Why is there not more support for Huckabee?


New member
Former Gov. Mike Huckabee is a hunter and strong 2A supporter; as strong as Ron Paul and without being thought a "crazy" like Ron Paul with his Nazi and Ku Klux Klan associates, but surprisingly there seems little interest on this or other pro-gun forums for him. I don't know too much about him, but with anti-gun Guliani leading Republican polls, liberal-in-conservative-clothing Romney doing well in Iowa and New Hampshire, and Fred Thompson floundering, Huckabee seems a logical choice for the pro-gun crowd. I agree with those who say that ANY Republican is far better for the U.S. than Hilary as President, but I sure would like to be able to support someone who shares my advocacy for the right to keep and bear arms.
He’s polling over 15% in Iowa (currently 2nd place) and with a strong showing there, he may gain enough media exposure and momentum to make him a strong contender. He’s also for the Fair Tax which, while not perfect, has to be better than the current system.
Why is there not more support for Huckabee?
He's smart, articulate, and has solid conservative credentials. Good question.

There’s discussion out there about him raising taxes. The rest of that story is that there was a state referendum that passed by a large majority. He said he wasn’t willing to go against the will of the people and signed it into law.

excerpt from article
The strongest case against Huckabee’s fiscally conservative record in Fund’s column is Fund’s implication that Huckabee raised the gas tax in Arkansas to pay for road repair for Arkansas dilapidated interstate system. (I would argue, even on a philosophic level, that raising gas taxes to pay for roads is not necessarily contradictory to fiscal conservatism.*) ...

What Fund omits from his column is that this tax was a referendum in 1999 put out to be voted on by the people of Arkansas, not something imposed by a state legislature and signed into law by a governor. The people of Arkansas spoke at the ballot box, and through direct democracy, imposed the tax on themselves.

More reading on Huckabee

I think he's worth a serious look.
I heard him on a radio talk show talking about the SA and he is the first politician I have ever heard flatly state that the Second Amendment is about the people of this country being able to seize control of this country from a repressive government whether that government be foreign or domestic. He said he “cringes” every time he hears some politician speaking of the SA in terms of “hunting” or preface a statement on the SA with the opening line “I’m a hunter too”. However, beyond that I really don’t know anything about him. He doesn’t seem to get much air time.

I did hear Michael Medved say that he has tried to get Huckabee on his show several times but it just doesn’t happen. In fact he was responding to a similar question as the one posed here. He was commenting that Guliani has been on several times simply because he agrees to be there when asked and makes the effort to see that it happens and that pretty much all the other candidates have been asked just as often but usually decline.
I saw him on O'Reilly try to handle the evolution issue and he was a bit inarticulate. With no offense to folks, but in the national election that position would be a major weakness.
Exactly when has Paul associated with Nazi and Ku Klux Klan people?
Come on, tell me. Since you called them his associates, you must be able to tell me when he was last seen associating with them.:barf::barf::barf:
I too am short on information on him. I like what I hear about his 2A position, and quite honestly wish Romney and Rudy would be put out of the Republican party altogether because of theirs and never given a job again, but sadly the party isn't about people like you and me anymore.
I saw him on O'Reilly try to handle the evolution issue and he was a bit inarticulate. With no offense to folks, but in the national election that position would be a major weakness.
I didn't realize creation vs evolution was a major issue. He's a Christian so if the choice is creation or evolution, I suspect he will choose creation.

I am running for the presidency because I love this country, care about its future and the future of its people. I believe it has been greatly blessed by God. It has been blessed with a great number of people who hold widely divergent views about God's plan for the world and how that plan affects them. I think every person running for president needs to keep in mind that he, or she, will be called upon to be president of all Americans, not just those Americans with whom he or she agrees on matters of theology. I think we all need to follow the examples of our great presidents in avoiding sectarian division and the trap of suggesting that some Americans are more American than others because of their religious beliefs. There's only one size of citizenship, and it applies to all Americans. I don't think discussions of personal theology contribute to the idea of a strong and united America, which is exactly what we need in these times, so with all due respect, ____, I am going to decline to answer that question because I think it falls into the category of questions that tend to divide Americans over issues of faith and religious belief without really advancing any goal of understanding or policy.

Anybody have a transcript of dem candidates being asked about their opinion on creation?
While he's too much of a bible thumper for me, so far Huckabee is my first choice. But not by much. I like the idea behind the Fair Tax a lot. I think he'd be rock solid on defense, and I think he's probably the best of the top 4 candidates on the 2 Amendment. I think those two positions will keep the press from taking him seriously and giving him coverage.

Mitt is just too all over the place and I don't trust him on the 2nd Amendment.

I like a lot of what Ron Paul has to say but I think he would be a disaster on defense. In a less hostile world he would be my first choice but not now.

Rudy is too much of a Statist for my taste and believes in strong government controls and I prefer to have someone far more librtarian. I'm also convinced that he would love to ban guns or anything else that smacks of freedom.
Did you all catch him on Glenn Beck's tv show a couple weeks ago? Glenn had him on for a full hour and he was pretty impressive. I have lived in AR my whole life and he was a good governor for us, I dont recall him ever ticking me off.

I was interested in Thompson early on, but now I'm pulling for Huckabee. And, I would still like to learn more about Duncan Hunter, Although, I dont think Hunter has a ghost of a chance.
I was also interested in Thompson early on, especially after his speech at the NRA meeting. I thought Thompson did the best out of all of them at that particular event. But the more I hear about Huckabee, the more I like. And as a Christian myself, I believe a lot what he believes, though I know that doesn't really matter in terms of protecting my rights.

What I find interesting, and something I also agree with, is that he is against voting third party. He has stated over and over, and I even heard him say it live on Sean Hannity today, that he will not consider running as a third party, specifically stating that third parties will hand the election to the Clintons.
From the little I know of Huckabee, I could vote for him if he were the nominee.

I'm not paying much attention to him because he can't raise any money. He's going to need lots and lots of money. Ron Paul is raising money at an impressive pace, and has set high goals, but even if his campaign gets the $12 million by the end of the year, that's barely enough money to continue on. Huck had better find some donors, which can happen if you do well early.
So far (unless he does something stupid) he's got my support. I was watching Thompson but he just doesn't seem like he wants to get off his ars.:rolleyes:
Personally I'm not familiar with him nor his politics. But I heard one of the talking heads on NPR talking about him, laughing at his name and saying that they could never vote for somebody whose name reminded them of a cartoon dog wearing a hat. So that is a positive sign. Anyone who rates stupid comments from the NPR Nazis probably deserves a second look.
While an intriguing candidate I have to discount him.

--He thrived in Arkansas politics. The same political swamp that gave is the Clinton crime family now gives rise to someone purporting to honest, ethical, and moral. My jaded vision fails to see bright lights.
--Several reports I've read from different sources say he as governor seems to have sought the approval of the elites. Coming from Arkansas I can guess as to whom the reference is made. If true, this represents instant disqualification in my view.
--He talks a good game. He pushes all the right conservative buttons. I'll wait for opposition research teams to dig up his past.

Time will tell if my cynicism is justified, but I do admit he looked pretty good on Beck's interview.
I don't expect candidates to dissociate themselves from groups that they have never had association with, but when a candidate is closely involved with a group, and that group is repulsive to me, then I question the association. Ron Paul has been a columnist for the American Free Press, a publication that espouses white supremacist and neo-Nazi views, and is owned and operated by folks who also are part of similar neo-Nazi publications and organizations. If you doubt this, just look at the American Free Press and you will quickly determine their ideological slant. Ron Paul, as one of their regular contributors, has created this association and has yet to repudiate it. If he is afraid of offending the pro-Nazi crowd, it is legitimate to assume that he is at the least not hostile to their ideology. That, in my opinion, is enough to label him part of the right wing fringe crazies. It is a disservice to the rest of us who support the 2A to be thought of as part of the right wing fringe.
Why rant about Ron Paul in a thread that is supposed to be about Huckabee?

Whenever slanderous remarks are made about Ron Paul, it is simply proof of his relevance, and of the fear he strikes into the hearts of statist Republicans.
There are some good reasons to not vote for Huckabee.

Check out this stuff.

Based on this, he would probably continue our country's endeavors in spend-spend-spend blank check from the tax-payer's mentality. And destroying hard drives?? Squeltching journalist's who nay-say? If his home state is voting Hillary over him....THAT tells me something!


And screw the bible thumping. I want a seperation of church and state.
I suspect some are like myself. It takes a while to understand a guy that is new to me. The more I hear from Huckabee the more I like him. Give it a little more time, he just might surprise people and come from behind to lead.