Why is there not more support for Huckabee?

Not to start a religion war but many Christians accept evolution as congruent with a belief in God. Only a subset of Christians believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible.

Given all the Democrats vote against the GOP, a candidate with a serious weakness in thinking that only appeals to a subset of a subset isn't a good choice. The undecided and more moderate GOP may not vote for someone with such a position.

You gotta be kidding. May as well check out “RepublicansWantToEatYourBabies.com” while you’re at it.
If I recall correctly from when I lived in AR, he called people who opposed instate college tuition for illegal aliens "racist."

He seems to be fond of big-government type welfare programs.
If I recall correctly from when I lived in AR, he called people who opposed instate college tuition for illegal aliens "racist."

No reason to doubt what you say, but he seems to be talking a different line now says. On the other hand, I don't want another sheep in wolf's clothing like Senor Bush.:mad:
To address the OP question: Because we don't know him. The only potential GOP candidate doing less to expose his views than Huckabee is Thompson. Let's wait and see how he does in Iowa, and whether that showing attracts enough big donors for a viable national campaign.

Huckabee has (or at least pretends to have) the right idea on the 2nd Amendment, but he's a Christofascist and sucks on almost every other issue.

Ron Paul has been a columnist for the American Free Press, a publication that espouses white supremacist and neo-Nazi views, and is owned and operated by folks who also are part of similar neo-Nazi publications and organizations. If you doubt this, just look at the American Free Press and you will quickly determine their ideological slant. Ron Paul, as one of their regular contributors, has created this association and has yet to repudiate it. If he is afraid of offending the pro-Nazi crowd, it is legitimate to assume that he is at the least not hostile to their ideology.

Ron Paul is definitely not a Nazi, he's spoken out against racism calling it "collectivism" and he's got portraits of Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard (both Jewish) on the walls in his office.
Based on this, he would probably continue our country's endeavors in spend-spend-spend blank check from the tax-payer's mentality. And destroying hard drives?? Squeltching journalist's who nay-say? If his home state is voting Hillary over him....THAT tells me something!

First, Arkansas is a heavily Democratic State. Mike Huckabee is actually doing pretty well by being the first Republican Governor since Reconstruction, and winning re-election handily. I’d like to see the actual poll that shows Clinton leading Huckabee.

Second, Mike Huckabee’s record is that of a fiscal conservative. He cut taxes repeatedly as Governor, and held down the growth of spending that he had direct control over to less than 3% annual rise. The video linked to in this and another thread is taken out of context. It actually shows Huckabee giving the legislature options he will agree to in order to comply with a Court ordered increase in State public school spending, and to fund Medicare increases resulting from Federally mandated increases. Increased spending on the public schools in Arkansas was needed. It had ranked near the bottom nationally. Huckabee also supports school vouchers for parents to send their kids to private schools.

Finally, the allegation about destroying hard drives comes from the hard-left Slate Magazine and is, frankly, a little hard to believe. Software applications like "Wipe Drive" that will overwrite a disk to Dept. of Defense information security standards have been available for years. The allegation sounds to me exactly like something that would have been made up out of whole cloth by some technology illiterate journalist.
cool hand luke 22:36 said:
Second, Mike Huckabee’s record is that of a fiscal conservative. He cut taxes repeatedly as Governor, and held down the growth of spending that he had direct control over to less than 3% annual rise.

ive been told by both republican arkansonians, and jason lewis (local talk radio show host who has been filling in for rush recently) that taxes were raised some 20-odd times under huckabee, he has a poor record on illegal immigration, that he supports government mandated preventative healthcare (apparently he thinks everyone should lose weight just like him), and has called for a ban on cigarettes.

i too had huckabee as a second choice, but no longer. my personal goal for this election is to make sure that 1) there isnt a RINO elected to office or 2) that i punish the republican party for betraying me and a large segment of their base, and imo, the majority of americans. i will not be voting for any RINOs and that includes neo-prohibitionists. huckabee talks a big game, but so do hillary and guiliani.
ive been told by both republican arkansonians, and jason lewis (local talk radio show host who has been filling in for rush recently) that taxes were raised some 20-odd times under huckabee

I'm sure that they were raised. The Arkansas legislature was, and is mostly Democratic.

I think Huckabee did well given that situation.
cool hand luke 22:36 said:
I'm sure that they were raised. The Arkansas legislature was, and is mostly Democratic.

I think Huckabee did well given that situation.

i still dont trust him, but ill concede that. what about everything else i mentioned? especially the preventative medicine and the banning of cigarettes. isnt one of the major reason us conservatives are not voting for hillary is because we are against socialism/prohibitionism?
what about everything else i mentioned? especially the preventative medicine and the banning of cigarettes. isnt one of the major reason us conservatives are not voting for hillary is because we are against socialism/prohibitionism?

As far as I recall Huckabee didn't want to outlaw cigarettes, just extend the ban on them to include more public places. As a former smoker I agree with that stand up to a point. I still get bothered by outdoor smoke from smokers 5-10 feet away.

I also like Huckabee's idea on increased efforts in preventative health care. It's cheaper in the long run.

I give Huckabee credit for being one of the few Governors who tried to force his State Legislature to spend the Tobacco Company settlement on actual smoking reduction efforts.
Honestly, I don't know.
Not a fan myself (although there are worse choices), but I would have expected the social conservatives to jump on board when Thompson fell flat and Brownback bowed out (note to mods: These mentions are purely posted to illustrate a point and not intended as a thread-jack or an endorsement of either candidate).

The way I see it, if the social conservatives don't back Huckabee, he's finished.
As mentioned, it's because people just haven't gotten a look at him yet - they don't follow the goings-on closely enough just yet.

Or maybe it's because he's from Hope, Arkansas, the same home town as Bill Clinton, and people are afraid they might be long-lost brothers.
Go Slash, did you look at Alternet in general and the other Gorenfeld articles? If there is absolutely nothing on a website but trash about any Republican, a little trash about Huckabee is meaningless.
Huckabee may be pro-2A but he is woefully weak on illegal immigration. That, for me, is reason enough to not support him.