Why I Do Not Support Ron Paul

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It's not about winning? Tell that to the candidates, all of them. It is about winning and it is about defeating Hillary in 08. For those of you that refuse to support who ever wins the nomination, then you have no reason to cry if Hillary gets elected.

If it's Guliani vs. Clinton I feel it's pretty much a lose-lose situation for everybody.
All the others bashing Ron Paul: I respect you if you genuinely disagree with positions. People that I won't name personally who simply show up and insult the man himself, calling him "weird, wacko, crackpot" etc are showing far too much ignorance to the degree that it downright SCARES me that they are on a gun owners forum. These people actually have access to firearms. Yikes.

That's always good trying to pretend that those who support a particular candidate are somehow enlightened.

How many terms have you guys out there in Interweb land served in Congress? Hm?

Ron Paul has served...what, 10? 10 terms?

Ten terms and what positions of leadership has he held within the party or congress? I'll help you out, none.
What important legislation has he gotten passed? Again, I'll give you a hand, none.

Why is it that mainstream media personalities are generally impressed by the man, inviting him back as a resident expert on the constitution? (Called a "go*damn piece of paper by the guy YOU likely support) Paul is the defacto go to guy for voting constitutionally.

Nobody has ever said he didn't know the constitution. They said he couldn't get elected with a nationwide vote. They(including me) have said he's a bit strange. If someone doesn't notice he's a bit "touched" I would be a bit leary of them as well.

People that want to attack him personally, get elected and serve half the terms in Congress that Paul has, without caving to the lure of power and making yourself and your buddies insanely wealthy and THEN we'll talk. Til then? Yap yap yap! S'all I'm hearing.

He doesn't exactly seem to be poverty stricken. Whether a person has ever served in congress/senate/white house has no bearing on their freedom to be critical of a candidate or serving member of the government.
Why do I bother?:rolleyes: Guess I'm just a glutton for punishment.
For me, it's about supporting a candidate I can live with.
And, if Hillary is elected, I will cry, as I will if Rudy is elected.
I will cry everytime an unconstitutional social program is increased or begun. I will cry everytime a medical marijuana user is brought up on federal charges.
I will cry everytime a "reasonable" gun control law is enacted.

Actually, as someone has stated previously, it might be better for Hillary to be elected than Rudy. At least the Republicans in congress would (probably) fight against her.
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