Why do gun owners vote for anti gun candidates?

pander to our fears of losing our Social Security handout,

Just wishing to point out for decades most of us have had money taken from us for SS, so any SS benefit we eventually may get is not a handout. If the government just wants to give me my money back, with interest, that would be fine with me.
Corn dodger said:
Antipitas made a good point about the 1st amendment, with it's loss, you lose the 2nd and more. But it is the Democrats that are going after the guns, I think we can all agree on that, although some very reluctantly. It's also the Democrats that are behind most of the "hate laws" that will soon morph into "hate speech" ala European style. There goes the 1A.
There is a slight problem with your analysis.

You have failed to note how many (most?) law and order Republicans have gone after the 4th and 5th amendments. And how the Courts have consistently backed the laws made to this end... Weakening the protections of those amendments.

You have also failed to note how under the Commerce Clause (and relying upon the elastic clause) the Congress now has control over most anything we can do (See Raich). What is to stop the Congress from passing a law that would disallow gun ownership/possession, for the conviction of certain "violent" misdemeanors not currently on the list? What is to allow that same law to be modified, albeit slightly, to include most all misdemeanor crimes as "violent" crimes? Thereby increasing the number of folks that cannot own/possess firearms? And after those two small steps, what would prevent a Federal Agency to implement regulations to enforce these laws? No court would strike these down as ex post facto laws (see Lautenberg).

This is not a "war" against the American people. It is simply the natural progression of Government. All Governments, everywhere. The founders warned us of this progression.

I don't even think that most of those in Congress, or the Executive see it this way. I believe they honestly (most of them) feel that they are merely trying to protect us... Sort of, useful idiots for the very Government they belong to.
Corn dodger said:
It ain't just Hillary. It's a conglomeration of the entire Federal Government.
People have been voting for anti presidents and so on for so long they don't know any difference. There hasn't been a pro gun president in nearly 50 years.
If there is one thing I have learned from this thread, is that everyone has a different approach to the same problem. When I think I have it figured out, one of our good friends comes up with an excellent counterpoint. (even our liberal friends...there, I was able to say it) Leaders in our government that write the laws of the land, may have good intent, or very malicious intent, but the effects are the same...errosion of our rights. Moreover, one thing that they tend to be that we are not, is organized. No matter what side of the fence you tend to roost on, we had better start doing the same...get organized.

When a Lion finds itself amonst a herd of zebras, it selects one individual at a time. If the Lion changes targets over and over, it will fail at making a kill on even one.

As most of us on this forum are concerned with gun rights, I think it would be a good idea to react as the Lion. Indeed there are many other freedoms to worry about. But as those rights were attacked one at a time, we had better try to regain them one at a time. Otherwise we will find ourselves in a herd of a hundred zebras and very confused. This is what the government wants. Divide and conquer. As we are all united on one front, lets try acting on that. A large group of united "single issue" voters can force staggering change. Much more so than a large group of fragmented voters arguing over a thousand issues. Get behind the NRA, as they are organized. CHEW ON THAT FOR A WHILE.
I am sorry also Redworm. But maybe the NRA does not support the candidates that reflect your beliefs, because none of them support your gun rights. Bill Richardson is pro gun. He is a Democrat. Is there not one....JUST ONE, of the crop of candidates that you can agree with that will not "gun" for your freedoms? This is something I am having a very hard time with. I know there are a lot of views out there. Left, right, up and down. But for some of us to just stand by and watch our gun rights destroyed, without so much as a blink. One of our founding fathers said..."So this is how liberty dies, with a thunderous applause."
Actually the only candidate that supports my beliefs is the only candidate that has publicly stated the second amendment is specifically designed as a final check on government power. So in fact he is the only one that truly supports "my gun rights."

And it was Queen Amidala that said that.
Actually it was a modified quote that George Lucas used from Will Durant (who was point in fact, not a founding father) But then Durant was not a pre Luke Skywalker either. :D
Have there been any successful resistances to loss of freedom in our country by successful armed revolt? Have rogue police and oppressive politicians been successfully made to give up what they were pursuing? I'm trying to compile a list, but I seem to find mostly failures. Could it happen today?