why gas is high


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This is what the enviromentalists have accomplished, save the Planet Kill the US economy.
By the way the sun is burning hotter these days, can that affect Global Warming?

$4.00 a gallon. Who's to blame?

Thanks to the environmentalist lobby and its influence on Democratic legislators in Congress, the U.S.
has, for decades, been prohibited from drilling for oil in places that we know contain billions of barrells
of proven reserves.

Check out this map:

All of the "NO" zones are places where the U.S. , thanks to the
Democratic Party, is prohibited from drilling for oil.

But wait . it gets better.

*** China, Cuba , Canada and others continue to drill off our shores where US companies are
not allowed to drill because of Democratic policies!

Yes, that's right . China and Cuba are actively exploring oil fields 50 miles from Key West,
Florida while U.S. companies are barred from working in this area because of U.S. policy .
So, instead of allowing the most environmentally responsible companies to operate there
and increase our domestic supply, China , who has a dismal environmental record, is
preparing to suck our close, lucrative oil reserves dry.


Investor's Business Daily recently explained how irresponsible the Democrats have been on the
energy crisis. They lay into what they consider to be the worst Congress ever for ...
~ Failing to allow drilling in ANWR. We have, as President Bush noted, estimated capacity of a
million barrels of oil a day from this source alone -- enough for 27 million gallons of gas and diesel.
But Congress won't touch it, fearful of the clout of the environmental lobby. As a result, you pay
through the nose at the pump so your representative can raise campaign cash.

~ Refusing to build new refineries. The U.S. hasn't built one since 1976, yet the EPA requires at
least 15 unique 'boutique' fuel blends that can be sold in different areas around the nation. This means
that U.S. refinery capacity is stretched so tight that even the slightest problem at a refinery causes
enormous supply problems and price spikes. Congress has done nothing about this.

~ Turning its back on nuclear power. It's safe and, with advances in nuclear reprocessing technology,
waste problems have been minimized. Still, we have just 104 nuclear plants -- the same as a decade
ago -- producing just 19% of our total energy. (Many European nations produce 40% or more of their
power with nuclear.) Granted, nuclear power plants are expensive -- about $3 billion each. But they
produce energy at $1.72/kilowatt-hour vs. $2.37 for coal and $6.35 for natural gas.

~ Raising taxes on energy producers. This is where a basic understanding of economics would
help: Higher taxes and needless regulation lead to less production of a commodity. So by proposing '
windfall' and other taxes on energy companies plus tough new rules, Congress only makes our energy
situation worse.

These are just a few of Congress' sins of omission -- all while India , China , Eastern Europe and the
Middle East are adding more than a million barrels of new demand each and every year. New Energy
Department forecasts see world oil demand growing 40% by 2030, including a 28% increase in the U.S.

Americans who are worried about the direction of their country, including runaway energy and food
prices, should keep in mind the upcoming election isn't just about choosing a new president. We'll
also pick a new Congress.

If we elect a liberal Democrat as president in the Fall and keep the same Democrat-controlled
Congress, nothing will change .. except gasoline prices, which will keep going up.
keep in mind the upcoming election isn't just about choosing a new president. We'll
also pick a new Congress.
Thank God for that...time to clean house again. They seem to forget why they were voted out years ago, they regained power and have done squat for the past year.
Plenty of blame all around, special interest groups as you stated, greedy corporations, global markets, free traders and countries who dislike America with all their hearts. It is truly a mess and unless we get a government not controlled by corporations and special interest America will become the third world country we appear to be approaching, The public is not guilty free too many vehicles, too large, needless waste of fuel, etc and now we pay.:(
RE: high gas

yes we are just as much to blame, but we also had the ability to get 50 miles a gallon years ago and oil companies nipped that in the bud. filled up yesterday and the pump couldn't even figure the price, had to multiply by 2 to get full price paid. I remember putting $1.00 in my dads truck and driving all day.
Blaming the Dem is about as sad as it gets.

American have failed on every from to actively participate in major alternative energy projects from wind power, nuclear, geothermal and solar. Car/truck manufactures produce an endless array of vehicles that get horrid mileage for US models while European vehicles get far better mileage. We develop huge complexes that require massive heat, light and air conditioning becasue we have to have a mall every five miles around our cities. The majority of the US depends upon personal vehicles rather than effective public transportation. The railroad infrastructure has given way to tractor trailers becasue we can not order inventory in advance but relay of call today and get delivery tomorrow. The list of issues is far more than simply point to the democrats as the cause of the problem.
don't forget in India and China their gov't subsidizes gasoline and Diesel. In essense shielding consumers from price shocks. They do this so they wouldn't see any significant slow down in their economy. This means that demand continues to climb despites price increases. We've seen significant drops in demand during particular periods (memorial day weekend) but prices continue to rise because of worldwide demand.

On a bright note, Energy ministers in countries that subsidize fuel cost are starting to raise prices because they can't maintain these artifical price ceilings. This should hopefully put a dent in demand.

Anyways, we'll see. In the mean time we deal.
Low Gas, Politically Correct hunting Rig!

Gas too high? My new hunting Rig!!!:cool:


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I posted in another similar thread on this subject. The common people cannot ban together enough to stop the rise of fuel or any other product that a company deems neccessary to rape the public on. IMHO, as previously stated, supply and demand is the biggest contributing factor to price but not the only one. History setting profit margins being reaped by oil industry,causing termoil in our economy is nothing short of robbery. With that said I believe in free interprise. I suggested in other thread that everybody pick just one day through the week and don`t burn one drop of fuel. Don`t go to work,cut grass,do nothing burning gasoline. Let just one days fuel consumption sit in the ground and watch what happens. Problem is that will never happen. On other thread when that was suggested the responses from a few where actually funny to mind insulting. One poster even had the nerve to boost about the recently heavy investing and big money he had made in oil markets. Doesn`t take a rocket scientist to figure out that thats just helping to secure the allready outragious prices. Individual greed is wrecking this country. Seems to be the thought today" is what I can do for myself rather than whats best for everyone":(. Let some of that fuel set in the ground a day or two and that will help with the supply and demand problem,the rest will take care of itself.
Boycott one major company

What people seem to forget is that we have a free market system, which in theory allows us, the consumers, set prices. How do we do this you ask? The market responds to our demand. Now granted the demand for gas isn't going anywhere. But we can hit individual suppliers and thus affect the market. Everyone and I mean everyone needs to stop buying gas from one of the top gas suppliers for at least a year. Take Exxon/Mobil or Shell. If everyone stops buying gas for the year then the company will have no choice but to lower prices in order to increase demand. As they lower prices to be competative others will have to also, and this is how we will drive down prices. I am no economics major, but this IMO this makes sense!!!
"History setting profit margins being reaped by oil industry,causing termoil in our economy is nothing short of robbery."

Well, let's see. Oil companies make a profit of between 8 and 10% on total revenues. That 8 to 10 cents per dollar is after they pay for exploration, drilling, employees, and all other costs associated with doing business.

8 to 10% is a pretty lousy profit margin compared to most industries.

Meanwhile, the federal government collects 18.5% in taxes on every gallon of gas. Here in Wisconsin, the state government collects another 32.5% in taxes. And the governments don't have any expenses (other than bureaucrats).

Who's ripping off whom?

If the price of gas drops, state and local governments lose money. The dollars flowing into state and federal coffers are a strong incentive to keep prices high.

History setting profit margins being reaped by oil industry,causing termoil in our economy is nothing short of robbery.

The oil industry is not experiencing "history setting profit margins".

For instance Exxon has a net profit margin of around 9.7%. The average S&P 500 net profit margin is around 10.7%. Microsoft has a net profit margin of over 28%. I don't see you accusing Microsoft of "causing termoil in our economy.....nothing short of robbery". Why is that?
Free Enterprise

One reason gas is expensive is because we continue to buy it at the going price. Yes, we all have to go to work. But most of us work five days a week. If we parked our cars the other two days there would be a 28.5% reduction in demand. I assure you a price drop would follow.

We have another three day weekend coming up. I assure the highways and roads will be packed with drivers not heading to work.

Oil companies, and any other company, sell their product for the highest price possible. That is free enterprise.
Last I checked

Last I checked a profit margin in the form of a percentage point isn't the only measure of a company's success. Profits margins could be down for this year but the company is still striving and doesn't mean that the heads of these corportations aren't collecting inflated salaries....that yes effect overall profit!
one has to remember, by staging a "sit in" and not driving usually results in people not shopping, going out to eat, and other wise spending money that fuels our economy.

Whatever, "gains" we would see by people not driving for x number days would have a greater negative impact enconomy as a whole.

Way way way oversimplified things but in a nutshell.
If we elect a liberal Democrat as president in the Fall and keep the same Democrat-controlled
Congress, nothing will change .. except gasoline prices, which will keep going up.

I don't quite get the concluding paragraph in the OP. Can you explain how NOT electing a liberal Democrat would be any different?

Bush has been in the presidency during this great explosion in gas prices, and John McCain's policies seem pretty much in line (well, except he is honest and open about "not understanding economics") with that the current administration.

What has the non-liberal non-Democrat president done to help keep gas prices in check?
one has to remember, by staging a "sit in" and not driving usually results in people not shopping, going out to eat, and other wise spending money that fuels our economy.

Tele-commute to work, Amazon.com for shopping, and pizzahut deliveries to the house. Done and done ;)
Free Enterprise

Our system, at least in theory, allows for a business to sell its products for whatever amount they can get. The consumer helps dictate the price by either buying or rejecting products if the price is too high. It is the free enterprise system, plain and simple. You want government involved?

Lets say you open a doughtnut shop. You price your maple bars at $5.00 each. They move out as fast as you can make them. You are then free to raise the price to seven dollars. If they keep selling you are making an extra two dollars each. That is free enterprise, that is the American way.

Now if you five dollar goodies are rotting on the shelf you will have to reduce the price. You will have to cut your margain or go out of business. That is free enterprise, that is the American way.

Why should Unlce Sam tell you what to charge for your doughnuts? The price will be determined by the consumer. That is free enterprise, that is the American way. Having the government mandate your price or the price of any private business transaction is not free enterprise, it is not the American way.
We're seeing some major flux in the near term but people, we're not facing a shortage. Prices are climbing but eventually a level equilibrium will be reached.

Trust me, I wish gas prices were lower. I commute 166 miles a day (granted I telecommute 2 days a week) and spend nearly 400 a month. But I understand that market forces are at work and right now theres a great deal of emotion that is driving things out of wack. Eventually basic fundenmentals will brings things in line. Demand will relax and those speculating the market will have a rude suprised.

I'm not worried, the sky isn't falling.