Why so anti-McCain?

Heh heh. His rant on war? Sounds like a rant on treatment of veterans to me. I couldn't exactly see him being excited at the prospect of more wars, but he did bring it up because there will always be war, and where there are wars there are wounded soldiers, and our shabby treatment of our wounded veterans was the point of his speech.

Of course, we could have an entire thread about how we felt about there always being war and what that does and should mean. Ron Paul got it right when he said the terrorists didn't like us because of our influence in their countries, but they'd still be at least somewhat upset with us for our support of Israel, and we'd need to do something about the terrorists when they tried to go against regimes friendly to us. There'd still be bad blood, just not as much.
One of the worst things about this campaign is that McCain is the only
veteran among the major candidates.
No, that's incorrect. However, military service isn't required either, only natural born Americans and age 35 and up may apply.
One of the worst things about this campaign is that McCain is the only veteran among the major candidates.

Nothing in the history of our Presidents supports that view. FDR was not only not a veteran but he was in wheel chair, but he was a smart guy and knew how to pick great war time staff leaders. And (as a Republican I hate to say this) but Clinton balanced the budget and was smart enough not to get involved in a losing war. Ok, he had sex in the White House and was married to Hillary...nobodys perfect.:eek:
FDR's New Raw Deal was the starting line for our decline. Start pouring entitlements into the trough.

Clinton did not balance the budget.

Senator John McCain, has consistently demonstrated a record of public service counter to the philosophy and principles of conservatism and the Republican Party as evidenced by the following facts:

1. He has a consistent pattern of shocking verbal abuse, including screaming profanities, against Senate Republican colleagues who oppose his bills in any way.

2. He has exercised scandalously poor judgment by intervening with the federal regulators on behalf of Charles H. Keating, Jr. in the Savings and Loan Crisis of the 1980s.

3. He has worked against the principles of the Republican Party, promoting greatly expanding federal regulatory authority in order to combat global warming in ways that would greatly burden the American economy, contrary to free market forces.

4. He has fought the Republican Party to create the Patients Bill of Rights, which allowed the government to impose a set of burdensome mandates on insurance coverage.

5. He has undermined the principles of a free market economy by voting for an amendment that would authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to implement price controls on prescription drugs under Medicare.

6. He has worked against the Republican Party to make a mockery of the rule of law, promoting amnesty for 20 million illegal immigrants.

7. He has voted to subvert American Sovereignty by granting consulting rights to Mexico concerning the erection of a southern border fence.

8. He has undermined the Constitution and opposed the Constitutional duties of the Vice President to break a tie on judicial nominations.

9. He has worked against Conservative principles, undermining the First Amendment by abridging the free speech of citizens partaking in the political process.

10. He has consistently led efforts undermining Second Amendment rights by promoting bills which regulate all sales at gun shows; regulations which force gun-owners to purchase trigger locks, making their firearms useless for self-defense; regulations which restrict the legitimate transfer of firearms over the internet; and regulations which extend the restrictions of the Brady bill to pawn shops and gun repair shops.

11. He has voted to use taxpayer funds to harvest stem cells from human embryos.

12. He has refused to take immediate and direct action to protect the life of the unborn; he opposes the repeal of Roe v. Wade; and he opposes a constitutional amendment to protect all human life.

13. He sponsored and voted for a 282% tax increase on cigarettes that would have unconstitutionally violated the First Amendment and increased the size of the federal bureaucracy exponentially by giving the FDA unrestricted control over nicotine.

14. He supports raising Social Security taxes.

15. He has broken with the Republican Party in strongly opposing President Bush's tax cuts in 2001 and 2003. He also joined leading liberal senators in offering and voting for amendments designed to undermine the tax cuts.
Well said Luke, accurate to boot. Not much to add to that list, except I get sick of seeing McCain's latest ad that says he "is a true Conservative". Guess that's what you call straight (crooked) talk.:barf:
What I don't like about McCain and the rest of the Republicans is their stance on the Iraq war, and the economy. A pro war candidate that does not have a firm grasp on what is happening in the economy is going to have a hard time winning the general election. The Republicans do not have the upper hand on the Economy either. In all truth they really do not have a chance to win.
There is a split in the GOP on McCain. If you look at the percentages of vote that went to Romneyand Huckabee in his home state and other places there is not a wide margin. McCain is lucky most of the GOP stuff is winner take all.

If you look at his home state he got 47% of the vote while Romney-Hucakbee got 43% of the vote. In a Rasmussen Poll 26% of that vote rated immigration policy as a priority. Mr. McCain has not relented on that even though the American people closed down the process in Congress.

The question is will the hardcore conservative show up at the polls in Nov for him or will they turn thier backs on him?
Eghad said:
The question is will the hardcore conservative show up at the polls in Nov for him or will they turn thier backs on him?

As long as there are third-party options, McCain can count on seeing more crack than a Chicago hooker.....
Step one: perfect cloning.

Step two: dig up Harry S. Truman

Step three: run "the buck stops here" Harry.

Step four: Problem solved.

Where the heck are politicians like THAT anymore?
Sorry to burst your bubble, the the flaming socialist, Harry Truman, WAS a lot like John McCain.

That's the problem.

Today I've learned that John McCain has now voted in FAVOR of torture. That was about his only moral high ground.
Posted by Lew Rockwell at 07:11 PM

John McCain, allegedly a victim of torture by his Vietnamese victims, has pretended to be anti-torture. But one look in his 1000-mile stare, and you knew it was a pose. Today he voted for torture by drowning.
I was refering to Truman's "take the blame" stance. Too many politicans today want to pass the buck. With an "Honest Harry" at least we would KNOW what we were getting. I've always been taught that "...anyone takes credit for their good decisions. A great man takes the credit for his not so good ones too..." That's why modern politics pisses me off so much.