Why I Do Not Support Ron Paul

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Ron Paul's position on the 2nd Amendment resembles my own; unfortunately, I do not think that that position is shared by the majority of Americans, or even a majority of Republicans. In any case, that issue alone is certainly not enough to get him nominated, let alone elected. There are far too many of his other positions that I, and many other conservatives, find troubling and even dangerous.

The Iraq war and the War on Terror, for starters. Ron Paul believes that there was no good reason to go to war in Iraq, that a Congressional declaration of war was Constitutionally necessary, and that we ought to just unilaterally pull out completely and immediately. Further, Paul's position is that we brought 9/11 on ourselves, and that if we just cut and run--all over the world--that the Jihadists will leave us alone. That's an isolationist fantasy. It's also called "surrender" or "appeasement".

Aside from the fact that those positions could have come straight from MoveOn.org or Counterpunch, they ignore some pretty basic facts.

Briefly: we are at war with the most dangerous group of extremists in human history. They were being actively supported by Saddam, who was incidentally a brutal, sadistic dictator who was, even if he had no WMDs (and many, including I, think he did--as did every intelligence service in the Western world), was without question poised to resume their development and production the moment "inspections" ended.

If Paul wants to appeal to the Founders on the subject of formal declarations of war, he might recall that there was another President who sent American troops to war without a formal declaration, against foreign outlaws who presented zero threat of invasion: one Thomas Jefferson, who sent the Marines to Tripoli to subdue the Barbary Pirates.

"...indeed war was declared on the Barbary Pirates, it was declared by President Jefferson, just as President Bush has declared war on terrorism. However; the Congress never formally declared war on the BP, in fact no lesser person than Alexander Hamilton stated outright that a formal declaration of war was NOT required when the nation was attacked by a foreign enemy and it was that interpretation that Congress embraced at the time. The Congress passed a joint resolution authorizing Jefferson to act much in the same way as the Terrorism Joint Resolution authorized President Bush to assume war footing as Commander In Chief."


Jefferson and Hamilton, if memory serves, had some small role in writing some of the key documents that Paul holds sacred.

Even if you don't agree with the initial reasons we went in, it would be absolutely insane and suicidal to cut and run now. Leaving aside the inevitable bloodbath and mass murder of those who supported us and trusted us to help them build a free society (and ignoring the fact that no ally, no nation, no people on earth would ever trust us again, and the fact that our enemies would crow, as they did after Vietnam, that we are a weak country with no stomach for fighting and ripe for their victory and domination--and that they would be right), we would be leaving a dedicated and determined enemy an entire nation for a power base. Not a few villages and training camps as in Afghanistan, but a modern, well-equipped and armed nation with the resources and oil wealth to make them a danger to America for generations.

Paul, like leftists and Democrats, opposes the Patriot Act and declares that it sacrifices our civil liberties in the name of security. Sorry. There have been no, none, nada, zero abuses of the Patriot Act recorded or reported (except on "Law and Order"). If you think being able to make international phone calls to known terrorists without being recorded is an essential civil liberty--well, sorry, but I don't agree with you; and that's what the Act covers, not calls to your local gun shop or your Aunt Tillie.

Paul believes that ALL foreign aid to EVERY nation ought to be abolished. That's madness. Foreign aid perhaps ought to be managed more with an eye to who is our friend and who our enemy, but cutting it off entirely would be the act of a maniac.

We live in the 21st century, not the 18th, and a certain amount of "international entanglement" is beyond avoiding. We have allies that depend on us for economic and military aid--and we depend on them, too. It's an international marketplace and an international, interdependent web of commerce, science and communication, and there's no going back. We can't stand alone any more, and we don't need to make any more enemies than we already have.

Further, such an act would inevitably plunge us all into a catastrophic worldwide depression, and the US would suffer most of all. It's worth noting, for instance, that 90% of the aid we send to Israel is spent right here in the US, and that supports a LOT of American jobs.

Israel, in particular (aid to which Paul adamantly and especially opposes), is the best friend we have on Earth. They have the best intelligence service in the mideast, and maybe the world; in surveillance and counterterrorism, they are the world's leader, and regularly share information and lend us their experts in those fields. They are also among the world's leaders in military technology and armament development, including nuclear-weapons detection and security--not to mention trauma medicine (in fact, medical advancements of all kinds), dry-land agriculture (already assisting our own farmers in the Southwest), and electronic technology and communication (your cell phone was probably designed in Israel). Thousands of Americans travel to Israel every year, both Jews and Christians, and many Israelis commute between jobs in the US and Israel as military, high-tech, and other kinds of consultants and professionals. That's a start, I would think, on why we should continue to value and support Israel as a vital ally and friend.

And Ron Paul wants to stab them in the back and leave them at the mercy of the Arabs, who have collectively sworn to exterminate or expel every Jew in the Mideast and erase Israel from existence.

Yeah, that's what made America great; betray your friends and abandon them to their--and our--enemies.

Paul wants the US to withdraw from the UN and NATO and pull ALL our troops back from ANYWHERE they're stationed, anywhere in the world, not just Iraq and Afghanistan. If an enemy doesn't present a direct threat of actual invasion of the US, according to Paul, they aren't a problem. It's as if he thinks armies and navies still use horse-drawn artillery and sailing ships.

I think he and his followers might have noticed at some point--say, 9/11/01--that we can suffer some slight damage and loss of life by actions short of an invasion by foreign troops. Further, if he doesn't think an American presence is necessary in, say, South Korea, the Balkans, and the Mideast, you have to wonder if he ever studied any history after 1800.

Membership in the UN is essential to our international relations, which we MUST have, and membership in NATO is essential to the defense of the US and the Western world. We can't move back to 1913; we can't even move back to 1938. The world is different now, like it or not.

Paul wants to abolish the personal income tax, the IRS, the Department of Education, the Federal Reserve, and most of the departments represented on the Cabinet. It appears that he wants to abolish about 90% of the Federal bureaucracy.

Gee, what a great idea! Unfortunately, it just isn't within the power of an American President to do any of that. There's a little thing called Congress in the way, and they're going to laugh those ideas off the floor before they're even proposed. Senators and Congressmen draw much of their power and support from their (Constitutionally-mandated) ability to shape and manipulate the tax code and the bureaucracy, and they're about as likely to give that up as their pensions.

You'l notice I haven't mentioned Paul's apparent flirtations with racism and antisemitism, nor with the "9/11 Truther" moonbats: he disavows those peculiar misstatements, and I take him at his word. Compared to all the above, they're hardly relevant, anyway.

Ron Paul is a dreamer, with magnificent dreams; unfortunately, it isn't 1789 any more, and he appears to have a fourth-grader's understanding of international history and politics and the worldwide economy, not to mention a dangerously naïve view of the nature and intentions of our current enemy, which is militant fundamentalist Islam.

He has about as much chance of winning a major nomination, much less the general election, as Moe Howard, and would probably do about as good a job if he were, by some hellish miracle, elected.

One more note: If Paul is "principled" (read "arrogant" and "self-righteous") enough to mount a 3rd-party campaign, and if enough of his followers are "principled" (read "stupid") enough to vote for him, a Democrat--probably Hillary--will inevitably and certainly go to the White House, will nominate at least two Justices to the Supreme Court, and we will finally be forced to find out if we really mean it when we bravely say we'll fight to the death to keep our guns. It might be noble and courageous and all that, but I'd frankly rather be a little less "principled" and just elect a Republican. It would be a lot less trouble and makes a lot more sense.

The 300 of Thermopylae are our ideal; but I don't think Leonidas would have led his men there if they could have easily won the war without getting killed. He was noble and brave, but he wasn't stupid. I hope we aren't either.
And somewhere poor Doctor Paul is shedding a single tear that you, cnorman, won't support him :(

(BTW, Saddam did not support the terrorists that attacked NY. Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. And Osama got away. And a war was started under false pretenses. And that is why I do not support George Dubbya Bush for his THIRD term in 2008! ;) )
Also, think about it. Giuliani is NEVER gonna be able to trump Hillary/Obama. Thompson likely won't either, or he may keel over before that. Ron Paul is the only guy in the Republican camp that is singing a song Hillary's voting base might just listen to. He is the ONLY Republican running that can steal democratic votes, as he is, in many ways, better at the few things Hillary can run on.
I think that you're going to see Dr. Paul mount a third party run even if a good conservative candidate like Gov. Huckabee gets the nomination.

I suspect that a lot of Ron Paul's financial support is coming from the political left at the moment, i.e. Howard Dean / Moveon.org supporters who are reached via the Internet. That fact alone makes a third party run inevitable.
nothing much yet...


Next time, you might try to actually rebut a point or two, instead of ignoring them and spouting leftwing talking points.

(Just for the record, Saddam had high-level contacts with Al Qaeda well into the early 90s. That's documented, and supports what I said. Also, I hate to break it to you, but Bush isn't running in '08...)

When you want to actually address any of the arguments I've made, be sure and let me know, OK?

Cool Hand Luke:

I have no doubt that the Clintons are funnelling support to Paul already. Perot helped get Bill in in '92, and they're not ones to miss a chance to get an advantage, no matter how underhanded. They know that Paul can only hurt the Republicans and help them, and they're ruthless enough to use him and grin all the way to the White House.
Paul's position is that we brought 9/11 on ourselves
That's not true...

He said that our government's foreign policy is one of the main reasons that it happened. He didn't say that we (American Citizens in general) brought 9/11 on ourselves.

I wish it wasn't true, I would like to think that everything the US does in the world is a good thing.. but it's not. What he said is true. The CIA, the 9/11 commission report and even Bin Laden himself say that this is one of the main reasons we were attacked.

and that if we just cut and run--all over the world--that the Jihadists will leave us alone.

Could you tell me specifically, who are "the Jihadists"? This could mean many different things...

Al-Qaeda probably would leave us alone. One of the main reasons they attacked us was because we are over there. By occupying Iraq, we make it look like Bin Laden is right. It makes us look like the big hypocritical bully that he says we are.

When is the last time they attacked Canada or Norway or Japan or... Don't you think there might be a reason why they don't attack those countries?

Aside from the fact that those positions could have come straight from... Counterpunch
What's wrong with Counterpunch?

we are at war with the most dangerous group of extremists in human history
What about the Nazis?

No.. it might seem like they are but they're not. The media makes them seem like a much bigger threat than they really are. They are dangerous, mainly because they live on top of most of the world's oil but the threat is exaggerated greatly.


They were being actively supported by Saddam
Let's see some proof...

Leaving aside the inevitable bloodbath and mass murder of those who supported us and trusted us to help them build a free society
The only group that fits this description is the Kurds and they are doing quite well. They even have their own armed forces and Kurdistan is almost independent now.

ignoring the fact that no ally, no nation, no people on earth would ever trust us again, and the fact that our enemies would crow, as they did after Vietnam, that we are a weak country with no stomach for fighting and ripe for their victory and domination
All of this is already happening...

we would be leaving a dedicated and determined enemy an entire nation for a power base.
Uh.. no. The Shia would never let Al-Qaeda set up in their areas and the Kurds won't either. The Sunni's might but they don't control most of the country and lately Al-Qaeda has gotten very unpopular in the areas they control (like Anbar Province).

opposes the Patriot Act and declares that it sacrifices our civil liberties in the name of security
It's not just the patriot act.. there's also the military commissions act, the protect america act, this and probably all of these laws...

Paul believes that ALL foreign aid to EVERY nation ought to be abolished. That's madness.
Why is that madness?
Paul wants the US to withdraw from the UN and NATO and pull ALL our troops back from ANYWHERE they're stationed, anywhere in the world
Well we're going to have to do this eventually. We can do the (relatively) easy way or we can do it the hard way.

I think he and his followers might have noticed at some point--say, 9/11/01--that we can suffer some slight damage and loss of life by actions short of an invasion by foreign troops.
And since then, hundreds of thousands of people have died in car accidents. Should we destroy all cars because they occasionally hurt people and cause damage?
I think the best idea is to simply disassemble this post, point by point. This make take some time, but I'll only rebut those points that are meaningful.

Ron Paul's position on the 2nd Amendment resembles my own; unfortunately, I do not think that that position is shared by the majority of Americans, or even a majority of Republicans. In any case, that issue alone is certainly not enough to get him nominated, let alone elected. There are far too many of his other positions that I, and many other conservatives, find troubling and even dangerous.
Since Ron Paul's positions are solidly conservative, that's almost impossible. It may be that neoconservatives are in disagreement with Dr. Paul, but they're hardly conservatives of any kind. Those that founded that movement, such as Norman Podhoretz, were seeking refuge from their membership in the communist fellow travelers groups in the 1950's. Neocons are a type of socialist, the current administration is solidly neocon; proved by their actions toward worldwide hegemony and advancement of socialist programs domestically. It's what they do.

The Iraq war and the War on Terror, for starters. Ron Paul believes that there was no good reason to go to war in Iraq, that a Congressional declaration of war was Constitutionally necessary, and that we ought to just unilaterally pull out completely and immediately.
That's correct. Dr. Paul knew, (and Bush too since the CIA briefed as such), that Iraq wasn't involved in any terrorist activity in America, nor was Iraq a sponsor for terrorism in America. Dr. Paul also knew that Iraq had no WMD's, had no nuclear program much less nuke weapons, meaning that war against the Iraqi's was illegal under any known law.
Further, Paul's position is that we brought 9/11 on ourselves, and that if we just cut and run--all over the world--that the Jihadists will leave us alone. That's an isolationist fantasy. It's also called "surrender" or "appeasement".
Since, with few exceptions, all of which occured since the attacks on 9/11/2001; there were no attacks by radical islamists in America. All of the attacks against US government property prior to 2001 were in direct response to US government attacks against muslim countries either directly or by surrogate countries. The CIA and many others have documented these facts irrefutably.

Since the invasion of Iraq was and remains illegal under US and international law, leaving Iraq is hardly the action denoted by the childish expression, cutting and running. It is a recognition that this war is an unmitigated catastrophe that was well known to be unwinnable before the first boot was on the ground in Iraq in 2003.

Ron Paul isn't an isolationist, he's an anti-interventionist. It should be plain what the difference is. Isolationism was a term invented by the communists in the 1930's and 1940's to goad Roosevelt into World War II. It's interesting that those who bandy it about today are followers of a political philosphy directly descended from those who used in 60 years ago.

Aside from the fact that those positions could have come straight from MoveOn.org or Counterpunch, they ignore some pretty basic facts.

Briefly: we are at war with the most dangerous group of extremists in human history.
This statement is so steeped in absurdity that it almost defies belief that anyone would say it in a public forum. To say the least, there are no actual facts to support it. There are approximately 2000 known Radical muslims world wide, period. Relating them to the socialist/fascist threats of the 1930's through 1960's, which involved tens of millions of activists, is just plain astounding.

They were being actively supported by Saddam,
No, there is no evidence whatsoever that the Iraqi's were EVER involved in any terrorist activity against America.
who was incidentally a brutal, sadistic dictator who was, even if he had no WMDs (and many, including I, think he did--as did every intelligence service in the Western world), was without question poised to resume their development and production the moment "inspections" ended.
No, that is in fact not true. The CIA briefed G.W. Bush that there were no WMD's in Iraq in early 2002. There were no other western intelligence services that belived otherwise, and all of the UN weapons inspectors said the same thing in 1998-2002.

If Paul wants to appeal to the Founders on the subject of formal declarations of war, he might recall that there was another President who sent American troops to war without a formal declaration, against foreign outlaws who presented zero threat of invasion: one Thomas Jefferson, who sent the Marines to Tripoli to subdue the Barbary Pirates.
Which Jefferson was roundly criticized for at the time, and when his presidency is discussed among the knowledgeable, that action is excoriated as both unConstitutional, wrong, and set one of the worst precedents in US government history. There hasn't been a perfect president so far in the history of the US government.

"...indeed war was declared on the Barbary Pirates, it was declared by President Jefferson, just as President Bush has declared war on terrorism. However; the Congress never formally declared war on the BP, in fact no lesser person than Alexander Hamilton stated outright that a formal declaration of war was NOT required when the nation was attacked by a foreign enemy and it was that interpretation that Congress embraced at the time. The Congress passed a joint resolution authorizing Jefferson to act much in the same way as the Terrorism Joint Resolution authorized President Bush to assume war footing as Commander In Chief."
There was a lot more to this than you've stated, still, it was a huge mistake and illegal at the time. Jefferson bowed to the pressure of New England shipping interests who wanted the US government to pay tribute like the British and French government were doing, they didn't care what happened as long as they didn't have to pay themselves. It was and remains a type of corporate welfare.


Jefferson and Hamilton, if memory serves, had some small role in writing some of the key documents that Paul holds sacred.
Almost none of the Constitution put Hamilton's wacky ideas into law. The Constitution was written mostly by James Madison, with others contributing. Hamilton's ideas were discarded early on. Jefferson wrote none of the Constitution, he was in France. Jefferson was involved in the Bill of Rights, written and made a part of the Constitution five years after ratification of the Constitution.

End part one
part two

Part two:
Even if you don't agree with the initial reasons we went in, it would be absolutely insane and suicidal to cut and run now.
If that's what happens, Bush should have thought of those risks before he followed the advice of Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, William Kristol, Irving Kristol, Krauthammer, and a host of others. The American citizenry shouldn't be held hostage to the whims of these people.

Paul, like leftists and Democrats, opposes the Patriot Act and declares that it sacrifices our civil liberties in the name of security. Sorry. There have been no, none, nada, zero abuses of the Patriot Act recorded or reported (except on "Law and Order"). If you think being able to make international phone calls to known terrorists without being recorded is an essential civil liberty--well, sorry, but I don't agree with you; and that's what the Act covers, not calls to your local gun shop or your Aunt Tillie.
That's not how we do things in America. It seems quite a few judges are waking up to this fact of law as well. The so-called PATRIOT ACT isn't one enacted by patriots of any kind.

Paul believes that ALL foreign aid to EVERY nation ought to be abolished. That's madness. Foreign aid perhaps ought to be managed more with an eye to who is our friend and who our enemy, but cutting it off entirely would be the act of a maniac.
No, he thinks, as I do, that it's immoral and dishonest to take money from American citizens involuntarily and give it as a bribe to foreign governments who, as often as not, act in ways counter to the best interests of America. You might want to read this new book, it will enlighten you on current appeasement foreign policy.

We live in the 21st century, not the 18th, and a certain amount of "international entanglement" is beyond avoiding.
No, in fact, there's more reason today to avoid foreign adventures. Further, the age of colonialization is well and truly over. There's no nation on the planet today that can't make a imperial war, like the one against the Iraqi's, impossible.
We have allies that depend on us for economic and military aid--and we depend on them, too. It's an international marketplace and an international, interdependent web of commerce, science and communication, and there's no going back. We can't stand alone any more, and we don't need to make any more enemies than we already have.
There is no nation on the planet that depends on America for it's military. There are many that want the huge funds the US government gives them, so they can do other things with their actual own money. Giving money that Americans can use for their own benefit to foreign nations is a travesty that must be stopped.

Further, such an act would inevitably plunge us all into a catastrophic worldwide depression, and the US would suffer most of all. It's worth noting, for instance, that 90% of the aid we send to Israel is spent right here in the US, and that supports a LOT of American jobs.
Let's see, not giving money to other countries, letting American citizens to keep it and use it as they see fit is economically disastrous? May I suggest you review economics, there's no theory extant that makes such a statement.

Ah, I see, we've finnaly arrived at the purpose of this post. To claim Ron Paul is an anti-Semite, either directly or by implication. This type of smear is more than disgusting. Fortunately, it was well and truly dispatched some time ago by The Politics of Anti-Semitism. This won't stop attempts, but it does blunt the impact of this disgraceful practice.
Israel, in particular (aid to which Paul adamantly and especially opposes), is the best friend we have on Earth. They have the best intelligence service in the mideast, and maybe the world; in surveillance and counterterrorism, they are the world's leader, and regularly share information and lend us their experts in those fields. They are also among the world's leaders in military technology and armament development, including nuclear-weapons detection and security--not to mention trauma medicine (in fact, medical advancements of all kinds), dry-land agriculture (already assisting our own farmers in the Southwest), and electronic technology and communication (your cell phone was probably designed in Israel). Thousands of Americans travel to Israel every year, both Jews and Christians, and many Israelis commute between jobs in the US and Israel as military, high-tech, and other kinds of consultants and professionals. That's a start, I would think, on why we should continue to value and support Israel as a vital ally and friend.
Israel is just another foreign country that shoud be treated as such, no better nor worse than any other. US government largess, all unaccounted for, to Israel (the largest recipient of aid) and every other country must stop. Israel is a rich nation, they do not need gifts from American taxpayers.

And Ron Paul wants to stab them in the back and leave them at the mercy of the Arabs, who have collectively sworn to exterminate or expel every Jew in the Mideast and erase Israel from existence. Yeah, that's what made America great; betray your friends and abandon them to their--and our--enemies.
Americans owe nothing to any other country on the planet. What the Israeli's do or do not do does not make them deserving of grants of taxpayer funded largess.

Paul wants the US to withdraw from the UN and NATO and pull ALL our troops back from ANYWHERE they're stationed, anywhere in the world, not just Iraq and Afghanistan. If an enemy doesn't present a direct threat of actual invasion of the US, according to Paul, they aren't a problem. It's as if he thinks armies and navies still use horse-drawn artillery and sailing ships.
That's right, it's the best position a president has had since the Berlin wall came down. It's the traditional, conservative American position, and most Americans want that.

I think he and his followers might have noticed at some point--say, 9/11/01--that we can suffer some slight damage and loss of life by actions short of an invasion by foreign troops. Further, if he doesn't think an American presence is necessary in, say, South Korea, the Balkans, and the Mideast, you have to wonder if he ever studied any history after 1800.
No, you have to wonder where you received your knowledge from. Ron Paul is exceptionally knowledgeable about history, and causes of historical activities including wars. US troops in Serbia are particularly disturbing since the US government has enabled illegal aliens from Albania to claim a large, and tradition area of Serbia as muslim territory. Tens of thousands of Christians have been driven from their lands during both the Clinton and Bush regimes. The recent arrests in New Jersey of muslims plotting a terrorist attack were Albanian jihadists, who really do want to bring down the west. Yet, Bush continues to thwart Serbian attempts to drive these illegals out of their country. So, yes, the US government should give the weapons back to the Serbs and leave Serbia. The Serbs can take care of themselves.

Membership in the UN is essential to our international relations, which we MUST have, and membership in NATO is essential to the defense of the US and the Western world. We can't move back to 1913; we can't even move back to 1938. The world is different now, like it or not.
The fact is that the world is NOT different than at any time in the past. All imperialists throughout history have used the excuses given above for attempts at world hegemony, it's not new, the anachronistic ideas are yours, not Dr. Paul's.

Paul wants to abolish the personal income tax, the IRS, the Department of Education, the Federal Reserve, and most of the departments represented on the Cabinet. It appears that he wants to abolish about 90% of the Federal bureaucracy.
Yes, refreshing isn't it. All of these 20th century ideas have proven to be bad ones. Let's move to those that were proven to work and work well.

Gee, what a great idea! Unfortunately, it just isn't within the power of an American President to do any of that. There's a little thing called Congress in the way, and they're going to laugh those ideas off the floor before they're even proposed. Senators and Congressmen draw much of their power and support from their (Constitutionally-mandated) ability to shape and manipulate the tax code and the bureaucracy, and they're about as likely to give that up as their pensions.
Getting a bit testy, are we? Congressman Paul has served ten terms in Congress, he knows a bit about that, in fact, it's doubtful based on your post, that you'd be able to teach him anything about this subject.

You'll notice I haven't mentioned Paul's apparent flirtations with racism and antisemitism, nor with the "9/11 Truther" moonbats: he disavows those peculiar misstatements, and I take him at his word. Compared to all the above, they're hardly relevant, anyway.
That is, hopefully, because if you did, it'd be an outrageous lie.

We're not stupid, that's why we support Ron Paul for president.
Al-Qaeda probably would leave us alone.

Probably, huh? :D

Too isolationalist. Everything is neo-con conspiracy. Everything is unconstitutional, at least under Paul's version of what constitutes 'constitutional' -- which is impossible to predict until Paul uses it as an excuse for voting against legislation that would directly address serious problems.

I'm glad he's a Republican in the Republican party, because he's certainly interesting and not boring! But he's not presidential material. He doesn't have the charisma for the job. Actually, he has no charisma, which will work for a congressman, but not for a presidential nominee and/or candidate.
But he's not presidential material. He doesn't have the charisma for the job.
Fremmer, you've said this over and over again in this forum. Stating it repeatedly will never make it true. And, if it were true, it'd be irrelevant.

I am interested in which of the Republican or Democrat candidates YOU think charismatic.
Pat Hs post above, and simimlar Paulite posts, are part of why I would vote for even John Edwards over Paul.

Pay me no mind Im just an anti freedom necon.

WildwowAlaska TM
Pat Hs post above, and simimlar Paulite posts, are part of why I would vote for even John Edwards over Paul.

Pay me no mind Im just an anti freedom necon.

WildwowAlaska TM

If you are paid no mind, it would be due to the content-free nature of your posts.
LOL! What "spouting of left wing talking points" did I do...exactly? Dude, my entire post was tongue in cheek, and managed to sail obliviously directly over your head. By the way, your 'views' seem like they are cut, copied, and pasted directly over from any of Rupert's big five "news" agencies. You should be a Fox anchor! You're great at reading off the teleprompter ;).

Since it was missed, I'll point out that indeed I was aware senior george el bu****o can't run for a third term, thus the humor- or attempted humor- I obviously failed, so I'll try and point it out: Bush greatly expanded the executive branch's power and reach, he actually DISCUSSED postponning (possibly indefinately) the 2004 election because of the danger of 'terrrrrist' attacks. Some people are a little iffy on whether he'll get off the thrown so easily jan 2009. I myself don't prescribe to such talk, but to each their own. A lot of his supporters, unfortunately, seem to share a single brain cell. Google "Bush Third Term" or "George W. Bush 2008", and you'll see his fans already trying to figure out a way to keep him in office. George Bush FOREVER!

Anyway, I see you are clocking in at only a double deuce worth of posts here, so I'll go ahead and inform you that anytime someone puts a " ;)", AKA an internet "wink", that means tongue-in-cheek, or sarcasm.

But I WILL say if Bush runs in 2008, I'll probably vote for him--- because I'll likely be MADE to at the wrong end of a gun! :eek: Heh.
Ah, I forgot to add that I have to ask for your source about Saddam's "High level Al-Quesadilla" ties. The reason being I've read al lot on the matter from some of the most informed people on the matter (Ed. Bernard Lewis, etc). It isn't that I so much wanted to, but that I was made to in an international relations course. Anyway, my understanding is that Saddam was a militant SECULARIST! That is, he was totally secular (lol). Al-Tostada are sort of...extremeous religious maximus. For the two to have ties it just simply wouldn't work.

It would be like the Pope having ties to Lindsey Lohan, or Britney Spears or something. Er, now there's a disturbing image. On that note...I think I'm done for the night.

IF Saddam had any ties whatsoever to Al-Bellgrande, please cite your source and I'll gladly read it. Expect me to be slightly wary if the source is the Project for a New American Century or something of that ilk :cool:.

Oh I'm sorry, I forgot you were there. You may proceed.
let me try to get caught up here...


On America bringing on 9/11 ourselves: I never said that Paul believed the American people were to blame; that's a straw man argument. What you say here pretty much squares with Paul's position, I agree; but I think the idea that we should just stay in our little rooms and have no involvement in the mideast because we fear murderous retaliation is nothing short of cowardly. What Paul is advocating is basically "We'd better do what they say or they'll beat us up." I have very little patience for the notion that we deserved or invited 9/11 to ANY degree whatever. Taking that position reminds me of those who sympathize with street criminals because they are "poor and disadvantaged" and that rape victims were "asking for it".

"Who are the Jihadists?" Oh, please. Are you taking the leftist line that radical Islam isn't really a threat, just a "bumper sticker" hyped by the Administration? From some of your later comments, it seems so.

On Al Qaeda not attacking Canada, etc.: Yeah, just how many Balinese troops are in Iraq, anyway?

And in case you didn't notice, we weren't IN Iraq on 9/11/01. Any comment?

Counterpunch is a deceptive, hyperpartisan, far-left crypto-Marxist rag. Enjoy. If you're a devotee, it explains why you think radical Islam is no greater a threat than traffic accidents. To Counterpunch, there can be no greater threat to the world than George Bush. If that's your position, we have nothing to talk about.

The Nazis merely wanted to conquer the world: they didn't want to force conversion to their religion, impose repressive religious laws, and dictate every detail of every person's daily life. They did not use suicide bombers against civilian innocents in PREFERENCE to military targets, and they did not raise their children to idealize and admire mass murderers of women and children.

Al Qaeda had high-level contacts with Saddam from at least the early 90s; he sponsored terrorist training camps, put up AQ leaders in luxury suites and paid for their medical care, and his Iraq was the first place AQ leaders ran when in trouble. Read the papers. Sorry--papers other than Counterpunch.

Yes, the Kurds are doing very well. Thanks to us. Or did you forget that?

Yes, all of that is already happening. Is your solution to let it get much worse?

True, AQ hasn't been doing well lately--because of the "surge", of course, but you wouldn't care to acknowledge that, would you? If we summarily leave--which even the Dems no longer advocate--do you think they wouldn't come back in force?

Gosh, yes; all those laws could be abused. Can you document any actual cases of that? Sorry, alleged "abuses" of enemy combatants don't count. This is called a "war".

I think I explained why total isolationism is madness. Odd that you didn't notice, or respond to my explanation.

Car accidents? Are you serious? We should just treat terrorism as a nuisance and otherwise ignore it?

If you are consistent in your beliefs, you must not own a gun. The proper response to street crime is to hide in your house and not go out and "provoke" the criminals who have legitimate gripes about economic disparities in our society, right?

(Well, THAT was an hour I'd like to have back...)

Pat H:

"Solidly conservative"?? Cut and run? Abandon our allies? "Neocons" are socialists? Are you nuts?

Wait a minute--"Goad" FDR into WWII? You think we shouldn't have gone?

I think I'll skip over the rest, since you're basically ignoring my reasoning and saying "You're wrong because Dr.
Paul says so and he's real smart and would be a better President than Thomas Jefferson." As far as dissecting my post, you really haven't shown me much.

Actually, one is inclined to dismiss you as a bit of an extremist, considering some of your remarks. If you want anyone to take you seriously, you might start by answering a straight question: Do you think we should have stayed out of WWII? If not, how does that square with your ideal of "non-intervention"?

I will stop to note that you DON'T explain how Paul would get his massive restructuring of the Federal government through Congress. Why is that? If there's a way, please tell us. I somehow don't think that his having served ten terms in Congress is going to do it. If he knows all about how Congress works, fine; how's he going to get it done? What's his legislative plan? I haven't heard him address that at all. Have you?

Why is Paul's pie-in-the-sky, trust-me agenda have a hope in Hell of ever being passed? If there's no answer to that but "He's right on principle," he's a waste of time.


Interesting. So far, Paul seems to be getting his support from the extreme left and the extreme right. Doesn't sound like a formula for success to me.


No, I didn't pick up on the fact that you were kidding. There's a reason: I've dealt with some other posts that were a lot nuttier--and funnier--than yours that were perfectly serious.

I use a BlackBerry and I can't see the icons, by the way. Nor watch videos, nor listen to audio clips. It's a pain, but you work with what you have.

I wish I thought Ron Paul was funny. I don't. I think he's going to drain enough votes from whoever the Republicans nominate to put HIllary in the White House.

And I think his followers know that and will vote for him anyway. Absurd, maybe, but not at all funny.
cnorman18 said:
"We'd better do what they say or they'll beat us up." I have very little patience for the notion that we deserved or invited 9/11 to ANY degree whatever. Taking that position reminds me of those who sympathize with street criminals because they are "poor and disadvantaged" and that rape victims were "asking for it".

if you were walking through a big city in the dead of night on your way home and you decided to take a shortcut through a dark alley and you get hit over the back of the head and mugged, is that your fault? absolutely not. are you going to continue to walk down dark alleys in the dead of night? i hope not. if this was the 3rd or 4th time that youve been mugged in that alley, it still may not be your fault, but you certainly arent helping matters.

whats that quote? the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. something like that.
cnorman18 said:
Absurd, maybe, but not at all funny.

absurd? hardly. whats truly absurd are the candidates that the GOP has been feeding us for the last 15 years. also absurd is the fact that they are gonna keep giving us the same trash, election after election. why? because people think that voting for the candidate thats "electable" somehow helps them. it doesnt.

I share your sentiments to some degree, but I fail to see how voting for an UNelectable candidate helps much, either.

Remember? A vote for Perot turned out to be a vote for Clinton. Substitute "Paul" for "Perot", and nothing has changed except the Clinton--and I think this Clinton will be even worse. Bill was only dedicated to power and poon. Hillary is dedicated to the ideas of Karl Marx.
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