Why No .22 Rimfire Interest?

Always interest in rimfire. I never go shooting without one or more rimfires with me. If I go to the desert a bag of reactive targets (cans) go with me. On that note we always pick up our trash when done. Rimfire can always extend time shooting. 5 cents a shot is better than 30-35 cents a shot. The 22 ammo shortage never had effect on me and the next won't hurt either. If at all possible start a stock pile of ammo.
I find 22 rimfire to be enormous fun and provide great training even for a seasoned shooter. I shoot them each week along with my Powder burners. Especially for fast point and shoot skills.
Personally I do not think the vast majority of shooters actually do any real training or practice anyway. I have yearly memberships at three different ranges, shoot a minimum of once weekly. Have been doing this for decades. And really there are not many of us regulars out there. I also think if you are not training or shooting at least 4 times a month, then you are not really into the sport.
And to shoot often you have to factor in cost and 22.cal is a tremendous benefit.

I also own many top end 22.cal rifles and pistols. And FYI, the airgun esp. rifle is a huge sport with adults. Hunting, bench rest, Iron plate, Field Target competition etc.

A little gun like this Phoenix HPA 22 is a great trainer. I love to place 9, 3" targets on a standard range target and see how many I can get with fast rapid point and shoot. Love to compete with friends. And I will say empatically that they do provide a big improvement on anyone's shooting.

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Only have two RF's any more. mod 62A Win and mod 783 Marlin in 22 mag. Fould out years ago that it was less expensive to shoot gast bullet's from hand guns than 22 RF's. But recently things have changed a bit. Starting to try to call coyote's. Figure if they get within 100 yds my 22 mag is good to go. I have a couple 243's that I'd intended to use on them but inside 100yds those fast bullet's I afraid will tear them up. In particular the 75gr V-Max. So gonna giv it a go with the 22mag rifle. My 22 LR I use now and then on critter's after my chickens!

Oop's, I lied. I also have two 22 handguns. A S&W 22 Combat Masterpiece and a High Standard HD military. Don't shoot the Smith a lot, the High Standard blows it away. And the High Standard went to my son' for him to make a holster for it. Been well over a year and no holster yet but he say's my grandson really like's shooting it! I feel the fullness! :-)
There are 11 threads on the 1st page of the various rifle forums, and 5 more in the handgun sections dealing with 22's as I type this. Just saying!
Maybe it's a "Macho Thing" no one shoots or admits to shooting a .22LR? Me, I don't have that complex. I probably shoot 5 to 1 .22LR to centerfire. Matter of fact, my last three training sessions which I do every Saturday morning, have all been with a .22LR. The training is the same. The basic fundamentals of pistol shooting are the same if you're shooting a .22 or a .44 Mag. IMO, a beginner shouldn't even touch a centerfire gun until they can consistently hold the 10-ring at a given distance for their chosen discipline. Recoil, minimal. Report, minimal. Cost, minimal (finally). So why not shoot a .22?
"...nor are they tactical..." Except when used by Mossad agents and assassins. Suppressed, of course.
Post an opinion on any .22 cal firearm, particularly a target pistol, and stand back. Shooting a .22 target pistol well is far more difficult than a cf.
"...not being a good self defense round..." Beats a sharp stick every time. None of the assorted forums on this site are strictly about defensive anything.
Well 4 year ago I bought my to die for 22 (for me)

On a nice day after my rifle target shooting I finish up wityh a sesssion of 22.

Considering the dearth of ammo for a while, either someone was shooting a lot of it up, or more likely hoarding it and why would you buy a 22 if you can't shoot it?

It brought tears to my eyes to have a guy showing his little girl how to shoot and telling her they did not have any more ammunition. I should have gotten his phone number to get him some. I did not have much either but I would have gladly given up what I had for that.

I now keep extra boxes in the gun case to give someone if it should happen again.

I learned to shoot with a 22 and I still love shooting it.

When I was young and good eyes I was a crack shot with a pistol. I carried a 22 when I needed a gun (other than the woods). I could shoot your eye out at 25 yards (it was a very accurate 22!)
This forum is more about dragging you rifle threw the dirt to improve the looks of your firearms. Or maybe a 22LR upper for an ar15, which I do have. So yea, You can talk those bangbang shoot em up black 22LR.

I totally disagree. Not that its not 22 oriented, its not, but it is very general over all oriented.

And it runs from revolvers to reloading not to to mention competition.
I agree with RC20. TFL is so generalized that it could be seen to lack any focus, at all.
...But that's not a bad thing. It means everything is welcome (except for zombies, TEOTWAWKI, and inciting violence).

As for rimfires...

There are plenty of rimfire discussions here - but definitely not as many as there used to be.

I love mine. I shoot them on most range/desert/mountain trips.
I don't try to hide them. Nor do I think shooting rimfires isn't "manly".
But they're no longer as affordable to shoot, I don't do as much small game hunting as I used to, and all three of my "go-to" loads were discontinued during the rimfire Barackalypse.

I know plenty of people that went to 'alternative' cartridges when rimfire ammo was difficult to obtain, and they simply didn't come back. Some of the cartridges picked up as alternatives were .22 Hornet, .223 Rem, .32 S&W Long, .32-20, 9mm Luger (in rifles, especially), 9mm Mak, .38 Special, and .44 Special -- some because they wanted something that was usually available even during shortages; and some because those cartridges can be dirt cheap to reload.
Yes, RimfireCentral for the 22 shooter. I suppose a 22 Forum here would be nice, but a tad redundant. I have been shooting only 22 RF lately, broke a long shooting drought with it. I learned to shoot a handgun practicing Bullseye with my High Standard 22 Victor, lately I have been firing my browning High Power with my Ciener Conversion Unit, fired it more in the last 3 years that in the previous 48. And the 22 is THE way to introduce and train new shooters.
One of my favorite pursuits is hunting small game and varmints with a .22. Both rifle and revolver....that said, I spend a lot of range time finding the loads my weapons will shoot well.

it's just one more phase of the hobby...I might feel like shooting 45s, 9mm, 45LCs, 30-06s,etc.,etc., or maybe my 22s.
I used to shoot a lot of .22 rf but quit when I couldn't find ammo during the shortage. Don't know why there was ever a shortage but found it isn't all that expensive to shoot cartridges like .22 Hornet compared to rimfire.
Us rimfire fans keep a low profile lest we be banned from the forum. Plenty of us here, if you have something to discuss, speak up.
In my neck of the woods, a lot of the 22rf shortage was in part due to hoarding and then by the AR crowd buying it up. 556 & 223 was harder to get and extremely expensive so they converted to 22rf or bought 22rf AR's to shoot. Now that ammo prices are down they're back to shooting the "big" guns.

Rimfirecentral is the place to go. I routinely shoot 22rf along with the larger cartridges. I recently found an old Stevens 22rf single shot in my safe (can't for the life of me remember where it came from) and went and put a couple hundred rounds thru it at the range. Accurate as heck, fun to shoot and I admired the simplicity of a firearm that ceased production in 1944.
That rifle is to be my grandson's first rifle. By the time he shoots it, it will be over 80 years old.

I'm waiting for responses to some emails for a CZ 22rf I want to buy. I didn't go here to discuss the purchase, I went to Rimfirecentral and got some great info and leads. At $500+ for a 22rf rifle (which isn't all that much considering the real good ones go for $2k or more) I won't post here on my purchase. It's just not orientated to RF shooting like RFC is.

Once there you'll see there's a great following and some pretty cool competitions too. My uncle in PA shoots weekly in a 50ft competition that they use a micrometer to determine the winner.

Yeah, nobody brags about their big, bad 22rf but I sure had a few guys itching to shoot the old gun.
I love shooting 22 have several rifles and revolvers and pistols. I stocked up back when you could buy bricks for 8.99-9.99. I still have plenty left for shooting with grand kids or buddies.
SGW is a regular at Rimfire Central, which I know because I'm a 22lr lunatic.

I apologize. I didn’t think to look.

To be honest I haven’t been to RFC lately. Free time lately has been at a premium.

Growing up a spent a LOT more time with .22s, because they were cheap and could easily be shot around the property. I remember being upset when a 100 round box of Ammo at Farm and Fleet went from $0.99 to $1.49 and CCI Stingers were first available in the area in the 70s.

I cannot shoot around the property where I now live with more than a pellet gun and as time at the range is limited, I don’t shoot my .22s as often. I also miss some of the .22s I grew up with owned by my father and uncle (S&W model 18 Combat Masterpiece and model 34 revolvers, a Mossberg M44, a Ruger 10/22, an H&R model 65 Reising and a High Standard Victor).

Nowadays, I have a Ruger Mk3 Hunter, a Ruger mk3 22/45, a takedown 10/22 and an old Sears semi-automatic that appears to be made by High Standard. If I ware to look to add a new .22 today, I’d probably look for a revolver or a S&W Victor or possibly a CZ bolt. If I were looking for used, I’d probably look for an example of the Mossberg M44 or the H&R model 65 mostly for the nostalgia although they were plenty accurate to take gophers at approximately 100 yds.
Rimfire steel

What ever floats your boat.

I competed in a rim fire steel shoot last year and had a great time. Didn't have to spend a fortune on ammunition and competed the entire day.
I go to Rimfire Central nearly every day as I love 22s. I have 22 rifles in bolt, semi-automatic and lever as well as semi-auto pistols and a revolver. They provide good practice at an affordable price and are much cheaper to shoot than my 223, 9mm, 38 Special and 380.
I expected to annoy a few folks with my comment "This forum is more about dragging you rifle threw the dirt to improve the looks of your firearms."

I was reading a post where the OP was asking how to touch up the anodized black damaged on his receiver. I read that every day to see if there was some advanced method to make a good job of that. This forum is big on those guns. Bump stocks and all. Looking for more than magic marker. Well one red neck after another telling him how this damage was a badge of honor. What a compete waste of time! Thank god for Google.