Why does everyone here hate Glocks so much?

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Got the same feeling as Puddle Pirate:

"I am a machinist, a gun frame made of microwave safe material offends me."

Glocks are ugly. Glock design is very good.
Pistol seems to be reliable and easy
to use. It's light in weight. Trigger is too heavy for target shooting. Glock is cheap to make - molded polymer frame cost is probably only 1/5 cost of the milled steel frame. Glock is just a "tool".

I do not hate Glocks and I have respect for
engineers who designed this pretty good
and cost-effective pistol. But I'm no pussy
to pay $400+ for a gun which should be
reasonably priced at no more $200-225,
consdiring its cost of production. Same goes for HK USP9. It's just that I do not see
these pistols as a good deal at the current prices.
"The vast majority of them dont finish 100 rounds without at least one stoppage"

TVN, listen to BB, I think he hit the nail on the head...
I've had my G23c for about 2 years, and have 10,150 logged rounds through it. It has had ONE failure, caused by a Blazer cartridge that did not have the cartridge "rim" or whatever you call the groove the extractor grabs cut out. (looks like a revolver cartridge!) I still have the cartridge as a curio. I have never seen a Glock fail at the range I frequent, and even I was suprised at that, considering some of the people I've seen there. Not even a "limp-wrist" failure.
I think Glocks are reliable.
My 1911 has 250 rounds through it, and is on it's way back to the factory.
That said, if I can get the 1911 to work, I'll carry it. but first it must be as reliable as the Glock was from the day I bought it.
I am sure that Glocks are good guns. I have shot quite a few when I was shopping around. I do not like them much myself, for the following reasons:

1. Cosmetics: Glocks are plug ugly, purely utilitarian. They are also too thick because of all the polymer/double stack mags. I know that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, so I am only speaking for myself, but Glocks are not handsome guns.

2. Trigger: Feels too "mushy" and releases without a pronounced release point. I am trained to take the slack out of a DA/SA trigger prior to a "deliberate" target shot, and the Safe Action trigger is too much of a switch for my drilled and conditioned trigger finger.

I believe in the philosophy that you should carry what you are used to, and my SIG is like a body extension after a decade of owning SIGs. I know that Glocks are popular and reliable, but they just don't do it for me. For some reason, I don't like any polymer-framed guns, with the exception of the H&K USP...I've never seen a gun come out of their factory that I didn't like.

As some folks say, it's Chevy vs. Ford on this issue. Personally, I think that in the case of Glock vs. SIG it's more like Volkswagen vs. BMW.

Just my $0.02....
I love Glocks!!!
I love 1911s!!!
I love S&W revolvers!!!
I love Sig-Sauers!!!
I would love Berettas if the company that made them stood behind their products.
If you see a love/hate thing going on about a certain design or brand, you at least know that people are using them and at least half of them think they're decent. You hardly ever see big on-going tug-of-war debates about Jennings-Bryco vs. Davis or Cobray vs. Intratec, now do you?

[This message has been edited by 45b (edited January 15, 2000).]
Pistols have a lot in common with women. Basically, they all function the same, generally have the same design and in the hands of a competent handler will serve their intended purpose, whatever that may be. However, if you're going to be around the same one every day it might as well be as attractive as you can afford. :D
I have a Glock 34 that I use when I want to optimize my score. That 3-lb trigger and slightly longer sight radius help my tired old eyes. I have not had a malfunction when using commercial ammo and Glock magazines. (The Pro-Mags I tried are obscenely unreliable!) I've put over 2,000 rounds through it.

My 1911 Gov't Model is a cheap, ugly Auto-Ordinance beast - that works! With Ed Wilson mags, it goes bang every time.

For CCW, I carry a Star PD. It's old and ugly but has never malfunctioned unless I left it REALLY dirty. (Mea culpa)


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Dennis Bateman
I for one don't hate the Glock, although I'm not a big fan of the company itself at the moment, for reasons posted elsewhere.

I wouldn't spend my own money on a Glock. It just doesn't get me excited. However, other then the mag problems I've mentioned on another thread I think the Glock is an outstanding service pistol. The G21 fits my hand very well since I have large hands, and it's very accurate. I have no problem with the pistol at all.

In semi-autos I prefer the 1911 for one simple reason, long familiarity. It was the first gun I ever saw anyone shoot (my dad was on his companies pistol team in the USMC). It was the first type of gun I ever owned and I carried one in the military. For me it's like an old friend. However, I don't think that it's the *best* handgun (is there one?) and it's not for everybody.

Just to show that I'm not anal retentive I also have a strong love for revolvers, especially the S&W N frame. I also think that single action revolvers are pretty darned neat (I own a Cimmaron Model P and a Ruger Bisley, both .45 Colt).
WebExec: Since my first Colt Woodsman some 50 years ago, I've shot bunches of pistols. Many different brands, lots of different calibers; revolver, semi-auto...

The BEST pistol is the one with which YOU can hit "best" as to accuracy, speed--and, of course, reliability. The best pistol for you should not be based upon anybody else's opinions nor abilities.

Since I don't like the feel of a pistol which uses a double-stack magazine, nor one with a double-action trigger, I stay with the 1911. It works for me, and that's all that counts when it's my butt on the line. If one shoots well with a Glock, and likes the feel of it, that's the one to have.

I guess I just don't understand the problem.

:), Art
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