Why does everyone here hate Glocks so much?

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Some people cant get over the trigger, understandable. Some people dont like the grip, again, thats a personal thing, pretty understandable. Some people dont think theyre "pretty" enough...dont quite know what to say about that, I'm more into function than flash, but still a valid argument I guess. Others just want to bash them to justify their $1000+ handguns that do (almost) everything the Glock will do :)

Seriously, I used to dislike them back in the '80's, I didn't like the action. Then I was convinced after actually shooting one, and I bought a G17 and mastered the trigger. Now my G21 is my favorite. It's reliable, accurate (3-7" groups at 7 yards? People, alcohol and guns dont mix!), light, has a higher-capacity magazine (and those magazines are plentiful- just bought two 15rnd 10mm mags) for its size than other guns, and is very versatile. I shoot .45ACP, .45 Super, and now I shoot 10mm with a barrel and mag swap. Next on my list is a .400 Cor-bon barrel.

[This message has been edited by BB (edited January 15, 2000).]
I have a Kimber and a Springfield gov' model, I have 2 Glocks,17 and 26, they both have there strengths and weaknesses. I am competent with both and carry any one of them on any given day. Buy what you like, learn how to use them and don't worry about what someone else says.
I myslef like Glocks quite a bit. I prefer SIG Sauers, but I think Glocks are more resistant to corrosion so I rely on them.

I dislike intensively the attitude of many Glock owners, however. I've spoken with too many that have a condescending attitude as if their pistols were the only design around. I don't appreciate snobbery from anyone. There's no such thing as a perfect pistol.

So many pistols, so little money.
I carry a G27 on a daily basis. I also have a G35 and I have owned the G22, G23, G17, and a G21.

I think Glocks are great combat handguns. However, the ergonomics are horrific (so I reduced the grips) and they don't cut it in the "match grade" accuracy department. They are also butt ugly. From the stand points of looks, accuracy, overall feel and "tradition", Glocks are losers.

I am going out in a few minutes and I will have my G27 in a paddle holster on my side. Why? Reliability, durability, and function. Any other questions?
TomB & Hemphill express it well. Reliability
is unquestionable, along w/durability. Accuracy and fit are my two major qualms. I am EAGERLY waiting on the single-stack M36, hoping it will stand out in those areas.
I'm a new shooter and Glock owner (M23) and enjoy it quite a bit. The weapon is for personal defense, so 25 yard, one inch groups are academic AFAIC.

So far, I can get decent COM groups up to 30 feet and it goes BANG when I pull the trigger....what's to hate?

I dont understand were all these stories of Glock reliabilty come from.On the range were I work I see a lot of them in the hands of students and casual shooters.The vast majority of them dont finish 100 rounds without at least one stoppage.This happens with factory ammo and even more with reloads. My so called outdated unreliable 1911 works with whatever I put in it most of which are reloads.We all know about the KB`S.I have all so seen a slide faliure on a 17 which happend for no apparent reason.They all seem to point high in my hand and the triggers are from hell.I would never spend the money on any Glock.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The vast majority of them dont finish 100 rounds without at least one stoppage[/quote]

TVN, I think you should rethink that statement if you want anyone to take you seriously.
"The vast majority of them dont finish 100 rounds without at least one stoppage"

SHHHH! Don't say this too loud...I don't want my Glock to hear it and decide to declare a work stoppage!
I love my Glock 26 much like one would love a good craftsman tool. It has proven itself reliable, durable (damn near indestructable), and very well built. While it leaves much to be desired asthetically, I have always believed form should follow function, and clearly Gaston Glock agrees. That is not to take away from the many fine pistols from both sides of the Atlantic out there. I am a range officer for a federal agency and have been exposed to many of them, and I must confess...I like most of them to greater or lesser extents. I think Ruger is one of the unsung heros in the autopistol market. Also very reliable and well built and a great price to boot, however it is the size of a boat anchor which has hindered its desireability in all but uniform officer appilications. I think, all things considered, Glock is one of the finest auto pistols ever conceived.
IMHO, part of this Glock envy/fear stems from the fact that the pistol seem to come out of nowhere to become the end-all, be-all to the handgun world.
Maybe it is and maybe it's not, but it has bumped a lot of other fine pistols and revolvers from shooters' hands, at least for last 15 years or so.
And two of its obvious characteristics, the reliability and 'ugly', different kind of appearance, only adds fuel to the flamin' fire.
I'm happy with mine. I just wish I had the time to shoot it more.... :)

...save the 2nd. No fate but what we make...
IMHO they are ugly guns. I have owned them and they functioned great. But darn ugly guns. I read somewhere that life is to short to have an ugly gun. Well I found that my Kimbers functioned flawlessly and that Kimbers customer service treated me fine.

Also, I love the Ruger P series. Everyone of the rugers i have will shot anyting that I can put in the magazine.

I know that I am from some old school of thought, but dang it, I like a good ole fashion hammer on my handguns. Both revolvers and semi-autos to me, just must have a hammer. My wife says I have a hammer hang-up and I guess I do.

Well that about does it for me.

God bless and keep ya'll all safe.

Judge Blackhawk

Goverment's ability to control is directly related to it's ability to disarm _ Judge B.
Tecolote hit the nail on the head. Glocks are great guns and in the corrosion resistance department, they may be the best. That having been said, there is no such thing as a perfect gun. Adam and Eve took care of that for us.

I think what irritates many is not the Glock but rather the unfounded arrogance of a few individuals.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."

[This message has been edited by Will Beararms (edited January 15, 2000).]
The only jam I have had in my Glock G22 was with a reload. Got the C.O.L. to long.Have never had a jam in the G35 and I shoot 90% reloads. No stovepipes or nothing.

My spring got bad in a mag. and messed things up one afternoon but I rebuilt the mag..

Sandbaged my G35 a few days ago and it shot 1 inch high and to the left. Two shots in almost the same spot. The second shot cut the left side of the first.

I thought my sights were off. Now I know it my eyes that are off.

Stay safe.
The one and only thing I don't like about Glocks is the grip angle. With the extreme angle, I tend to point way high. I don't have this problem with the CZ-75/1911/Makarov/P226, so that's more or less what I own.

What you've got here is Glockophiles and 1911ophiles. Each are somewhat bigoted. Personally, I like both, but neither is an end all, beat all.
I have never in the last seventy years been able to "love" or "hate" an inanimate object. Doc

Is that a pistol in your pocket or are you just glad to see me? .... Mae West
I have never in the last seventy years been able to "love" or "hate" an inanimate object. Doc

Is that a pistol in your pocket or are you just glad to see me? .... Mae West
A pistol is meerly a tool. The big difference between this tool and others is that it (pistol) MUST always work, and Glocks do! Stay Safe, Sam
GLOCKS are great, as are 1911's. I think people get into reliability problems with 1911's when they "trick" them out. By this, I mean they tighten up the pistol to produce match grade accuracy. Super tight guns run a greater risk of malfunction.

I shoot 1911's more accuratly than my GLOCK 21, but if I had the choice I'd carry the GLOCK. It's tough, highly combat accurate and extremely easy to use under stress.
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