Why does everyone here hate Glocks so much?

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I'm new to this board and have noticed a lot of negative references to Glocks in all kinds of posts. Is it because of polymer phobia or what?

I should also state that I am a satisfied Glock owner. Although I also have a 1911, and am a relativly new shooter, the differences in reliability (Glock vs. 1911) in my experience are startling! The Glock always comes out on top. That's why it's on the bed side table, relegating the 1911 to back-up status.

BTW, I'm not trying to start a flame war here. Just curious as to the Glock negativity. Thanks!

I'm the NRA.
new to this forum, but i doubt you will find too many critics of the glock, unless they are just trying to be contrarians.

everyone has their own preferences and experiences, but glocks are damn reliable, accurate pistols, i think that the statisics would bear me out. and this comes from a sig/hk man!

take care.....S
Mostly cosmetic.They are also too thick. I also have a preference for guns that are single action or double action. Do not like striker fired pistols and Double Action Only types.:-)
I steared clear of glocks because most didn't fit or feel right. I also didn't want to be a sheep following the herd. I am sure they are a decent gun but they didn'thave that special something that made them jump out at me. I like my SW99. It looked right from the first time I saw the advertisment and the first time I picked it up I was sold by the way it just fit my hand perfect. I need to run some more ammo through it before I am sold but so far so good. Ford-chevy chevy-ford and then there is mopar!
I think there is a fair balance of people who love the Glock here right? I'm one of them.

But I don't think that's the issue. For some time now, the esteemed moderator of this particular forum has been notably absent. Without proper manicuring, this forum has gotten slightly out of hand from weed-like threads that belong elsewhere, to threads that border trolling and should be carefully monitored.

I think this site has been properly upgraded to allow multiple moderators? If so, I recommend to the admins to consider adding another moderator or two here.

[This message has been edited by SB (edited January 15, 2000).]
It seems to me that when anyone is at the top of the mountain, someone always tries to knock you off. I can't think of any other handgun maker who wouldn't trade places with Glock's success in a heartbeat.

I think you've seen a very limited view of the overall posts regarding Glocks. Are you also a member of GlockTalk? I've noticed that there has been some negative behavior among both GlockTalk members and TFL members regarding "the best" handgun.

At any rate, Glocks are great weapons, tough, accurate, reliable. I know a very high percentage of TFL members are Glock owners--including me. As for Glocks being infinitely more reliable than 1911s??? I'd pit my 1911s round for round in a reliability test/torture test against any Glock.

I'm a fan of any firearm which is durable, accurate and reliable. :)
I like Glocks myself. Of course I like any quality firearm that was ever made. So mayby I'm not the best to answer this question.
Some people just prefer Apples to Oranges or Bananas to Strawberries. What difference does it make, choose what you like and can shoot and let everyone else do the same.
This post is in no way written in anger or otherwise, just my feelings. I'm sure that more than one of the TFLers will supporet my views here.
I try to support gunmakers in the USA. We are losing our rights to foreign a**holes like the UN and their Socialist ilk. I for one, will not buy a product that comes from a Socialist country, which, incidenty, Austria is one, as is Germany, Belgium and France. Just my feelings, though. One of the reasons the American gun companies are so small and are susceptible to lawsuits is because a goodly portion of American gun enthusiasts buy foreign products. If we spent more on our own soil, the US gunmakers would have more for R&D, stupid lawsuit defenses and would also therefore would make weapons of equal quality to the H&Ks and Sigs. They are your rights, this is your country. I don't spend my money to benefit countries that are rearing to help the UN restrict and possibly snatch my rights out from under me.

"If we spent more on our own soil. . .the US gunmakers. . . would make weapons of equal quality to the H&Ks and Sigs."

I have a problem with that statement. Sure I will choose an American-made product any time it's quality is highest (in my estimation). I DON'T believe that if we all buy american the gun manufacturers will suddenly start making better guns. Why would they? Gun-makers make what people buy, if they don't they go out of business. If their guns are selling like hotcakes, where is the incentive to make them better? On the other hand, if H&K's, SIG's, whatever, are selling like hotcakes, there is incentive to create a better product. It's competition. I don't believe H&K, GLOCK, SIG, and others are clamoring to restrict our gun rights. As long as I feel their products are better quality I will buy from them. Shake

[This message has been edited by Shake (edited January 15, 2000).]
You misunderstood my intentions. I do not want my money yo go to those companies because they are from Socialist countries. Hey, call me a Patriot! Any money I spend on their products goes into their economy. I cannot justify not giving it to my own people.
expresso-bongo, I'm not trying to flame, I just want what I buy to be the best (in my little mind).

I don't want my money going to socialists either, but with todays market, you never know where it's going. You buy a product made in Europe and find out that the materials were bought from south america, the tools to make it from the U.S., the laborers from Germany, and the engineering was done in Japan (????).

I think one of the best things we can do is contribute to organizations like the 2nd Amendment Foundation, NRA, GOA, etc. I wish dealers would give gun buyers the option of either joining the NRA (or pro-gun organization of their choice) for a discounted price, or rounding up five dollars on the purchase and contributing to an organization. (Midway does a great job of this) Shake
Greetings, I don't hate Glocks; although I
am a known Sig fanataic. I have owned three
Glock's; still own a Model 27. As a matter of fact, it's now my everyday carry gun.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

I understand your point, and I am in complete agreement with a %percentage% of the $$ going to Pro-2nd projects and organizations. Cool... I myself contribute to the NRA, and my local gun club.
I'll admit it. It was the polymer phobia thing that made me look elsewhere. Once I got my hands on that P239, it was destined to be mine. Glock hadn't done much with the .40 at that time. Gotta love the feel of hot metal when you pull that baby out from concealment, too :)

The Bible is my lawbook. I turn the other cheek when applicable, and spend the rest of my days resisting evil at every front, until I have breathed my last breath.
Expresso-Bongo, I find some problems with your arguments. First, Ruger is the largest firearms maker in the world, and is based in this nation and as such can put up a good legal fight. Secondly, Colt and Smith and Wesson had the pistol marked almost entirly to themselves for about 50 years, but did very little to improve their designs. If you doubt that, remember Colt almost went belly up when Springfield Armory first came out and produced a quality 1911 at a much lower price. Smith used to have the lions share of the police market in both its pistols and revolvers. Why did that change? Because they stagnated on two basic designs, the Model 10 and the model 59 series.
These events allowed Italian and Swiss companies to get military orders for their pistols, which withstood legal actions by both Smith and Colt. We then saw a change of events in the civlian market. The socialist produced pistols often had capacity and reliability advantages over or domestic products and quickly took over the civilian and police markets. Again this was because American companies grew fat off of the isolated American market.
So, if you wish to use the mantra of "Buy American to save American companies and prevent Socialism", realize that you are promoting a quasi-socialist program by altering the free market.
Finally, as to the Glock bashing, it seems to be primarily good-natured fun. Those that do take it seriously seem to know the least about firearms and believe that there exists a perfect pistol chambered for the greatest cartridge firing the magic do everthing bullet.

[This message has been edited by Hemphill (edited January 15, 2000).]
I make handgun ammo. I need guns for testing ammo. I do not care where a gun comes from, who makes it, how 'pretty' it is, or what it's made from. I don't even care how much it costs (within reason - I'm married).

All I care about is FUNCTION.

Does it function reliably: with all bullet weights? different recoil levels? in the extreme cold/heat? in dusty/sandy/rainy/snowy enviroments? different shooter grips/limp-wristed/death-gripped? safely?

I own one Glock M20). I own six Rugers. I own three EAA Witnesses. I own one Caspian.
I own other guns..........

I don't hate Glocks; I'm just not that impressed.
I am, however, impressed with Rugers.

But I carry a 1911.


"All my ammo is factory ammo"
I don't hate Glocks. They are a very good pistol. I have owned many (still own the G19). They are not the best pistol out there but very good. Its just that so many of their rabid fans make it so easy to get a rise out of them! Same way with the 1911. My Glocks will jam from time to time just like any othe auto. No its not because of limp wristing. Out of the box accuracy? Average at best! When I hear the Glocksters talk about how accurate the stock Glocks are I say to myself now theres a guy who hasn't shot alot! I wish it were true (I wouldn't have to buy all those aftermarket barrels). Then they say 3 or 4in groups at 7 yards?! Thats accurate? Get a life (or a Browning or Sig)!Anyway all joking aside thats what makes gun forums so much fun. Different opinions about different brands of firearms that we all love to fondle and shoot.I like TFL best because we chat about all brands and types of firearms.Now having said all that let me say....anyone have a CZ75 they want to trade for a Glock?Sig?etc...?I want one!
I do hate Glocks. It's not because I think they are a bad gun or not reliable or even all the stories about KB's I hear. (Never heard about one from someone it has happened to, so I think the rumors are a bit of hype and BS) The reason I hate Glocks is because they don't fit my hand, the trigger is is so different from anything else I shoot that I have trouble with accuracy, and since I am a machinist, a gun frame made of microwave safe material offends me. If you like Glocks, more power to you, but I would seriously doubt that Gaston's company will ever win me over.

"The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed." -Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist Papers at 184-8.

[This message has been edited by Puddle Pirate (edited January 15, 2000).]
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