Why don't revolver carriers worry about capacity?

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I'm new to owning a revolver, and I'm not asking this question to start any fights. But I noticed that amongst semi auto carriers, you get a range of heated opinions over whether 7 rounds, 15 rounds, or 30 rounds are ever "enough"

Given that a CCW revolver carries maybe 7 at most, depending on caliber, with 5 being typical -- and reloads are much more challenging even with practice -- do revolver carriers just have a different philosophy of what counts as "enough?"
Maybe we are just better shots/
Given that a CCW revolver carries maybe 7 at most, depending on caliber, with 5 being typical -- and reloads are much more challenging even with practice -- do revolver carriers just have a different philosophy of what counts as "enough?"

I started carrying revolvers in 1982 as a young cop after serving in the Army and using a 1911. The revolvers I carried were 357 magnum and 44 magnum. I learned to shoot, reload and carry multiple guns because I was determined no to die young. I also competed on the dept pistol team. Reloads are not a challenge with proper gear and training.

In all those years of carrying a revolver as primary I never felt outgunned until working the canyons west of El Paso, Tx near Mount Crysto Rey at night chasing bandits.
This discussion has devolved from a discussion of why revolver owners don't worry about capacity, through several detours until we are now trading insults.

Case closed.
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