why do you Kill ?

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Jan - why do I kill?

I have yet to get a live deer to get into my truck and ride home so I could have him for a nice meal. If I could get him or her to come home I bet it would be real hard to get the 4 legged fluffy 165 pounds of fun into the oven without a real battle. My God that created me put those sharp pointed teeth on each side of my upper mouth to help me eat meat. I love salads, tatters, and most green veggies, breads good too... but life without meat..... I would rather be on the wrong end of an M-203 with HE round at say.....250 meters..... Sorry I just love to be graphic......that is why I kill...... The normal average everyday hunter as I consider myself doesn't enjoy watching any living thing suffer........ I consider a very well placed shot with my 270 and a 130 grain Remington Core Lokt the way I can best make table fare. It also proves to be as humane way as I know. Sorry if I offended anyone :D
I shoot paper targets and clay targets too, but don't eat them. Hunting is more the challenge of finding and the food than it is the kill.

Where I hunt, deer populations are barely controlled by hunting. Overpopulation leads to starvation, predation, and excessive crop damage. Humane harvesting by hunters who kill quickly is one of the kindest methods of deer population control.

Just remember that without sport hunting to pay the bills, most game would not exist today. It would have been poached long ago. Hunters are the only ones who have footed the bill to preserve both game and non-game species.

Bottom line: If you don't buy a hunting license you don't help.

While true that overpopulation leads to starvation, overpopulation is a self-correcting problem. Why it is that we think that we need to replace nature is beyond me. We are hardly good stewards of the environment. Maybe it is out of guilt that we believe we need to hunt down certain populations of animals that strive toward overpopulation, such as deer. We have taken away many of their natural predators, reducing their available foraging range, and basically collapsing populations into smaller and smaller areas such that overpopulation can happen unnaturally easy.

Of course the concern of overpopulation turns to mush when it becomes evident that we only try to protect certain species from overpopulation, particularly those associated with sport hunting. When was the last time the lemming hunters went into action, locust hunters, or mouse hunters (as in Australia with the huge mouse population explosions that happen ever several years).

Why kill? Simple. Animals get pissy when you try to cut off meat cuts when they are still alive.
Deer meat tastes good plus there is the irritation of having deer come into the yard to eat Mrs. Meek's flowers, plus a small measure of civic duty. If we don't kill off more deer they are going to keep breeding to the point where they will be hitting even more cars and more people are going to die.

Its us against them I tell you! Us against them! :(

A Poem for You

I hear the screams
of the asparagus.
Dying in the afternoon
it wails as its green blood
drips hissing on the hot sand.

Before it gasps its last breath

"Take the onion instead of me."

(copyright 2005 by the author, all rights reserved)
This sounds like a anti gun thread

I have never to my knowledge killed another human being.
I am and so are you responsible for the deaths of many animals.
You eat meat I eat meat so animals must die for our stomachs.
It’s no different than people that hunt for food.
I hope to God that I never have to kill anyone, human that is. But if someone puts my life in danger or my wife’s I will kill them with out a thought, I might have feelings afterward but that’s life.
If you don’t like that answer then go and live in a state like New York with Hillary Clinton, she will get you want you want.
leather shoes and belts....... and

I guess I forgot a few things too........

I do love fine leather products....... My bill fold, my footwear, the belt that holds my holster (also leather) and pants up, shall I go on..? Cows and other animals made these available to the consumer. Yep someone - somewhere killed these animals too..... Am I getting through yet?

further more those paper targets were once minding their own business growing and making the woods a happy place for wildlife to live..... so I guess killing paper targets is murder too... :D
Why do you pay others to do your killing for you

Why do you start two threads on the same topic 5 minutes apart from each other
Yours is a question with which all hunters grapple at some time or other. In my opinion the best answer to it was contained in an article titled I Am a Hunter by the late author, Ed Zern, and which first appeared in Audubon magazine in 1972. More recently it was included in a collection of his works titled Hunting and Fishing From "A" to Zern (ISBN 1-55821-234-5).

Although primarily known as a sporting humorist (Mr. Zern's "Exit Laughing" column was a staple of Field & Stream magazine for years) this piece is a serious, thoughtful analysis of the question, and I urge you (and my fellow hunters) to read it. Mr. Zern gives eloquent voice to many of the things that I feel deep inside about hunting (and consequently, killing), but have difficulty verbalizing.

To him I raise my glass and say, Well Said!
must never have

it sounds like jan doesn`t eat deer chili, deer meatloaf, chops cooked 6 hours in homemade sauce. or a goose left pink on the bone so not to be tough. rabbit made in a welsh sauce. all the before replys are also good. i aslo bet that she has never stood in a tree @ 20 deg. during a hail ,snow storm. fingers frozen, and when a deer appears to be harvested, and i did, a 190 lb/6 point, with corn all the way to his mouth. it takes all you have to pull back the hammer on a 35. in a blind where the wind freezes your beard to your face ,you get up to walk, your feet half frozen and you fall and dislocate your shoulder. all of this and many more good days in the outdoors, and of my choosing. but to ask a question that may upset a few of the members of this fine site, it is like anything else in this world, you don`t have to do it if you don`t want to. like i`m sorry that i read this post, but i thought i`d put in my 1 cents worth. and no you can`t have any of my deer chili!!!!
and no you can`t have any of my deer chili!!!!
What if I trade you for some homemade beer or rootbeer.

My mom has a friend up north somewhere that sends her about 50lbs of moose meat each year.
You just can't buy that stuff at the grocer

was just in orlando over the xmas holiday. when i lived in deltona, i had a friend in debarry that made beer. except that he couldn`t make enough.
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I've done a little hunting when I was younger I may even hunt in the near future, it's a personal decision everyone makes but my question is with regard to trophy hunting.

If you harvest the largest and the best animals aren't you going to be reducing the chances of producing strong stock in future breeding cycles? I don't know enough about wildlife management to know if it's as simple as this.
If you harvest the largest and the best animals aren't you going to be reducing the chances of producing strong stock in future breeding cycles?
By thinning out the dominant older males you are also creating a larger gene pool by allowing the younger males to get in on the action
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