The battlefield is the ultimate Darwinian stage where his theory comes to pass every day: The Survival of the Fittest.
The terrorists become more fit by their training and by their rhetoric. That is a given in any military or paramilitary group.
Our forces become more fit in the exact same manner: training and rhetoric. Yes, sometimes the rhetoric uttered may not be as palatable to sensitive ears (read: crybabies), . . . but neither is the discussion of the torso opening incisions necessary for a full cavity autopsy palatable to most folks just as they make the first cut on their medium rare steak at Appleby's.
He's definitely my kind of leader, . . . and I think we need more like him and a whole lot less who are trying to jockey for the next promotion, knowing that this "War Thang" is bound to wind down soon enough, . . . and the promotions and such will also wind down like it always does.
May God bless,