Why aren't you a member of the NRA?

Considering we are now approaching 100 bucks for a tank of fuel, I don't think the $35 price tag is the major problem.

Many people, as shown here, are more interested in feeling "better" then an organization. All organizations, be it corporations, unions, or activists do not always make decisions everyone in the organization agrees with. If someone believes in the same "basic" principles of an organization, I don't understand the complaining from the outside stand. The only way to effect change is from the inside.

The world is made up of all types.
Except I think all gun owners ALSO need to join the NRA, the local shooting association ... and even the GOA if they have enough money left over. I haven't joined the GOA, but if I were in a better financial position I would.

Typical, I think alot of people fial to realuize that not everyone is not as well off finacily as they. I won't go into detials as that will serve to side track the discussion. The only reason I have mentionmed it all is becuase the above quotation made note of money left over to join a second organiztion. Some people don't have enough money to join the first one.

But with that said: Is still ask where the NRA was in 34, 68 and 198? Oh nevermind I remember now, They compromised becuase "non-sporting" guns had no place in civilian hands and some guns were better then none at all.
Let's say you've got a drunk uncle who comes begging for say, 35 bucks once a year. He says he'll mow the lawn, trim the hedges and get rid of the moles that are digging up the yard. Oh yeah, he also needs to borrow your pickup get gas for the mower and 'mole poison'.

Being a trusting soul, you give him your keys, the cash & 35 more gas, etc. Being Uncle Sop, he buys Stump Blower instead of mole poison; and instead of gassing the mower, he gets gassed himself. Six hours later he comes lurching down the street and parks your pickup in the neighbor's yard. You make apologies all around, offer to fix Fred's sod, etc. and once those fires are put out Uncle Sop gets pointed to the curb and booted in the ass to make sure he don't get his directions mixed up.

Well the wife gets to feeling sorry for him and starts calling relatives in an effort to find the old boozer a place to land. What she hears from most of them is that the old reprobate has done this to relatives far and wide. They have come to recognize his antics for what they are and they aren't interested in financing his excesses anymore- particularly since he's not getting done what they're paying him to do.

Your wife, in desperation, cries out "But 35 bucks ain't much money- he's the best drunk uncle we've got!" She's right on both counts perhaps, but I'm still not funding a a repeat of his last performance.

Anybody besides me see a parallel here?
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Should anyone be a member of the NRA? It's not like the NRA has a huge impact, result-wise. If stirring up the common consensus on guns is the goal, all it took was a single man in DC to file a complaint that he couldn't own a gun, and the entire country is listening in. NRA is a fan club, just as Disney has theirs for those who like Donald Duck. I'm never going to be a member of the NRA. I have however written the sucky governor of Wisconsin to tell him that he is despicable for his anti-gun blather. That makes more sense to me than paying a yearly membership and getting glossy pictures on guns I will never own (or whatever it is members get). Get real. Kick a politician in the nuts! If only 300 million Americans did that...
"Is still ask where the NRA was in 34, 68 and 198? Oh nevermind I remember now, They compromised becuase "non-sporting" guns had no place in civilian hands and some guns were better then none at all."

There you go again, spinning nonsense instead of sticking to the truth. Is the problem that you can't remember the facts as they've been presented to you in previous threads? Or that you simply don't like the truth?

O I like the truth. But your too blind to see that it protrays the NRA in a bad light. The NRA said in plain engl;ish it supported the 34 ban. It doesn't get much plainer then that. But you just keep believing what ever crap it takes to keep you happy.
What NRA? Ain't nothing like that in these parts. Never has been. I bought their sad stories years ago and paid my dues for a few years. Mean while back at the ranch we kept loosing most of our rights (and donations). There is not now nor ever has been any interest from the NRA to set up or sponsor any type of shooting activity locally. We hear much, but see little.
-I refuse to donate more cash to some "club" so they can build fancy museum while they tell their heart rendering stories how they going to save us all.
-The NRA has definitely made a bad impression in these parts. They take money like beggers and return nothing. Being ripped off once is enough.
I've been a member for years and will continue to be. I also belong to half a dozen other 2A groups. I agree that the NRA has many problems, but any group which represents more than 4m people interested in the same thing has to be of some use, and even in retirement I can find $35 to support them every year.

I keep thinking about an NRA with 20m or 50m members; we wouldn't be worrying about what 9 judges will be doing this year if that were the case.


when they kick at your front door, how you gonna come?
with your hands on your head or on the trigger of your gun?
If you have at least one gun and would like to keep it then you should be a member. Everyone that whines about this compromise or that concession needs to wake up and realize that the more members the NRA has, the fewer concessions they would have to make. You can find a few million members to support any group you want, but 30 million members is a force to be reckoned with. When a group with that kind of support behind it goes to Washington, politicians tend to listen if they value their positions, and I never saw a politician who didn't value that more than anything. Hell, Hillary herself would turn pro-gun if it would get her elected.

Does anyone really know just how many gun owners there are in this country? Not to mention the true liberitarians that may not own guns themselves but hate to see any rights taken away, you know, the kind that votes against smoking bans even if they are non-smokers because it's really a matter of personal liberty? There are many NRA members that have never held a firearm in their life and are fighting for your right to do so with their measly $35 and their name on the list. If you want to bitch about the few battles the orginization has lost without your support then frankly you just suck and really need to STFU.

Take a look at the bill of rights and see if you can find a single one that gets violated on a regular basis like the second does. We don't whittle away at freedom of the press with stupid laws. Hell, some Mormans get away with raping underage girls and call it freedom of religion. Maybe if we all formed a big church and worshiped our guns then we could be protected under TWO amendments. But then there would still be those who griped when the collection plate came around.:mad:
Hell, some Mormans get away with raping underage girls and call it freedom of religion.

Last I checked Warren Jeffs was arrested, charged, tried, and convicted. And is currently doing time in prison. Also last I heard the boy he married to the girl involved is now being charged as well; they simply waited so they could use his testimony in the Jeffs case against him in his own trial (yes, he was informed that this would be the case, and he testified anyway). Haven't checked back on how that's turning out.

So what exactly are you talking about?
You don't think this is the only example of this happening do you? There are numerous cases of the underage marrige thing going on for years in Utah and with local law enforcement as members of the same church nothing much gets done about it. Anybody see the story about the former Mormon woman who helps girls escape those situations?

Warren Jeffs got busted because the girl involved had the courage to make a fuss about it. There are still plenty of others too scared to say anything or stuck in a community where no one cares. Even those that buy into the religious garbage and are happy to be there are still victims under the law if they are underage.

I didn't join the NRA because I felt that they distorted the issues just the same as the Brady Bunch did but only 180 degrees away. I refused to be associated with a group that defined the word "spin."

With that said, once I started really digging into the Brady group, I realized that the only way to fight fire was to fire back. While I don't agree with the NRA at all times, I feel that they are the best equiped organization to counter act the lies and half truths that the Brady group spreads. If any one really digs into the crap the Brady group is spreading, I think its very obvious that the NRA, along with all of their faults, is our best friend for the continued existance of the RKBA.

I will be a member of the NRA until my death.