Why is there not more support for Huckabee?

Two words: Willie Horton.

Any of these stories (with the exception of the fair tax thing) would absolutely torpedo his campaign. And they're all verifiable. Not an issue yet, but I guarantee you if he ever managed to get the nomination Hillary will nuke him with this stuff (not that she'd really need the help).
Could never vote for Huckabee

As strongly as I feel about the 2nd and would like to vote for someone that feels the same way, I cannot take anyone seriously that does not believe in evolution and wants to teach creationism in the public schoools as "science".
As strongly as I feel about the 2nd and would like to vote for someone that feels the same way, I cannot take anyone seriously that does not believe in evolution and wants to teach creationism in the public schoools as "science".

I work in a biotech research lab. In a previous life I was a geotechnical engineer. I won't vote for someone who believes in "creation science."
Huckabee is now widely known is Iowa and he's making inroads in New Hampshire. That's where he is focusing his efforts and money.

If it weren't for the television debates and conservative talk shows, Huckabee would be "The Invisible man" to the average American.

If he does well in Iowa, his belief is that he'll gain more support, donations and visibility throughout the primary season.
cool hand luke 22:36 said:
As far as I recall Huckabee didn't want to outlaw cigarettes, just extend the ban on them to include more public places. As a former smoker I agree with that stand up to a point. I still get bothered by outdoor smoke from smokers 5-10 feet away.

he's advocated a federal ban on cigarettes.

the cologne you wear bothers me. i think it should be banned. the smells from your restaurant offend me. i think it should be banned as well. oh yea, and the nasty smoke and disgusting smell from your grill are highly offending to me. lets ban those also.

I also like Huckabee's idea on increased efforts in preventative health care. It's cheaper in the long run.

federally mandated preventative health care. where did mr. fair tax/free market run off to on this stance?

he also advocates a federal ban on abortion. im pro life, but this bothers me just as much as roe v wade does. both are completely unconstitutional. its a states rights issue. the last thing this country needs is some nanny state president claiming to be a conservative just because he holds a few of the same social beliefs.
I don't know why more conservatives don't like Huckabee. Of all the Republican candidates with a chance to win, Huckabee is the most conservative.

As a governor he had to make some very tough choices to balance his state's budget...every year.

At a recent gun show I was surprised to see so many people behind Thompson.

Folks, Thompson has NO chace to win the presidency much less his party's nomination. An objective view sees Thompson as lazy and uninformed on many issues. Thompson has no chance to win in Iowa or New Hampshire. If he doesn't do well in South Carolina, his campaign will be almost over. Florida is Guilani and Romney country. Thompson will probably drop out of the race after Super Tuesday.

Huckabee is also the most second Amendment friendy. He's a champion of the Second Amendment.

Do some research if you disagree.
allenomics said:
Do some research if you disagree.

ive done all the research i need to do. to say he is conservative is laughable. unless a near complete disregard for the constitution except for, seemingly, the second amendment is "conservative" now. just because you are christian, pro-life, against gay marriage etc, doesnt make you a conservative. hannity et al may want you to believe that, but it is far from the truth. will you (or any huckabee supporters) respond to any of the facts i have presented?

smoking bans?
raising taxes some 20-odd times? (btw, i was thinking about it, and the excuse that the arkansas legislature has a dem majority is a very poor one, seeing as our current congress has a dem majority...)
stance on global warming?
illegal immigration? (current lip service doesnt count)
federal ban on abortion?

everything ive seen on him shows me that he is no different than the liberal nanny-staters, except for a few social beliefs. you may agree with his positions on these matters, but dont try to claim they are conservative. because they are not. and if the definition of conservative has changed to include these types of positions, i need to find a new way to describe myself.
the cologne you wear bothers me. i think it should be banned. the smells from your restaurant offend me. i think it should be banned as well. oh yea, and the nasty smoke and disgusting smell from your grill are highly offending to me. lets ban those also.

Cologne won't cause cancer to anyone inhaling it second hand, or make it more difficult for anyone trying to quit using cologne.

Nicotine, if I recall correctly, is more addictive than heroin. Nobody should have to be exposed to tobacco smoke involunatrily.

I think Huckabee is on target with this.
I think Huckabee is on target with this.
well, so long as we're doing it all for the public good :D

"Nobody should be exposed to firearms involuntarily."
Cologne won't cause cancer to anyone inhaling it second hand, or make it more difficult for anyone trying to quit using cologne.

Nicotine, if I recall correctly, is more addictive than heroin. Nobody should have to be exposed to tobacco smoke involunatrily.

I think Huckabee is on target with this.

and your polluting grill? i want to ban that. the smoke is dangerous to my health and i dont think i should be involuntarily exposed to it.

would you also please point to a study whos method has not been debunked that actually shows second hand smoke causes cancer?

nevermind that his smoking ban for "public places" more than likely included many private properties (restaurants and other businesses).

huckabee is not right on this, or many other issues (which still have not been addressed). like i said, you can agree with him if you want, but dont try to label it conservative.
I grew tobacco for seven years, picked up the sale in a tobacco warehouse, smoked regular Winstons or unfiltered Camels for 30 years.

The President won't need to have squat to do with it. Local ordinances are going to kill what little smoking in public is still allowed. Get used to it.
GoSlash27 said:
No such thing. What turns me off about him isn't his positions so much as his Authoritarian mindset.

thats pretty much my stance. i essentially agree with him on a few issues, what i disagree vehemently with is his method. for instance, i am very pro-life, but, unlike huckabee, i have the intellectual honesty to realize that a federal ban on abortion is just as unconstitutional as federal subsidization of same. i do not want another federal nanny stater in office, thats pretty much all there is to it. if he'd cut the statist crap and advocate constitutional methods for change, he would have a chance at my vote.
The problem is that there isn't anybody better. Rudy is a serious statist and I don't give a darn what he says he will try to ban guns. He's also week on illegal immigration. On the other hand he's probably the best of the bunch for a war time president. 3rd choice.

Mitt is probably the most electable. He has the looks and charm to attract the shallow vote, and a well spoken wife. I don't have a lot of faith him to defend the 2nd Amendment but I don't think he's openly hostile to it. 2nd choice.

Mike is way too off the bible thumper deep end for me but I trust him to defend the 2nd Amendment and he's charming enough and quick enough on his feet to get elected. And I'm a big fan of the Fair Tax plan. 1st choice while holding my nose.

Ron has some really really cool domestic ideas but he is not a war time president. From listening to him I get the impression that in the even of an attack on the US he would be far too busy trying to catch UFOs in a butterfly net to pay much attention. He just doesn't seem to quite have a grasp on international realities. Too many cans short of a six pack - last choice among the R's.