Why conceal carry?

I carry because I don't know.
I don't know when some angry drunk is going to come into my business looking for his wife and carrying a baseball bat. I don't know when some half-baked wanabe terrorist is going to decide to shoot up some public gathering. I don't know when some wigged out meth tweaker is going to go on a rampage swinging a machete. I don't know when a couple of gang-bangers are going to swing off the freeway and try a bash and run on my business. I don't know when some twisted pervert is going to threaten the safety of my six year old granddaughter.
Do I plan on any of these things happening? Do I have a fire extinguisher because I plan to have a fire? Do I wear a seat belt because I plan to have a collision?

I believe in what the NRA preaches: "The only defense against a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." It's easy to get stat's on gun crimes but impossible to get stat's on how many crimes were prevented by the mere presence of, or suspicion of a good guy with a gun. Concealed carry creates doubt in a bad guy's mind. The more prevalent CC the better & thus more effective.

...and as already been mentioned it's a mad, mad, mad, mad, world these days.
About 25-30 yrs ago the NRA published data from an "amnesty" from prosecution program in the state of California. They asked firearm owners to say whether they pulled a gun to stop a crime or stop aggression of bad guys. They also asked about carrying illegally. The numbers were huge...if memory is right about 1 million people reported pulling guns to chase bad guys off and never reported it. I've never heard this anywhere but as an NRA member it caught my attention.
I just grew up around firearms. Even the people in my family who didn't like guns owned multiple guns. Carrying a pistol wasn't any stranger than carrying a pocket knife. And I enjoyed firearms since I mostly associated them with great memories with people I loved and admired.

So I was already carrying firearms and predisposed to do so when I finally got a job that made me appreciate the real, practical reasons for doing so. But believe me, there are no shortage of reasons to do so that receive scant attention and even in "tough on crime" states like Texas, they are often out on bail for one violent crime when they commit the one that finally gets them sent away.
I've been CC since 09, I live a quiet peaceful life in rural Ohio and carry daily (LCP) as to why? My age has something to do with it and just the fact that I can does also.

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Why do I wear a helmet on the bicycle and motorcycle? Why have a PFD when in the kayak or the fishing boat? Why have insurance on valuable items you own?
Because things happen, unforseen events that I'd like to have a safety net for.
There are bad people walking around out there. There are mentally ill people, there are fanatics of many types that may cross paths with you at some point. Being able to defend yourself and your family just makes sense to me.
My reasons are purely philosophical. I've never been in a violent altercation of any kind, nor can I see any reason why I would be.

However, throughout history, free men have always been armed in the fashion of the day. In the past it was swords/knives. It was a symbol of freedom and responsibility.

I carry on the tradition. It's really that simple. I'm a free man who is responsible for his own family, and I act as such.
I do b/c I've been beaten up in a 5-1. It wasn't pleasant and there's no worse feeling in the world than knowing you're helpless.

I now have a family. I live in a safe enough place, and I don't expect anything to happen, but if I ever had to defend my young ones or wife, I'm not going to be one v. five with only my hands again.

It's recognition that there are human limits and if the rule of law breaks down in my nearest personal vicinity, having a firearm slightly extends those limits until safety can be reached or danger evaded.

For myself, no reason at all. I like to carry and that's about it. I don't believe I will ever need to protect myself from pretty much anyone. My kid spent several years talking me into it. He live's in the high crime area of Bend, Ore! His wife told me about a shooting in downtown Bend several years ago, getting ugly in Bend. I doubt either of them will ever have to use their gun. But now that I have got the thing, if that one in about six million chance come's up that I did have to protect myself I'd feel pretty foolish if I'd left the thing at home! Beside's, I like to carry it, did I mention that?
We have a natural right to self defense, and a firearm is the best method for doing so.

I disagree - your situational awareness so you can avoid situations that require a gun is the best method. Just like car insurance - you drive defensively, you use situational awareness to avoid accidents, not wait until you need to use it.
No CCW here-New Jersey. IMHO no different than having a firearm at home for SD, or having a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, etc. Or in the car. I was an Eagle Scout, what's the motto of the Boy Scouts ?-"Be Prepared!"
I've had my CCW Permit for a little over 20 years. I didn't carry, regularly, for the first 9 years. Then, a little over 10 years ago, four people approached me in a hotel parking lot with bad intentions. Fortunately, I was carrying that day.

I didn't have to fire. I just let them see that I was not going to be an easy victim.

I've been carrying, religiously, ever since.