirement have outside interests. For this bunch, for the myriad reasons already said, it's some part of the Gun World.

Folks are touchy because of the efforts of various groups to demonize us. Molly Ivins, e.g., of the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, would have folks believe that I only have any gun at all in order to "enhance my manly prowess". (Sorry, Molly, not needed...)

So, I have a couple or three hunting rifles, for little critters up to big critters. I have a couple or three shotguns, for birds and claybirds. I have a couple or three pistols, for plinking, hunting, and (I hope never) self-defense. Plus the usual .22 rifle for killing the evil tin can...

And, there's the stray or two I'm just trying out to see if I want to keep it. And a loaner-gun or two if somebody shows up without a huntin' gun or breaks his own pet.

Nobody needs: A bunch of guns. A Ferrari. $1,000,000. A 31' Bertram or a Cessna 410. A house with more than one bathroom, on a lot bigger than 60' x 120'.

This month is my 49th anniversary in handloading--I finally counted it out...About my 58th year in shooting, beginning with my Daisy Red Ryder around 1941--as I vaguely recall.

Like 99% of all gun bugs, I have yet to create any concern for my neighbors, nor of my hunting partners.

Haven't even been cited for perjury! :)

Later, Art
I hope that everything is going well with your research. You certainly have a great deal of thoughtful input to choose from in this forum. The four handguns of choice are as follows:
*Colt Government .45 ACP- It was the first handgun I learned to shoot with and I have carried one in harm's way both as a Marine grunt and a peace officer. For an all around fighting handgun you have the .45 and then comes everything else.
*Glock Model 26 9mmP. Really one of the few major advances in defensive handguns over the past 50 years. It is light, compact, accurate and virtually indestructible. My favorite all around concealed weapon.
*Smith & Wesson Model 686 with a 6 inch barrel. Suitable for anything you can ever come into contact with in my part of the world because you can chamber just about any sort of load imagineable. News flash for those who follow fads; a good double action revolver in .357 Magnum will be a formidable weapon as long as we have powder and lead.
*Browning Buckmark Plus .22 LR. The "lowly" .22 pistol with a brick of first class hollow points will last you a long time taking all sorts of small game. Light, reliable, accurate and priced for just about any budget. Is there really any more enjoyable handgun caliber out there?
The question "why" has been answered for me with just about every post submitted since this thread was begun. I would like to add this bit of philosphy that I learned many years ago:
"Why must we? I really don't know. It probably goes back to what some classify as 'the human condition'. Why do we?... Yes, by all that has sustained liberty and freedom, that I do know! Because one day, before the sun is up and the cock crows, the barbarians will be at the door and kicking it in and coming for me because I have the wrong nose or the wrong skin, or I'm on the wrong list and no one will say who put me there. I will need them then because I am a free man endowed by certain inalienable rights by my Creator. And the barbarians can only have those guns when they can pry my cold, dead fingers from those guns."
Take care and God bless,

[This message has been edited by Paladin (edited August 31, 1999).]
I have 3 pistols, 2 rifles, and another of each on the way. Pistols are sport and defensive mix, rifles are sport and defensive/assault mix.

I have more firearms than I need, and less than I want. I like guns because they appeal directly to my manhood. Guns are the epitome of the male drive to 'press on'.

In today's growing matriarch, there are precious few delights left for men. You know, outlets for unabashed, unashamed 'manliness'. So I schedule regular private time with my guns. During this time we bond, and I get to enjoy a few minutes of freedom from guilt about being a man (white, no less).
Since this is the handgun forum, Ill stick to my top 4. I am not a competitive shooter, but love to plink as well as self defense. I work in law enforcement, so most of my guns gear toward defense and concealed carry. Here are the top 4:

#1 Glock 22 in .40 - great gun, big enough, high cap, but not too big. Excellent duty gun - get night sites!

#2 S&W model 342 titanium - reasonably easy to conceal, REAL light, but packs a good punch with +p hydrashocks

#3 Taurus model 94 (i think) a nine shot .22. Great for practicing double action shooting and is very cheap to shoot. I use it to carry while hiking. I've put thousands of rounds through it.

#4 North American Arms mini revolver - when you cant carry anything else, a 5 shot .22 mag is a lot of gun in a TINY package. I hate to admit it, but I carry this more than any other gun - And I realize it is a mouse gun with Huge weaknesses. Its just SO pleasant to carry in a pocket holster. You forget it is there. All my gun friends love to give me fits about this one.

This list is by no means complete, Indeed I would list a good Shotgun and a good Rifle in my top 4, but as I said, this is the handgun forum....
I feel that I am taking guns out of the possible hands of criminals and safely storing them away from their evil hands, one at a time. ;)

of Pistols it would be

Ballistor Molina 11.25mm History
S&W MP .38Spec (made 1899)History
CZ-52 7.62x25 neat odd gun
Ruger Mk1.5 (MK1 upper MK2 Lower) .22lr cheap to shoot

[This message has been edited by Nestor Rivera (edited September 01, 1999).]
I've got:

Glock 19 9mm with multiple high cap mags
Glock 27 40SW,with multiple 10rd mags and a
357Sig barrel
Paraordnance P10 45
AMT 380 backup
and last AND least,a Jennings 380
I did own a Beretta Cheetah 380,which was nice,but I traded that for a Lee Loadmaster...nice.
My top four gun choice's are as follows:

1) Sig-Sauer P220A in .45 ACP
2) Sig-Sauer P228 in 9m/m
3) Sig-Sauer P226 in 9m/m
4) Sig-Sauer P229 in .40 S&W


Ala Dan
Well well well...

I'm in line with a lot of guys here in that I own a bunch of handgunsand each has its own merits and it would be hard to choose just 4... but here goes...

1. My ruger mk2 51/2 bullbarrel 22... my first pistol and has killed many a tin can and a few squirrels and a grouse. The costom Cocobolo grips and thick barrel make it look like a bigger gun too.

2. My 1951 Colt Commander Lightwieght .45 acp (it was a graduation gift from a retired artillery officer who took it to Korea) It has a 5 digit serial number and I'll never sell it. its in 95% condition or better too. ;) My first Big Bore.

3. My 1917 Colt Army Revolver in .45 ACP, rescued from a gun shop in denver for just over $300 (it had been reblued but shoots like a dream) WHY? I saw an article in Shooter's digest about the big smith and colt revolvers of wwI and thought it was cool.. it gets a lot of funny looks at the range and in the field too. A friend of mine called it my "Elliot Ness" gun. Unblieveably accurate and fun to shoot. The FIRST handgun I bought myself.

4. My 1991 Colt ODI/Viking Seecamp Conversion. in 45 acp. I saw a seecamp at a gun show and HAD to have one (lol should have bought it at $750 in 38 super) MINE cost $175 for the in the white ODI Frame and parts kit, another $200 for a complete 1991 Colt Upper, another hundered in stainless screws, pins etc, and refinising assembly and lots of TLC from the guys at Qualitie Pistol and Revolver (in Denver) I think I have $800 or more in the gun and it doen't feed hollowpoints all that well . Who cares? it looks and feels cool (lol and no it's NOT the gun I'd carry as my defense gun) but its fun to shoot.

now if i had another $2000 to play with I'd get a C-96 Mauser broomhandle in 7.63 with a shoulder stock (again its neat, historical, looks cool much more interesting to own than a luger (though an artillery model luger in 7.63 would be cool)


I'd scour the Old Town Dispatch for a pristine Colt Thunderer or Lightning with a london barrel adress in a fitted wood case. I love old colts and the Lightnings were awfully neat. Get is with yellowed Ivory grips.. yeah!

Say..... with all the interest in cowboy shooting HOW COME NO ONE HAS MADE A LIGHTNING REPLICA????

If i was gonna CARRY a gun I'd have to buy a new one.. Probably a Colt Magnum Carry in 357 in stainless and with a smooth d-frame wood grip.

Lol i think it was Barry Goldwater who said I have more guns than I need , but not as many as I want.

Like I said... ITS a Hard subject.

have Fun stay safe and practice practice practice...

Someone once asked Charlton Heston how many guns he had? He said "more than I need, but not as many as I want". My sentiments exactly. My top 4 pistols;

HK P-7

Colt Combat Elite (modified)

C&S Browning Hi-Power

Para Ordnance P-12

No special order.

My guns are tools, I don't collect them because I am afraid or that they look mean and because they look mean people will think I am mean. My weapons are tools and I train with my tools. Mastering a firearm is key, or what the weekend warrior would call "A bad-assed dude".
Pete80 has it right.

Guns are tools.
Why so many guns?
Would you trust a mechanic that only had one tool?
1. 2 1/4 inch S&W Model 640-1.

2. 2 inch S&W Model 49.

3. 4 inch S&W Model 10.

4. 2 inch S&W Model 64.

I possess and care for them out of pure, unadulterated LOVE! They are my most faithful companions, and they don't require much maintenance as some other companions do. Just try separating me from my Loves!
Because I can't afford MORE!!! ;)

Dr. Rob: Check out the Rossi Gallery Gun on their web site...

[This message has been edited by Danger Dave (edited September 09, 1999).]
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