Why I Do Not Support Ron Paul

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"There is so much misinformation in this post I don't know where to start."

Oh, just pick anyplace. Dispute something and back it up. I'd especially like to see you dispute my statements about Palestinian terrorism and bad faith (remember the Karine A?).

You don't have the time or energy... Right. How have you managed to post so much to this thread so far? A time machine and amphetamines? You're dodging the argument because you have nothing to say. Go ahead: I'd really like to see someone defend Palestinian mass murder and the teaching and preaching and idealization of same to Palestinian children.

Funny how one never sees that--such questions are ignored while Israel is held to an impossibly high standard of behavior, versus the Palestinians being held to none at all.

Send assassins to kill Osama--I'm sorry, isn't that called "an act of war"? Propaganda--we're doing that, but it doesn't seem to help much at finding and stopping terror cells that try to blow up airports and commit mass murder with car bombs, subway bombs and bombs in markets and mosques. Neither do "alternative energy sources".

What else do you have in your toolbox?

Please show where I have accused anyone of antisemitism.

Then please explain why you have pulled out this tired old canard when it patently hasn't happened here. Seems to be a popular ploy when anyone responds to criticism of Israel in any manner whatever. Apparently answering criticism of Israel, AT ALL, is ipso facto an accusation of antisemitism.

Of course, pulling out that old falsehood is easier than actually responding to the arguments.

And while you're at it, please explain why my remarks about Palestinian mass murder and bad faith are wrong, and precisely why. Or is asking that smearing someone as an antisemite?
Ron Paul Can't win and is about as wacky as they come.

Ron Paul has ZERO chance of getting the Republican nomination and anyone at this point who thinks he does is smoking some serious crack. This late in the game and Ron Paul doesn't even show up on the National Polling Charts as evidenced by Real Clear Politics. Huckabee at least is polling at about 5 % while Paul continues to struggle just keeping his head above the quicksand.

xnavy, a very nice contribution to the discussion. You may return to playing in the sandbox, now.

As has been said, over and over, it's not about winning, it's about supporting someone that I believe is best for the country.

...But if supporting someone who is best for the country leads directly to the election of someone who is very bad for the country indeed, isn't that a bit--

Oh, never mind.

It's pointless to argue with a True Believer.

The Holy Koran of Ron Paul's pronouncements is not to be questioned, and martyrdom to the Cause is just part of one's duty, even if it brings down the whole country.
Paul’s 114 percent increase [in fundraising] is in stark contrast to the decrease suffered by Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani and John McCain. Romney’s fundraising was down 29 percent, Giuliani’s down 40 percent and McCain’s down 55 percent.

It is FAR from over.
Yes, I am a true believer. I truly believe that all of the "mainstream" candidates are, and have been for many years, very bad for the country, because THEY WILLINGLY VIOLATE THE CONSTITUTION. But I know, I might as well be shouting to a deaf man.
By the way, cnorman, I find your sigline ironic, given your point of view. Please, allow me to paraphrase"
"Honor to those who in the life they lead define and guard the constitutional republic of the United States of America.... And even more honor is due them when they foresee (as many do foresee) that the Socialists will turn up in the end, that the tyrannical government will break through after all."
RP's problem is that 50% of the electorate is Democrat and they are not going to vote for him.Of the other 50%,a large portion think he is a "crackpot".Now,just exactly how do you think he is going to get elected.

BTW,the reason they are mainstream is because that by definition is who gets elected.
RP's problem is that 50% of the electorate is Democrat and they are not going to vote for him.
Not true. A large percentage of his current support base comes from registered Democrats and Independents. There are no precise figures of the percentage, but it's more than zero.
Of the other 50%,a large portion think he is a "crackpot".
I don't know how large this percentage is and neither do you. I do know this: If given the choice between the "crackpot" and Hillary, I think they'll vote for the "crackpot".
Actually my contribution was spot on. Ron Paul does not even get 2% when in national polling. Please tell me how Ron Paul is going to win the Nomination when he only gets about 2% in National Polling. Do you have some data which shows that a candidate who garners 2% of national polling numbers is a shoe in for the nomination? As I have said in the past when Ron Paul actually crosses over the 5% national polling number then and only then will I concede that just maybe he is making some headway, until then it is just wishful thinking on the Paul Supporters part.
To me, it no longer matters who wins, what matters is that I vote my conscience.
I have decided to support the constitution and no longer support the candidate that promises me something to make my life easier at someone else's expense, or to take care of "the children", all at the cost of VIOLATING the constitution.

If I vote for the candidate that wins and he/she proceeds to violate the constitution I, and all of us, lose. Now, if my candidate that supports the constitution loses, I and all of us, still lose. But I can hold my head up high knowing that I did what I could.

It takes strength to do the right thing and to take responsibility for one's life. I understand that not all will be able to resist the Siren's call to let someone else take care of you, or to take care of others for you, so that you don't have to do it yourself. I just no longer choose to follow blindly those that say they will take care of things for me, if I will just elect them. You do what you want.
Why do you continue to ignore my statements about it not being about winning, but about doing the right thing for myself.
I know that there are probably too many listening to the Siren's call to elect Ron Paul, but I will not be a lemming and jump off the cliff (or run into the rocks) just because the majority does.
My apologies; I just realized that you are not listening to what Ron Paul says, nor to any of his supporters, so why should I expect you to actually listen to me?
You do not listen. I just need to accept that as a fact, and "move on".(MoveOn, get it?)
All the others bashing Ron Paul: I respect you if you genuinely disagree with positions. People that I won't name personally who simply show up and insult the man himself, calling him "weird, wacko, crackpot" etc are showing far too much ignorance to the degree that it downright SCARES me that they are on a gun owners forum. These people actually have access to firearms. Yikes.

How many terms have you guys out there in Interweb land served in Congress? Hm?

Ron Paul has served...what, 10? 10 terms?

Why is it that mainstream media personalities are generally impressed by the man, inviting him back as a resident expert on the constitution? (Called a "go*damn piece of paper by the guy YOU likely support) Paul is the defacto go to guy for voting constitutionally.

People that want to attack him personally, get elected and serve half the terms in Congress that Paul has, without caving to the lure of power and making yourself and your buddies insanely wealthy and THEN we'll talk. Til then? Yap yap yap! S'all I'm hearing.
Actually,my 87 year old mother who is a life long Republican asked me after one of the debates who that "crackpot" was,referring to Ron Paul.She does not own a gun.

Actually, that's not bad.

I was thinking more of those, like all of us here, who define and guard the RKBA, and the advocates of "gun control" who may eventually break through, as in England. Let us fervently hope that that does not happen.

Your interpretation is apropos, too, though.

IMHO, the difference is that Ron Paul does not quite fit the image of King Leonidas. Rather than a noble king with a battle-hardened corps of trained, armed and armored warriors, Paul's stand more resembles the village eccentric surrounded by a half-dozen guys in ragged togas carrying sticks and rocks, standing in the wrong place.

Not only will they not hold back the Medes, but the Medes behind the first rank of soldiers will not even notice that they were there.

Noble, maybe; futile and dumb, unquestionably.

Leonidas and his men knew they were going to lose, and went to their deaths consenting. That's what made them heroes. But they also had the good sense to choose to die in the place where it did the most good.

The 2008 election, when so very much hangs in the balance, is not that place.

Besides, according to Paul's doctrines, they should have waited till the Persian Army got to Sparta. Till then, they wouldn't have been deemed a threat to their OWN city-state. After all, why go to the support of Athens and Corinth? None of THEIR business, was it?
It's not about winning? Tell that to the candidates, all of them. It is about winning and it is about defeating Hillary in 08. For those of you that refuse to support who ever wins the nomination, then you have no reason to cry if Hillary gets elected.
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