I admit to slinging mud a bit here, mainly because I see Badnarik is a clear example of what the Libertarian Party is becoming and am trying to evoke some emotion to get people to think long and hard about the state of the Libertarian Party. If I had to rank the parties in accordance with my views it would look something like this:
1. Constitution
2. Libertarian
3. Republican
If I ranked them according to the direction they are heading in terms of securing our liberties (realistically, not idealistically) it would be in reverse order. Rather than attempting the impossible, I am trying to bring my views to the Republican Party. If we all did that, we could be part of the solution rather than the problem. The problem being that freedom loving Americans have abandoned the 2 major parties, and thus, have lost influence over them. Personally, I'd like to see the Republican Party infiltrated by folks from the Constitution Party, and the Democratic Party infiltrated by Libertarians. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party has (in my opinion) travelled too far down the socialist road to be worth saving, but if some of you Libertarians want to try...I encourage that too. The Republicans are now poised to follow them, due in large part (again, in my opinion) to the exodus of freedom loving Americans from the party, due mainly to the miserable failure that was George Herbert Walker Bush. This exodus has done nothing more than accelerate the shift to the left. In other words, exacerbating the problem. We made a mistake folks. Let's go fix it rather than folding our arms and pouting.